Chapter 357

As soon as Vegeta came to the entrance of the cave, the voice of Bodhi reached his ears.

"Apart from me, you are one of the people with the highest seniority and status in Samsung-dong. Now this matter is left to you."

Vegett paused in his footsteps, and said in his heart: "Master, you really value me. No matter how high I am, I am still a fairy. How can I deal with this big event that shakes the Three Realms."

Although he is not very willing, it is clear that Bodhi's words are not requests, but commands.

Vegett had to bite the bullet and walked out of the hole.

"Uncle Master!"

"Uncle Master!"

After Vegeta appeared with the bright moon, the five hundred disciples who were panicked immediately gave up a path, and all kinds of greetings rang.

It seemed that Vegett was very respected in Fangcunshan.

Of course, this is also because the disciples have lost their squareness, and Vegeta has just become their backbone.

"Yang Jian, what do you want to do in such a big battle?"

Vegett walked out of the five hundred disciples and stood in front of the god Erlang.

If it were ordinary people, standing in front of the kneeling Erlang god, it would have aroused public anger a long time ago.

The one thousand two hundred grass head gods who knelt down in the void would definitely be furious, and even if he blew himself up, he would completely kill that person.

But although Vegeta is not well-known, here is Fang Cunshan.

Among the disciples, Vegett, who has the highest seniority, is no longer under the four imperial princes, and is the same generation as that of the Twelve Golden Immortals.

In other words, as the disciple of the ancestor of Bodhi, Vegett and Yang Jian's master Yuding is a real peer.

Standing in front of the kneeling Erlang God, there was nothing rude.

Yang Jian sighed and said: "The method I practiced has a major flaw. It did not show up at the beginning, but now it is already in trouble. Every time I practice, I have to endure the three plagues, and the suffering is beyond words. The magic method of disaster, save me from danger."

"Pray for ancestors' mercy." One thousand and two hundred grass head gods knocked their heads together and shouted in unison.

Vegett's eyes turned cold, and he looked at the gods all around, vaguely guessing what Erlang was thinking in his heart.

He had heard the Bodhi ancestor mentioned before that the Eighty-Nine Profound Art of Yang Jian was the same as the Dapin Tianxian Jue, which was a quick success method.

The faster you practice, the more serious the disaster you will suffer.

And here, Bodhi Patriarch possessed the technique of changing heaven and earth to avoid the three plagues.

Regarding this, Yang Jian naturally couldn't give up.

I couldn't ask for it before, but Mingqianghaosu couldn't do it. Conspiracy and trickery may not have defeated the Bodhi Patriarch.

Therefore, he can only use this method.

Using fishing boats, try to force Bodhi to bear this cause and effect.

"The ancestor has mercy on the real monarch, but I'm sorry, it can't be passed on, please don't make it difficult for us." Vegett said, arched his hands.

"Real people don't speak lie, isn't the Patriarch's technique of changing heaven and earth, is not the method of avoiding the three plagues?" Meishan Taiwei Kang Anyu said respectfully.

Vegett smiled and shook his head and said, "I have lived in Sanxingdong for many years, and I have never heard of the change art of the Patriarch. Even if he can, teach or not, it is all up to him. Now you are blocking the door and suffering Competing, isn't it a bit rude and unruly?"

Yang Jian said helplessly: "Please real people understand my difficulties, if it is not forced, I would not do such a thing."

Beget persuaded: "What decision the Patriarch makes depends on his own thoughts. If you force him like this, it will only embarrass both parties. The gains outweigh the losses. It is better to go back."

"Since the ancestor is required to make a decision, then please ask the little friends to invite the ancestor out." At this moment, an old man wearing a blue robes and a childlike face, came driving a crane and stopped in the air, facing Vegett. Smiled.

In the Three Realms, Vegett realized that there were not many people who could call him a little friend in public.

Immediately he folded his hands and asked, "Dare to ask what's the next step?"

"My name is Yuding. I am one of the twelve golden immortals of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain. I am also Yang Jian's master, the chief culprit who caused him to endure the suffering of the Three Plagues." The real Yuding suppressed the smile on his face. His face was grave.

"Does the real person come this time with the will of Yuxu Palace?" Beijit was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect even this one to come. It seems that they are really determined to win this time.

Yuding paused slightly, but did not expect that Vegeta would put this kind of thing on the table.

If he answers yes, then it is inevitable to lose the tongue and be said to be intimidating others to submit.

But if the answer is no, then his weight alone is not enough to make Bodhi Patriarch change his outlook.

This gibbous monkey opened his mouth, and it posed a big problem for him.

After pondering for a long time, Yuding's eyes gradually solemnly said, "Since I am here, I have the will of Yuxu Palace."

Vegeta straightened his face, hesitated for a moment, and saluted: "Please wait, the messenger, I will go and ask Master for instructions now."

With only the real person of Yuding, Vegett can face each other directly.

But since the other party had brought out Yuxu Palace, whether it was true or false, it was no longer what Vegett could handle.

Of course, no one will be unclear, the eyes of the Bodhi Patriarch must be here.

The latter must be clear about what the two parties said, and there is no need for Vegett to ask for instructions.

But this is a process!

It is the respect for Yuxu Palace and the respect for Bodhi ancestors.

In other words, this is etiquette, indispensable.

Therefore, all the creatures silently watched him turn around and returned to the three-star cave.

Speeding all the way to the Bodhi Cave, Vegett asked, "Master, what should I do now?"

The ancestor of Bodhi let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Go and tell Yang Jian, the art of change of heaven and earth will teach me the secrets of the three-star cave town. It is not a disciple who enters the house and cannot be passed on lightly."

"Ask him if he is willing to quit interpretation and join Sanxingdong, and vowed to do his best to run for Sanxingdong in this life and never apostasy."

Vegett nodded and walked out of the three-star cave with Bodhi's verbal message.

It was discovered that the fairy gods and demons gathered outside Fangcunshan had become more numerous.

Within a few miles, there is almost no place to stand.

Tens of thousands of creatures cast their eyes on him.

"Am I good-looking?" Vegett asked indifferently under the attention of the public.

Thousands of people were stunned.

Many people who were engrossed in waiting for the reply from Bodhi Patriarch couldn't help grinning.

At this time and in this atmosphere, asking such a question is really funny and ruining the atmosphere.

"Perhaps, among the monkeys, your appearance is indeed outstanding." Yang Jian said with a serious face: "Moreover, the cultivators have extraordinary temperament and are very comparable to others."

The corners of Vegett's mouth twitched slightly, and he rolled his eyes and said, "You are too poor in understanding. Oh no, the generation gap between me and you is too big. I mean, can you keep your eyes from being so hot? I feel the heat at such a distance."

The celestials, gods and demons are petrified one after another, and there is a kind of sadness in their hearts that is ridiculed and despised......*

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