Chapter 354

Bodhi preaching, from shallow to deep, subtle to subtle.

At the beginning, I talked about the way of immortality, words like jade, thought-provoking, and sentences like bells, fascinating.

Then gradually talked about the way of the earth immortal and the way of the heavenly immortal.

When it comes to the heavens, golden flowers descend from the sky, golden lotuses spring from the earth, and the chanting of the holy scriptures faintly sounded.

The rise of Bodhi, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, demons, gods, and demons elaborated one by one.

At the top of the dojo, there was a ray of light, a demon-like atmosphere, and a black mist...

With the immortal scriptures in hand, those who are new to cultivation will enter the realm of immortals.

Renxian, also called Fanxian, is the lowest level practitioner in this world.

Generally speaking, the monks walking in the mortal world and the little monsters and monsters in the mountains and forests are basically in this state.

After the human immortal is the earth immortal, he first involved in magical magic.

After the earth immortal is the heavenly immortal, the mainstay of the immortal world, the basic combat power.

After the heavenly immortal, it is the golden immortal, but Bodhi has not talked about it for the time being.

Bodhi analyzed in detail the differences between the human immortal, the earth immortal, and the heavenly immortal, as well as the performance of strength in that realm.

After finishing the talk, the topic changed and talked about Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, demons, and the different manifestations of different systems.

Many disciples can only understand a small part of the teachings of Bodhi either because they do not have a realm or their vision.

I heard more about it, so I had to choose to memorize it first, hoping that I might understand it by myself in the future.

Vegett’s understanding of this aspect is much stronger than that of many native-born disciples.

No way, he is standing on the shoulders of giants.

The realm and vision may not be enough here, but there is noumenal experience in strength, and many novels that have been read in previous lives in vision, so it is easy to understand.

For these theoretical knowledge, he absorbed like a sponge frantically, supplementing his ignorance of the basic setting of this world, and gradually perfected it.

What followed was that after viewing the Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Jue last night, a lot of fog gradually dissipated.

The characters engraved in the soul once again exudes infinite divine light, brighter than last night, as if to give birth to something.

In this situation, Vegeta could not help but enter a state of enlightenment.

The glowing characters in the soul are also reflected outside his body.

The disciples who were originally listening to Bodhi's sermon discovered that Vegett's body was shining, flashing every now and then.

"This...what's the situation?"

"He seems to be cultivating? The ancestor preached, did he go on a desertion?"

"No! This...this seems to be enlightening!"

"Impossible! Patriarch only accepted him as a disciple yesterday. Even if he preached the Dao Fa that day, he wouldn't be able to get started so quickly, let alone enlighten the Dao now."

The disciples talked a lot, their voices became louder and louder and noisier.

The Bodhi Patriarch who was preaching was also interrupted, and his unpleasant gaze suddenly turned around.


When he saw what happened to Vegett, he couldn't help but let out a shock.

After careful induction, a gratified smile suddenly appeared.

"Quiet!" The ancestor Bodhi waved to the disciples: "Let’s preach today, no one can disturb Vegett. When he is finished, he will go back and continue preaching."

The words of the ancestors of Bodhi are also a final word, confirming the fact that Vegeta is enlightening the Tao.

Many disciples were still questioning that Bodhi Patriarch preached the Dharma the first day he received his disciples. Judging from his preference for Vegett, this is barely acceptable.

But on the second day after teaching Dao Fa, Vegett not only introduced Dao Fa, but also entered the enlightenment. What kind of evil is this?

Zhen Zhiping, who had previously had a nasty relationship with him, can't be said to have a gloomy look at this time, but his mind is also extremely complicated.

Such amazing talents are basically hopeless for revenge.

In the future, I was afraid that I would take a detour if I really wanted to see Vegeta, and it would be impossible to offend him again.

Zhen Zhiping exchanged eyes with Yan Shanhe and the others, and they both left the school in a depressed mood.

The grandson monkey who cared about Vegett most was worried at first.

Hearing what the Bodhi Patriarch said, knowing that this is a good thing for Vegeta, I felt relieved.

He deliberately wanted to ask about the situation, his eyes rolled around a few times before chasing a certain disciple.

"Good monkey head, you really gave me a big surprise as a teacher."

"I'm afraid I will wait for Goku to learn the way, but that's all there is to it then, right?"

The ancestor of Bodhi gave Vegeta a relieved look, waved a barrier for him, and then turned and left.

Naturally, Vegeta didn't know what was happening outside.

Hearing the preaching of Bodhi ancestors, he felt like he saw the blue sky aside from the clouds and mist, and he fell deeply into it before he knew it.

At this time, the characters in the soul were shining brightly, making him bathed in divine light, and he felt inexplicable.

It seems that he has understood something, but it seems that he hasn't.

After all, for him, this is a new cultivation system.

If it is to practice ordinary Daluhuo exercises, he can get started in minutes.

However, the start of the Dapin Tianxian Jue was too high, and he did not have a deep understanding of the cultivation system.

Waking up at the point of preaching by the ancestors of Bodhi, it is now in the stage of impending progress.

The whole process lasted for a whole month.

Vegett sat in the school, maintaining his original posture for a full month.

The three thousand characters in that soul originally just faintly felt like three thousand doors.

At this moment, in front of his eyes, it was really turning into gates filled with immortality at an extremely fast speed.

Vegeta felt that the first of these three thousand doors could be opened, as long as he pushed it gently.

However, when he was about to open the first door, a trace of panic appeared in his heart inexplicably.

It seems that once this door is opened, bad things will happen.

Vegett did not force him regardless of the consequences. After considering it for a while, he still chose to stop practicing and quit the state of cultivation.

It wasn't until this time that he understood that it was different from all the celestial scriptures in the world.

The Da-Rank Tianxian Jue does not have multiple levels, no route for the movement of meridians and immortal energy, and it has nothing to do with the current realm division.

It exists independently, does not belong to any system, and is a group of its own.

The entire scripture, three thousand characters, is three thousand doors.

A few doors can be opened, and after practicing, there will be a few doors that can draw the aura of the outside world for him and replenish himself.

To practice this fairy sutra, you can completely ignore the so-called delimitation of the realm of heaven, earth and man.

As long as the practice time is long enough and the door can be opened continuously, the strength will be unlimitedly improved, and finally it will be directed towards the holy way.

In a daze, Vegett seemed to understand why Sun Monkey could become a hegemon in three years.

It turned out not only because of genius, but also because this fairy scripture is too defying. *

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