Chapter 347 Patriarch is summoning disciples

After leaving Zhao Zhishan, Vegett took out the rice paper from his sleeve and glanced at it: "Zhu Nanguo, male, sexually addicted to alcohol, no alcohol but not happy... good alcohol? This is much simpler."

The doll of Zhao Zhishan before, of course, was made by Vegeta according to the kind of things that cannot be treated for outsiders in later generations.

As for how it was made and what materials were used, Vegett didn't care about it.

He just found a craftsman with top craftsmanship and explained his requirements to the other party in detail.

The craftsman spent a month making several different styles of dolls for Vegett.

The ones that were given to Zhao Zhishan just now were the ones that Vegett thought were of the most average quality, and the rest were naturally still lying in Vegett's time and space.

Of course, even if it's only of average quality, there is no better gift than Zhao Zhishan, who is locked in the mountains and can't leave, but is not happy.

Just by looking at the other person's face full of spring breeze just now, Vegeta knew that this person was ready.

What he didn't know was that not long after he left, a little Taoist in his twenties came to the valley where Zhao Zhishan was.

The little Taoist shouted into the valley: "Brother Zhao, are you inside?"

He yelled several times, and after waiting for almost half an hour for the future generations, he was impatient and ready to leave.

It wasn't until this time that Zhao Zhishan, who was a little disheveled, walked out with an ugly expression.

"Something?" Zhao Zhishan grumbled.

Just when he was doing good deeds, he was suddenly yelled by the little Taoist priest, and Haoxuan was not scared to withdraw.

I thought that if I didn't say anything, the other party would leave soon. How could I think that this little Taoist priest was so persevering and kept shouting for so long without stopping.

Even if Zhao Zhishan didn't want to come out, he was no longer in the mood to continue, so he could only put on his clothes and walk out in a hurry.

In this way, it is strange that he can have a good face.

"Brother Zhao, Brother Zhen Zhiping, Senior Brother Zhen hopes that you can distinguish between Vegeta and Vegeta for the sake of the same game." The little Taoist bowed his hand slightly and said seriously.

"Same door?" Zhao Zhishan thought about the other dolls of Vegeta, and made up his mind. He waved his hand and said, "What choice I make is my own business. I don't need him to teach him by Zhen Zhiping. Go fast, don't delay. Time for me to practice."

Seeing his decisive back, the little Taoist looked confused: "What's the situation?"

After Vegeta came to Zhu Nanguo, he learned that Zhen Zhiping is now sending his cronies to visit three generations of disciples, trying to isolate himself.

With Zhen Zhiping's method, he can only win others by relying on the so-called fellowship.

So Vegett didn't take this matter to heart at all.

For this situation of wanting others to do things, but not willing to give benefits, Vegett could not find any other emotions except mocking.

After conquering Zhu Nanguo with highly distilled spirits, Vegeta set out again.

The same door who likes to eat, gave him all kinds of snacks.

The same door, who likes to play, gave him various toys.

The same door who likes beauty, gave her all kinds of cosmetics...

In short, it is to prescribe the right medicine and do what it wants.

Before going down the mountain, Vegeta had already thought of this plan.

He asked Mingyue to list the interests and hobbies of many disciples, so that he could prepare these things after going down the mountain.

With his insight from later generations, he has seen a variety of novelties in the Dragon Ball world.

As long as you find a group of craftsmen and ask them to build them according to their own needs, there is basically nothing that will not be bought by Vegett.

Although it was a bit more cumbersome, Vegett could only work out a little for the abilities of Bodhi ancestors.

Among the more than 300 people visited, nine out of ten were conquered by his thoughtful gifts.

The so-called short-handed, short-mouthed cannibalism.

The disciples who received the gifts all slapped their chests and promised that as long as the Bodhi Patriarch asked them to vote, they would definitely support Vegett firmly.

For these disciples, Vegett's improper discipleship had no effect on them.

Now being able to benefit from Vegeta, showing his attitude a little bit is just icing on the cake.

If he can make a good impression on Vegeta, and if Vegeta becomes a disciple in the future, he may be able to treat them more preferentially, and even teach them some tricks and magic tricks, that will make a lot of money.

In comparison, the small number of disciples who refused the kindness of Vegeta but were actually loyal to Zhen Zhiping, they all could actually understand.

So when I refused, I gritted my teeth and dripped blood in my heart.

Of course, Vegett did not force it, anyway, of nearly 500 disciples, more than 300 have already expressed their opinions, and the rest can no longer affect the overall situation.

So, after finishing all this, Vegett smiled and knocked directly on the door of Bodhi Ancestor's Cave House.

After a while, the quaint wooden gate was artificially opened.

The ancestor Bodhi took the lead, followed by the little girl Mingyue, and even the ancestor Bodhi made a face at him with a sweet smile on his back.

"Let's go!" Bodhi Patriarch gave Vegett a faint look.

He didn't say anything more, so he went to the Yuntai outside first.

Vegett was not surprised that he knew what he was coming from, the old guy knew everything about the troubles on the mountain.

I'm afraid that even Zhao Zhishan's deep in the grass knows everything, it just depends on whether he wants to care.

Therefore, Vegete was considered to be under the eyelids of the ancestors of Bodhi, and blatantly bought the same door, but he did not have the slightest scruples.

After all, the ancestor of Bodhi should give him the task to make more than half of his disciples respect and love him, but he did not say what means to use.

Of course, if they were only buying with gifts, those disciples would love him at most. Even if they all supported him as a disciple, I am afraid that Bodhi Patriarch would not approve it.

Of course, Vegett has his own ideas, gifts are just a stepping stone, and the real good show is about to begin now.

Soon, the ancestor of Bodhi took Vegeta to the cloud platform outside, took out a small bell from his arms, and rang it gently.


The sound of a bell that was not ear-splitting clearly spread throughout Fang Cun Mountain, and immediately shocked everyone.

"This is……"

"The Patriarch is summoning the disciples, hurry over!"

"As long as you hear this bell, unless you are in retreat, your disciples must rush to gather at the first time!"

After hearing the bell, all the disciples moved.

Those disciples who understood the meaning of the bell also explained it to the disciples who did not understand, and at the same time pulled them quickly to the place where the bell came.

At first, Vegeta didn't quite understand what Bodhi Patriarch wanted to do, but when the disciples arrived in twos and threes, he soon figured out.

The ancestor of Bodhi wanted him to complete the task in full view, perhaps to put pressure on him, or perhaps to rectify his name after completing the task. *

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