Chapter 755

This is too exaggerated, and even the way of heaven can't grasp the general trend of the future, and then there are variables, and there is a one to escape.

Now Vegeta is slanderously saying that he is more powerful than God. How can he convince the little girl?

Zhong Lingxiu looked at him blankly, and said calmly: "Then you come to predict, where there are the most righteous people."

Vegett shrugged: "Shushan Xuehai."

Zhong Lingxiu took a breath, laughed madly at him, and his body kept trembling.

Just two hours later, somersault cloud came to the sky over Chang'an.

"The Golden Dragon of National Games has three claws in its belly. Tang's national strength is pretty good!"

Seeing the pale golden Shenron phantom surrounding Chang'an below, Zhong Lingxiu muttered to herself.

Vegett's eyes were slightly surprised. He was sure that the other party hadn't used any magical powers, but he still saw Datang's luck golden dragon at a glance.

This woman is evil, or in other words, mysterious.

"Let's go, looking for street by street, there will be some gains in the end." Son Goku made a somersault cloud and landed outside the city gate, speaking softly.

At the moment, the three of them entered the city of Chang'an side by side, but they saw a crowd of people in the city, rubbing shoulders, and all kinds of voices.

In addition to the Han Chinese with black hair and black eyes, there are also fair-haired and blue-eyed savages, which makes Zhong Lingxiu, who rarely visits human cities, show off his eyes.

Feeling the lively atmosphere here, Vegeta gradually relaxed and bought three red candied haws, and handed them one to Son Goku and Zhong Lingxiu.

"If it's not too short of time, I would like to go around here and meet my deceased by the way."

Son Goku ate up the seven candied haws on the wooden sign in one bite, and easily inserted the sign into the depth of the bluestone ground.

"Don't worry, after the westward journey, there will be plenty of time and opportunities."

Vegett shook his head and didn't say anything. Instead, he felt that the end of the westward journey was the beginning of a more tragic world.

"Lingxiu, look for it, how many righteous people there are in this city."

Zhong Lingxiu slowly nodded, and walked in front of him, walking through alleys and mottled ancient roads.

Vegete and Son Goku followed her from left to right, their eyes always moving with her vision.

"Found one!"

When they came to the slums of Chang'an, Zhong Lingxiu stopped in front of the broken courtyard of a poor house, pointed to the courtyard and said: "There is an old knight in here who has been a knight and has never done anything wrong. Cultivated a righteous spirit."

Vegett asked seriously: "You haven't been to Chang'an, so it's impossible to have any intersection with this old knight. How did you learn about all this?"

Zhong Lingxiu said calmly: "It was the awe-inspiring righteousness in him that told me. His upright life will not be buried in the dust of history, but will be recorded in the vast righteousness."

Vegeter was skeptical about this, reached out his hand and knocked on the door, and said loudly: "I heard that the hero is here, I'm here to pay a visit, and I'll see it."

The dilapidated wooden door was opened from the inside. The old man with gray hair and rickety figure stood in front of the door, leaning on a yellow bamboo pole: "You may be mistaken. There is only one person waiting to die, there is no hero."

Vegett stared at his turbid eyes and said word by word: "If I can make you a fairy, would you do me a little favor?"

Facing the temptation of longevity, the old man didn’t look agitated, and said calmly, “Life and death are meaningless to me. So it’s not important to be immortal or immortal. If we have something, let’s just say it straightforwardly, no Need to spend more words."

To Vegett's expectation, it seemed reasonable.

When he told the ins and outs of the whole thing, the old man was silent for a long time, but he still agreed. And, rejected Vegett's compensation.

He said: To cure the Sanzang who takes the scriptures for the sake of sentient beings, and punish the king of plague and ghosts who endanger the world, he cannot receive compensation, otherwise, his conscience will be uneasy.

With the old man, Zhong Lingxiu set off again, and continued to search for the righteous.

From then on, without exception, the righteous people found almost all agreed to Vegett's request because of the righteousness in their hearts, and they refused to receive any rewards.

After searching the entire city of Chang'an, Zhong Lingxiu selected more than 2,800 people from a population of tens of millions.

Such a massive action shook the capital of the country. Later, it was Cheng Yaojin and others who used the power of the country to suppress the clamor.

Half a day later, outside Chang'an City, Vegett looked at the black and crushed head in front of him, then turned his eyes and said: "First, make up the total number of three thousand, and then I will give them a means to gather the awe-inspiring righteousness in their hearts. "

Zhong Lingxiu looked surprised and couldn't believe what he said: "You haven't really seen Haoran righteousness. How dare you say such big things?"

Vegett said, "I mean it."

Zhong Lingxiu didn't believe it at all, it was like a person who had never seen the formation, suddenly said that he could set up a shocking formation, and there was no such trouble. This was nonsense.

She doesn't believe in Vegeta, but Son Goku doesn't doubt it: "Xiao Lingxiu, let's go, Vegeta never makes jokes on this kind of bones."

Vegett’s confidence overturned Zhong Lingxiu’s cognition. With complicated ideas, she took the lead to leave Chang’an City and head to Luoyang, another metropolis of Tang State.

Luoyang's economy and military are not as good as Chang'an, but its academic atmosphere is more prosperous.

Among the righteous people found here, 80% were scholars, born in Luoyang nobles.

On the first day of April, at about noon, Beget led three thousand righteous men to Yifang, prepared three thousand white robes for them, and said softly: "Give you time for a stick of incense and change your clothes."

"This is your method?" Zhong Lingxiu looked surprised, and suddenly felt that this great saint with arms was too naive?

What's the point of training soldiers if you can put your strength together by putting on a uniform costume?

"No, or more than just." Begett smiled slightly and said softly: "Look at it, maybe I can surprise you."

When the time for half a stick of incense was not up, the three thousand righteous men changed their white robes, and Vegeta paid the silver, turned and left: "Come with me."

Leading them to the center of the most crowded street market, and meeting the sentient beings, Begett said indifferently: "Three thousand righteous men obey orders and recite with me. The heavens and the earth are righteous, mixed with manifolds. The lower part is the river and the upper part. For the sun..."

It's true that Veget is a traverser, but he has almost never done a copy of his work, using the spiritual wealth of later generations to gain glory for himself.

But now he was pressed into a hurry, and his heart was also ruthless, and he actually recited Wen Tianxiang's righteousness song directly.

Although the world is different and the situation is different, the awe-inspiring feeling in the heart of the righteous man is the same in any time and space. *

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