Chapter 358

"Talk about business."

Vegett straightened his face and said: "My ancestor said, he does know the transformation technique of the gods of heaven and earth, but the law can not be passed lightly. Erlang, you are willing to leave the interpretation and join me in the three-star cave, and from now on to be the three-star Dong Dan worked hard and vowed never to betray?"

His words had just been uttered, like a holy word, making the scene suddenly quiet, and the needle could be heard.

The gazes of countless demons and ghosts, fairy gods and buddhists were cast on Yang Jian and Yuding real person, waiting for their answers.

The atmosphere has completely solidified here, and it is so heavy that all the onlookers present seem to be witnessing history and hold their breath.

Under the gaze of everyone, Yuding Zhenren turned his head to look at Erlang Shen, pursing his lips and said: "I respect your choice, and understand that your flaws in the technique can no longer be delayed. Therefore, I support you in changing the court."

Erlangshen stared at the old man without blinking, and scenes of warmth flashed in his mind, recalling his kindness to himself, and his heart burned in time, but his face did not show the slightest expression.

He is the God of Erlang, the God of Erlang who dared to carry a thousand and two hundred grass heads to attack the Nantian Gate.

It is a true monarch who has been in a stalemate with the heavens for a thousand years and swears not to accept softness.

It is the cold and proud war god who still holds his head high even though he suffers the pain of the Three Plagues from time to time.

He doesn't cry, he doesn't even have red eyes.

However, he is a person with the most basic emotions.

Even if the thing called friendship in his heart is indifferent to the extreme, he can count any stranger without hesitation, but he can't do anything that betrays the master.

Even though, the price is that he might die.

"Fortunately in this life, it is to worship you as a teacher, how can I change my course?"

Shen Erlang smiled, facing the real Yuding, and gave a deep gift.

This scene shocked countless people and caused tears to the eyes of countless creatures.

Many people don't understand, don't know, or don't know why they cry, but the tears in their eyes just can't stop.

Madam Yuding bit his lip, put his hand on Erlangshen’s forehead, sucked his nose slightly, and said: "Go, let's go home, even if we leave the training base, I will find you to avoid the three plagues. Law."

Faced with such a picture, Vegeta seemed hard-hearted and indifferent as frost. He was one of the few creatures who hadn't been moved by the scene.

Even, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and his smile was cold: "I sincerely hope that the true monarch can get the magic method to solve the three plagues."

How can he not understand this matter if others don't understand it?

It's a big drama in which the master and the disciple love each other, but I don't know whether the director of this drama is Yang Jian himself or Yuding real person.

Or is it explaining and teaching the twelve golden immortals? Or even Yuxu Palace?

However, Vegeta has just entered the ranks of practitioners.

Although I can understand it, I can't intervene in it.

"Wait a minute."

Just when Erlang Shen was about to get up, a gentle and soft voice sounded abruptly.

Shining golden light descended from the sky, passed through countless gods, and entered the field.

"Too platinum star?"

When Jin Guang turned into a human form, there were countless people in the audience screaming out loud.

The visitor was also an old man, with silver hair and white beard, a bright smile, as if there were stars twinkling in his eyes, and countless talismans flowed on his forehead, transforming into a five-pointed golden star.

"I have seen all of you sacred, I have seen the real Jade Ding, the real sage, and I have seen Vegeta!"

Taibai Venus bowed his hands before landing, benevolent eyebrows, and greeted everyone in one sentence.

The Heavenly Court and the Monster Race did not deal with each other, and all kinds of fights continued.

But it was amazing that this old man had never made the monster feel disgusted.

Therefore, Heavenly Court's recruitment work has always been run by him.

Many creatures returned their gifts, and even Vegeta had to bow his hands and asked: "The fairy is polite. But why are you here this time?"

Unexpectedly, even Heavenly Court would intervene in this matter.

But although it was unexpected, it was reasonable.

In any case, Yang Jian is the nephew of that one after all.

Even if the person doesn't want to be troublesome, others will take the initiative to show their favor.

Taibai Jinxing pointed at the god Erlang and smiled: "Without him, I come here specifically for the true monarch, and ask the ancestor to show his grace and help the true monarch once. Heavenly Court and Yuxu Palace will inherit the friendship of Sanxingdong."

Speaking is an art, and Taibai is undoubtedly a samadhi.

It's another sentence, showing several meanings.

The most important thing is that people understand these meanings.

Undoubtedly, Heavenly Court is taking the initiative to show good to the god Erlang.

Moreover, I just promised to record the kindness, how to pay it back, not to talk about it, according to the mood of the heavens.

The reason for saying that the friendship of Sanxingdong, rather than the friendship of Bodhi, is that he has provided his own conditions and can take care of the disciples of Sanxingdong within a good mood and return to this friendship.

Even though the ancestor Bodhi could not use the help of the heaven in this life, but the five hundred disciples in Sanxingdong would never be able to get the help of the heaven?

Vegeta sighed slightly, knowing that when things came to this, he was no longer able to get ahead.

It's just an immortal being alone, leaning on Sanxingdong with his back, and rejecting Yuxu Palace, which is considered exalted, or reluctant.

Now that the heavenly forces have joined in, it is not something he can play with by relying on seniority.

It's not easy to say, bullying, and sometimes it's not so easy to do.

Of course, some idiots who bully others cannot rely on the thinking of normal people to understand, and what they do is completely unpredictable.

Vegeta didn't set himself on fire before he acted on a high profile. He turned around and buckled the "pot" on Bodhi Patriarch's body.

He turned to face the direction of Sanxingdong, and said: "The disciple is dull and at a loss, please let the master send down the verbal order, the saint ruling is broken!"

After a long period of silence, the indifferent voice of Bodhi Patriarch came from Sanxingdong.

"Heavenly Court is really a good calculation. I came to say a few words, not only need to pay a lot of price, but also show favor to the god Erlang, show good interpretation and teaching, and may even directly or indirectly get my secret method."

The smile on Taibai Jinxing's face remained unchanged, and he said, "Forcibly rebutting, it will make me fall behind, but even so, for the five hundred disciples of Sanxingdong, this is a good thing, isn't it?"

"As far as I know, not all disciples are talented and intelligent, and have the capital for immortality. But with today's friendship, these dull disciples in his years can be promoted to officials and enjoy long life, and there are more fulfilling things than this. ?"

The ancestor of Bodhi hadn't spoken yet, a boy wearing a red bellyband with white jade face, red lips and white teeth, and two pigtails in the sky sat on a huge green bull and flew down from the blue sky.

A group of immortals knew his identity, and one after another gave way to allow him to enter the innermost circle, in front of the three-star cave.

"Under the seat of the old gentleman, the Jinling boy, please see Patriarch Subhuti."

Before the boy came to the five hundred disciples, he flew down the green bull.

The little arm held the rein through the tip of the green cow's nose, bowed and opened his mouth. *

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