Chapter 353

"True Essence and Spirituality, the stub will not leak; the heart must not be lustful, as if the ice is clear and does not move; the moon hides the jade rabbit and the black crow, the turtle and snake are intertwined; the life is as strong as stone, but it can be fired. Chinese golden lotus..."

Vegeta wanted to write down the avenue of Bodhi Biography first, but slowly understand it later.

Who would have thought that the Taoism and characterization of Bodhi, deep into the soul of Vegeta, are so thorough and clear that it is not easy to forget.

The immortal sutra is very long, and it is about the method of inner alchemy and the essentials of practice.

The mystery of taking heaven and earth, the mystery of invading the sun and the moon, is very magical.

It took several hours for him to pass the scriptures.

Bodhi's face was tired and said: "This is the great-grade heavenly immortal formula, but it is my secret. The senior brothers before you have their own predestined methods, so they have not been able to learn it."

"In other words, among these three realms, now only you, my master and apprentice, have learned this fairy sutra. You need to practice diligently and don't lose its reputation."

Vegett said with joy: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely make this immortal sutra a great master, and I won't let you down."

When he finally got what he wanted, Vegett couldn't help but feel a little overjoyed.

Just looking at the leopard, from a few words you can know the unpredictability of this fairy Scripture, but Beget is not happy.

Bodhi caressed his beard and smiled and said: "So, you can go by yourself. Don't tell anyone about today's affairs. In addition, I will preach in the academy for the teacher tomorrow morning. Come and listen to you tonight. Think about it for yourself first."

Beiji nodded, and after a salute, he left.

Bodhi just taught him the exercises. Naturally, he has to wait for him to learn something about magical powers.

To put it simply, learn to walk first, and then talk about whether you can run or jump.

But Vegett believes that even if he can't match Son Goku.

But if one method is universal, his ontology has reached a very high level.

Although it's just a clone and needs to start from scratch, it will definitely be quick to cultivate with experience.

Leaving Bodhi's cave house, he found that Mingyue was guarding outside, yawning again and again.

I forgot the time when I was preaching. It was late at night and I didn't expect Mingyue to be here.

"Have you been waiting for me?" Vegett gently hugged the little girl from behind.

"Yeah!" Mingyue was taken aback. After she found out that it was Vegeta, she patted her chest and said, "It scared me to death. Why are you walking without a sound?"

Vegett scratched the bridge of her nose and said with a smile: "You didn't find me because you were too engrossed. Do you want to know what happened inside?"

Mingyue smiled, pulling on Vegett's sleeve and said: "Yes!"

As she said, she still showed a look of expectation.

The ancestor Bodhi had just accepted Vegett as a disciple in the room, and he spent several hours in the quiet room. Even the stupid people knew that something must have been passed on.

Vegett pinched her little Qiong's nose and said, "Don't even think about it, I promise the ancestors will not spread the word, you will die of this heart."

"I hate it!" Mingyue realized that Beijit was deliberately catching her appetite, and suddenly flew up and said, "I kicked you to death!"

"Hey, come if you have the ability!" Vegett dodges and ran away immediately.

"Don't run!" Mingyue Sayazi chased up, still carrying a very corrupt expression on her face.

After a while, Mingyue was rushed back to sleep by Vegett.

On the other hand, Vegete returned to his home, and began to meditate on the formula of the Great Grade Tianxian Jue in his heart.

The characters engraved in his soul began to shine, absorbing the aura of the outside world madly, becoming more and more dazzling, as if there was something to be bred from the characters.

In the meantime, Vegeta deliberately counted the numbers.

I found that the entire scripture contains three thousand words, no more, no less, which coincides with the number of three thousand avenues.

Moreover, there are three thousand words, and every one of them cannot be missing.

Once it is missing, it is as if a big dragon has been cut in two and cannot be renewed.

Three thousand characters exude immeasurable light, and each character is like a door.

Vegeta had a faint feeling, every time he opened a door, it represented that he had gone further in the cultivation of the Great Grade Celestial Immortal Technique.

If you want to cultivate to the highest level, you have to open all three thousand doors.

It's just that even though he has obtained the practice now, he still has a lot of confusion about the cultivation system of this world.

It is not so easy to want to start practicing in retreat like this.

Although it's not that you can't force cultivation, but doing that is half the effort.

When the time comes, great efforts will be made, and the progress of cultivation will be very slow, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Beget remembered that before he left, the ancestor of Bodhi had stated that he was going to preach on the altar, and he wanted to explain to him the basics of the world of cultivation.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry to practice, but he has learned the Great-Rank Heavenly Immortal Jue from beginning to end, so that he knows it well.

And this process, unexpectedly passed all night.

When he recovered, the sky was clear, and the time for the ancestor of Bodhi to open the altar to preach was not far away.

Soon, the sky was bright.

In the school, five hundred disciples gathered, sitting or standing, already gathered.

Obviously, the Bodhi preaching was not only called Vegeta.

However, the time of Bodhi's preaching is not fixed. In many cases, it is caused by a certain disciple.

This time it was because of Vegett.

Vegeta has just started to get started and has not yet practiced. The teachings taught today must also be the basis for getting started. Many disciples must have heard of it more than once.

But even so, the basics that can come have come.

Even if it is the basics of entry, every time the disciples listen to the lecture, they will have different gains.

When Vegeta came, Bodhi ancestor had already been sitting on Sendai, his eyes closed like an old monk entering concentration.

Vegett was not the last to arrive, but he was almost there, even the grandson monkey arrived earlier than him.

Sun Monkey saw him and beckoned from a distance.

A seat was deliberately reserved for him beside him.

Of course, these two monkeys were isolated in the past.

That is to say, when Vegeta came back in the past two days, many disciples had a great change, and even the treatment of taking the grandson monkey was much better.

No, as soon as Vegeta came in, he saw many disciples nodding to him.

Vegett also nodded in return, and walked straight to the seat next to Sun Monkey and sat down.

The two monkeys just made eye contact, but did not speak.

The atmosphere of studying here has made Sun Monkey a lot more honest.

On the other hand, Vegeta was thinking about the Dapin Tianxian Jue, and he didn't have much to say to Sun Monkey.

It didn't take long for the disciples to arrive, and Bodhi finally opened his eyes.

"What we are talking about today is the way of the immortal, the way of the earth and the immortal..."

Bodhi has no nonsense, nor any prelude, and directly enters the topic. *

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