Chapter 355

A total of three thousand doors, each door is equivalent to oneself.

As long as you can keep refining and opening the door, you can get a certain multiple of your practice efficiency.

For example, if he can open three hundred doors, then every time he cultivates, he absorbs the spiritual energy of refining, which will be three hundred times that of ordinary himself.

If one's genius reaches the level of genius, then the practice will be equivalent to the practice of three hundred geniuses, all of which belong to me.

It's hard to imagine.

Ordinarily, he should be ecstatic with such a powerful practice of the fairy Scriptures.

But over time, the panic that caused him to stop continuing to practice gradually turned into inexplicable horror, causing his heart to tremble slightly and opening his eyes.

"The inexplicable panic turned into an inexplicable panic, an uncontrollable heart trembling, as if something ominous was about to be imposed on him." Vegett took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Perhaps, it was because the clone's bearing capacity was not as strong as that of the body.

He believed that if the ontology faced such a situation, he would definitely not say anything, and first push the door open to see the situation.

But the current clone has a weaker soul.

In that inexplicable panic, he still couldn't help shrinking.

"Forget it, go and ask the master!"

Vegeta stood up from the futon, found himself still in the school, and immediately walked out.

Soon, Vegeta came to Bodhi Patriarch's cave house and saw the Bodhi Patriarch who was meditating.

The ancestor Bodhi seemed to know that Vegeta had a problem and looked at him in silence without speaking.

"Master, cultivating the Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Art, can there be bad consequences?" Vegett raised his eyes and asked.

Bodhi nodded and said: "Just like Yang Jian's eighty-nine profound arts, all quick exercises between heaven and earth have bad consequences, that is, catastrophe."

Vegett changed slightly: "Then, what is the catastrophe I need to face?"

The ancestor Bodhi looked solemn and said slowly:

"Ordinary immortals, the three plagues are reduced, and almost all of them are more than 60% sure that they can survive. For example, Yang Jian, relying on his strong will and spirit, has survived one disaster after another."

"But after you have practiced the Great-Rank Heavenly Immortal Jue, how many benefits you gain when you practice, how many times the risk will increase in response to disasters."

"In other words, when the door is officially opened, you will be in the shadow of death for life. If you can't go forward courageously, there is only a dead end."

Vegett's neck was slightly cold, and if he could refine three hundred doors in the future, it would be equivalent to three hundred talented fellow practitioners.

Then when the three plagues come, you will have to face three hundred times the disaster.

How can we survive this increase?

If he died in the catastrophe, his soul clone would also be abolished.

When the time comes to plan and work hard for so long, everything will be useless.

Even though Vegett had always been fighting in the Dragon Ball world, he had always been invincible at that time.

He was in the shadow of death all his life, except for facing Beerus at the beginning, he really hadn't felt the shadow of death.

So even if he heard the news, he still couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

After a long period of silence, Vegett asked: "There must be a way to deal with it? For example, the art of change in the gods and earth?"

Subhuti nodded and said, "Yes, the 108 magical powers of the gods of heaven and earth are specially created to avoid the three plagues. However, even if you learn these magical powers, the difficulty of overcoming the three plagues is infinitely greater than that of ordinary immortals. Times."

"Moreover, the most critical point is that unlike the immortal's three plagues once every five hundred years, every time Yang Jian practices, the three plagues will fall. Your three plagues don’t know when they will start or when they will fall. No trace, unprepared, unpredictable."

Vegett's heart trembled and his teeth were slightly cold.

I have to say that he was really frightened.

In the past life, he saw it very thoroughly.

What a person wants to own must pay the corresponding price.

Now the Great Grade Celestial Immortal Art is in his soul, and if he wants to cultivate this unimaginable immortal scripture, he has to bear the price of being catastrophic and suffering disasters and souls flying away at any time.

It's fair, but it's unacceptable for a while.

Even if he was just a soul clone, he didn't want to experience this terrible shadow of death.

After all, he has great strength himself, why do he practice self-masochistic practice in order to have more abilities?

"You haven't refined the door yet. You still have a choice. It's all up to you whether you cultivate or not." Bodhi Patriarch said lightly.

Since Vegett entered the door, he could tell at a glance that Vegett had not opened the first door.

However, Vegett hesitated and hesitated.

But in fact, his answer is definitely not to shrink back.

Even Sun Monkey can overcome all obstacles and cultivate the Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Art.

He traversed the chaos with his physical body and came from the void. Isn't he inferior to an aboriginal?

He was just taken aback by the setting of the Great Grade Celestial Immortal Jue, thinking that after practicing, he couldn't stand it up.

Of course, along with it, there is a deep stimulus.

This may be the life that suits him best, and that suits Saiyan's life, so he shouldn't be stuck on it like before.

Thinking of this, Vegett held his head high, his gaze was firm, and he stubbornly said: "The catastrophe will rise, and my generation will be overwhelmed by thorns and thorns, fighting the sky and the earth, and going forward! If you don't even dare to practice a fairy Scripture, how can you talk about cultivation? Talk about longevity? Talking about the ambition of the hegemony? If the three plagues are approaching, you don't need to show your timidity. The left and right are just deaths, so why be afraid to come!"

The calm lake of Bodhi Patriarch's heart was rippling, stroking his palms and laughing, and his voice sounded like thunder: "Well said, don't be afraid to come! Veget, in the Three Realms, there are very few transparent characters like you. . However, you don’t have to panic too much. As long as you don’t slack in your practice, the world cannot accept you."

Vegett nodded and said, "Master, can you explain to me the Dapin Tianxian Jue, let me know more about it."

The ancestor of Bodhi would not refuse, and said slowly:

"The Dapin Tianxian Secret Art contains the law and Dao that I have accumulated in countless Yuanhui. Every door is a kind of law and avenue. Three thousand doors are 3,000 law principles and avenues."

"Every time you refine a door, it is equivalent to an extra self who is practicing the profound meaning of different avenues, and the speed of practice will double. Strictly speaking, there is only Avalokitesvara’s other free immortal scriptures in the Three Realms. Look forward to it."

"Starting from the lower class people, every breakthrough can open 80 doors, and every time you refine the first door of the next realm, you can get a breakthrough again."

"When you open two thousand eight hundred doors, you can become the supreme position of the Three Realms. When you can open three thousand doors and refine the three thousand avenues, the three thousand doors will turn into the inner universe in your body, the cultivator Self-contained the Way of Heaven, equivalent to the Way of Heaven in the Three Realms."

"Since then, you will have great detachment and great freedom. In the Three Realms, there is no longer any existence that can surpass you."*

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