Chapter 346

"Bring something, I don't seem to have taken anything from you, right?"

Mingyue played him stupid, and Vegett would naturally do too.

Mingyue pursed her small mouth immediately, and said with a displeased expression: "Didn't you say it's OK, will you bring me delicious and fun things when you come back?"

"When did I say this?" Beijit's expression was stunned, and his face was confused: "I went out this time to complete the task assigned by the ancestor. It seems that I have never promised you such a thing. ?"

The two have been together for such a long time, and Mingyue doesn’t know where Vegett is pretending to be stupid, and immediately flies up bitterly: "Tell you to lie to me and kick you to death!"

Vegett chuckled and avoided her little feet, shaking his hands, there was already a bunch of candied haws.

"Huh? Candied haws, I want, I want!"

Mingyue couldn't bother to care about Begett immediately, and immediately rushed to the bunch of candied haws.

As a result, Vegett still smirked and drew away. He raised the candied haws in his hand and took a bite by himself: "Well, it's so delicious. I wanted to relieve someone of my greed, but she was so unbehaved. Want to kick me to death."

"Ahhh!!" Mingyue saw Vegett take a bite, feeling distressed as if he had been bitten by himself.

"Good brother, I was wrong. I was wrong just now. You are an adult regardless of a villain. Don't be familiar with my little girl!"

Mingyue was able to stretch and bend in front of Vegett, and immediately showed her little daughter's posture, and she acted spoiled again and again.

She knew that Vegett was the one who ate her the most.

Sure enough, she had just made such a move, and Vegett couldn't even stand it.

This little Nizi is already at the level of harming the country and the people at her young age, and she knows how to hold a man's heart. What about it when she grows up?

Vegett said that although he does not eat loli, he must keep good cabbage for himself.

After the two of them had a fuss for a while, Vegett finally brought out a lot of delicious food for her from time and space.

This is a typical foodie. After you have something to eat, you can put everything aside.

But Vegett didn't play with Mingyue for too long, he still had a task to complete.

Vegett took out the piece of paper that Mingyue had written about the interests of Fang Cunshan's disciples.

Zhao Zhishan, three generations of disciples, male sex, happy and beautiful, used to go down the mountain and fool around, did not think about practice, was forbidden by his master in the mountains for half a year.

When Vegeta saw this, he couldn't help but smile. It's normal for men to like women, and he didn't laugh at this.

But when he thought of something to be done later, he felt funny. He didn't expect that one day he would do such a thing.

In a cave mansion in Fangcun Mountain, Zhen Zhiping, who had had enmity with Vegeta, sat with several people, and Zhen Zhiping's expression was obviously a little gloomy.

"Did you find out clearly? He came back this time, did he complete which task?" Zhen Zhiping was a little fidgeted and looked at a disciple next to him.

That disciple was also one of the few people who had fought with Beijit and Sun Monkey, whose name was Yan Shanhe.

Yan Shanhe sighed lightly and said: "After he went down the mountain before, I sent someone to look for him and learned that he had been in Qingxia Kingdom for half a year. In half a year, he treated many serious illnesses as a genius doctor. Suffering, now has the belief of all peoples, and enjoys the incense of all peoples."

"In other words, it took him only half a year to complete the third task assigned by the ancestor?" Another disciple Zhou Xingyu took a breath.

For him, this is simply unimaginable.

Yan Shanhe shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's more than that. In the genius doctor temple built for him by the Emperor Qingxia, he built his own statue with ling spar. I am afraid that he wants to complete the small item of stone psychic."

Zhen Zhiping's face was even more gloomy, and he said viciously: "Why is Patriarch unfair? We are also punished. Now we can't even go out of the cave, but he can avoid punishment and still have the opportunity to become a disciple in the room."

"No, you can't let him succeed! Since he has completed the task of collecting faith and stone psychics, I am afraid that he will complete the second task first when he comes back this time."

"Although we have already passed anger with other brothers and sisters before, most of them promised that they would never support Vegett to become a disciple. However, Shanhe, you will send someone to remind them, lest some people change their minds temporarily!"

People who can sit together are naturally similar in temperament to Zhen Zhiping, and they are not broad-minded people, otherwise they would not have laughed at Beijit and Monkey Sun together.

Now that he heard Zhen Zhiping's words, Yan Shanhe immediately nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will let you know! Brother Zhen, don't worry, even if Vegett has completed all other tasks, the second one will never pass. As long as there is one item If he can't complete it, he won't be able to become a disciple!"

The others also nodded, but they were not happy at all.

In any case, they are only third-generation disciples. It is very difficult to become true disciples, and it is even more extravagant to enter the room as disciples.

But now, people who have hatred with them want to easily become disciples in the room, how is this possible?

Of course, the word "easy" is what they think people who only look at the results of other people's labor, not the process.

How do they know how much work Vegeta put in to complete the task?

Not to mention these for the time being, when Zhen Zhiping and the others were planning to make trouble, Vegeta was in front of a valley of sweet-scented osmanthus.

Beget standing under an osmanthus tree in a blue robes, let the osmanthus flowers blown off by the breeze fall on his shoulders.

Right in front of him, in the valley, Zhao Zhishan, who was disheveled, walked out with a face of contentment.

"Uncle Beijit, you still know me!" Zhao Zhishan had a wretched smile on his face, and he was still interested.

Vegett smiled and said, "For a long time, I will get tired of facing a face. If you are willing to support me wholeheartedly, after I become a disciple, I will send you two new dolls."

Zhao Zhishan patted his chest and said solemnly: "Please rest assured, if the Patriarch let us vote, I will definitely be on your side."

Vegett smiled and nodded, then turned and left step by step.

Zhao Zhishan looked at him from behind until no one was visible. After hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but rushed into the valley.

In the depths of the valley grass, there was a humanoid doll made of some kind of leather.

It's just that this humanoid doll looks no different from a real person at first glance.

And she was still a beautiful fairy with an Angel-like face and a devil-like figure.

Before long, deep in the grass, there was a faint sound of breathing...*

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