Chapter 356

After listening to Bodhi, Rao Vegeta also felt shocked.

Unexpectedly, the end of this great-grade Heavenly Immortal Secret Art actually pointed directly at the Heavenly Dao Saint.

Vegeta asked with a little curiosity: "Master, how many avenues have you refined?"

"You can't speak, you can't speak!"

Bodhi raised his head, his gaze seemed to have broken through the stone wall, reaching thirty-three days away.

Vegett said again: "After refining the avenue of three thousand laws, will the combat effectiveness reach the level of the heavenly path?"

"No!" Bodhi shook his head and said, "The Three Thousand Refining Avenue is not the end, but a starting point."

"At this level, you have the same identity as the Heavenly Dao, but it doesn't mean you can defeat the Heavenly Dao. It's like two mortals with the same fruit status, but different combat effectiveness."

"How about a saint?" Vegett asked again.

Bodhi did not speak, or even write, but an incomparably hidden spiritual will spread.

"It has the power to kill the saint, but it's hard to say whether it can kill the saint."

"Because there are many factors that can cause a change in the battle situation. For example, the heavenly path will support the saint, which will infinitely weaken your power. For example, you have only refined the avenues, but you can't use every kind of avenue to perfect the fire..."

Vegett nodded secretly, but couldn't help but admire in his heart.

The existence of the Bodhi Patriarch once again refreshed his imagination, only being able to condense the gates of the three thousand avenues and create the supreme celestial sutra of Dapin Tianxian Jue. In terms of cultivation, it is no less than the existence of a saint.

However, judging from his unwillingness to contaminate cause and effect, and not want to defy the way of heaven, Bodhi shouldn't have fully refined the Three Thousand Ways yet.

Otherwise, even if it is incapable of the enemy, it will not be afraid.

I just don't know how many doors he has refined, and his combat power is stronger or weaker than that of the saint.

It's all here. Naturally, I can't just ask these two sentences to go back. Vegeta simply searched for a futon, sat cross-legged under Bodhi's Sendai, and began to try to refine the Taoist door in his soul.

The ancestor of Bodhi once said that in every realm, 80 doors can be refined.

But each of these doors is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

It requires ascetics to understand the great path contained in the door.

Can't understand, sorry, the door won't open!

Vegett is hardly talented and intelligent in the practice of the Journey to the West system.

But after all, with the practice experience of the Lord of One Realm, it only took an hour or so to open the first door.

When it did, his entire body was like a black hole that swallowed all things, continuously absorbing the pure aura in the Bodhi Cave.

In a moment, accompanied by a ray of light flashing, after several years, he finally reached the lowest mortal realm, and initially possessed his own spiritual power.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

He has accumulated a lot of energy in his own body, and he has also contained a lot of spiritual energy in his body over the past time, but he has not been refined.

Now that he has practiced the celestial scriptures, broke the imprisonment, and broke through the realm, he has completely ignited the spiritual energy in his body, causing his realm to continue to rise, and the opening of the door keeps increasing.

After just two hours, he actually opened twelve doors.

Among them, the gibbous apes, which belonged to the four monkeys of mixed generations, played a great role.

Of course, Vegett’s training experience is also a major reason.

Putting it all together, I am afraid that his cultivation speed is really not weaker than that of the protagonist Son Goku.

"If you continue to cultivate at this speed, you should be able to become a god in less than three years!"

Feeling this, Vegett exhales.

After all, in this kind of mythical world, the years of cultivating without a child in the mountains, it is rare to meditate for hundreds of thousands of years at a time.

Vegeta was really worried that it would take tens of thousands of years to mix up here.

Of course, the more the door goes back, the harder it is to open. The crazy breakthrough at the beginning will always slow down slowly behind.

Wanting to climb to the top is definitely not three or five years of work.

Anyway, the time in the mythical world is the least valuable, and Vegett is not in a hurry.

As long as the monkey is not left behind, he will be able to catch up with the general trend after all, and then take advantage of the general trend to rise in one fell swoop.

In this practice, Vegett opened 72 doors in one fell swoop, and finally got stuck at the 73rd doors.

It wasn't that he was completely stuck, but some of the truths contained in the seventy-third gates. It took time to realize it, unlike before.

Therefore, Vegeta temporarily stopped practicing.

After he got out of the state of cultivation, he discovered that the ancestor of Bodhi was no longer in his place, and he didn't know where he had gone.

But Bodhi always saw Shenron not seeing the end, and Vegeta didn't care, and went straight back to his residence.

Mingyue may have also gone out with Bodhi, and did not see anyone.

Vegete didn't care about her, he had just entered the ranks of practitioners, and now he was very interested in the way of cultivation, naturally he wanted to continue to practice without any distractions.

Time flies, and years pass by.

Vegett has been devoted to cultivation, not paying attention to things around him.

In an instant, two months passed.

Vegett opened 108 doors of the avenue and advanced to the middle class.

The results of two months of practice are equivalent to those with good talents who have practiced hard for decades.

This is the Dapin Tianxian Jue.

And most importantly, the battle power of the Great Grade Celestial Immortal Jue to fight the heavens and the earth is far better than other techniques.

The realm of the middle-ranking immortal, its combat power is strong enough to be stronger than the higher-ranking immortal, and it can even fight head-on with the weaker earth immortals without losing the wind.

Quietly thinking about moving, after so long of hard work, Vegeta also wanted to take a moment to relax and relax.

Just when he had just left the residence, he saw Mingyue walk over in a hurry.

"What happened to make you so flustered?" Vegeta asked Mingyue's hand.

Mingyue said with a weird face: "Guanjiangkou Erlang God, with 1,200 grass head god, kneeling in front of Sanxing Cave."

Yang Jian led the grass head god to kneel in front of the Sanxing Cave?

Vegett's eyes widened, his expression was slightly startled, and his brain didn't react for a while.

Among the Three Realms, no one knows that the god Erlang is proud of nature, and the will is unyielding.

Even the ruler of the Three Realms, the Haotian Jinque Jade Emperor Xuanqiong Gao God, also known as the Jade Emperor, cannot be made to bow down and worship.

He does not respect the heavens and the earth, the ghosts and gods, and ignores the sacredness of the heavens and immortals. After the first battle, he settled in Guanjiangkou.

Aloof, indifferent, arrogant, ruthless, indifferent watching the changes in the world, witnessing the rise, fall, and wither of each myth.

Such a character would come to Fang Cunshan to bow down now?

This is too terrifying, it shocked the Three Realms in a short time!

Vegete and Mingyue came to Fangcun Mountain, in front of Sanxing Cave.

I saw the handsome Erlang God, kneeling directly on the top of the mountain.

Behind him, a thousand and two hundred grass head gods, led by six gods, knelt down in the void, and the scene was magnificent.

In the sky around Fangcun Mountain, gas refiners stood full.

Immortals, gods, Buddhist priests, and even some demon kings and demon saints from the four continents.

At the entrance of the three-star cave, Fang Cunshan's five hundred disciples looked at each other, stunned by the scene in front of them, and lost their sense for a moment. *

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