Chapter 756

After reciting the poems once, the three thousand white robe righteous men only felt warm in their bodies.

As for the onlookers, they looked at them in surprise, a little sluggish.

Although the song of righteous qi is not in the vernacular, the words are not gorgeous, and it is not difficult for ordinary people to understand it.

Because they understood the poem, they were shocked, even dumbfounded.

After reciting the righteousness song three times, the three thousand white robe righteous men obviously felt righteousness overflowing in their chests, and there was a kind of unpleasant swelling.

In order to spit out the heat wave in their hearts, their voices became louder, and the chorus shook one side.

It also shook this Luoyang, the tens of millions of people here.

After reciting the righteousness song ten times, the face of the three thousand white robe righteous men was red, and the forehead was covered with sweat.

They had red eyes and gritted their teeth. After each character was spit out, they looked like thunder.

Zhong Lingxiu was silly on the spot, as if struck by lightning, his brain was blank.

I can't believe it at all, I can't believe it, how can a guy who doesn't even have justice in his heart create this kind of poetry?

Plagiarism, plagiarism, it must be plagiarism!

She yelled in her heart, but, letting her go through all the memories, she did not figure out where the poem appeared before.

Her face paled slightly, she gradually recognized the reality, and complained from the bottom of her heart:

Who will tell me, what is the situation?

Why did a evil evildoer with a fierce anger lead three thousand white robe righteous men to make such a feat? !

Is this world crazy? !

"Or for the sake of becoming a teacher, the ghosts and gods cry heroic. Or for crossing the river, swallowing Hu Jie generously!"

Vegett stood in front of Three Thousand White Robes with a solemn face and took the lead in reading.

At this moment, he seemed to be an upright hero, letting his sword and axe add his face without changing his face.

At this moment, he seemed to be a mountain with no peak, weighing heavily on Zhong Lingxiu's heart.

Among the crowd of onlookers, several old men in white-headed Confucian clothes clenched their fists, with blue veins exposed on their arms, and their bodies trembling. It is the root of it. Sang Yu, Yan Yangjiu, Li is really weak..."

The disciples of the elders did not understand why their master was like this. One of the most favored disciples reached out and pulled an elder's sleeve, wanting to ask something, but was slapped on the head with a slap.

"Shut up, don't talk!"

This is the first time that disciple has been beaten since he was born.

But the old man still didn't look at him, his eyes fixed on Vegett.

With the sound of recitations resounding across the sky over and over again, an inexplicable aura appeared from Three Thousand White Robe. This aura filled the universe of Universe, and justice was inviolable and lasting forever.

Suddenly, Vegeta felt something in his heart and turned to look around, but after all he didn't see anything.

After a long time, the three thousand righteous scholars had already remembered the righteous qi song in their bones, and Vegett finally closed his mouth and looked around, but only saw the entire Luoyang city. At this moment, there was no sound.

"Excuse me, everyone, sorry."

Vegett folded his hands and said, he was about to take the righteous men away.

"Please wait, please wait."

At this moment, the elders in Confucian clothing who usually walk slowly, almost tried their best, ran to Vegett and said with scorching eyes: "Dare to ask the honorable name of the scholar?"

Vegett looked at these people in surprise: "My name is Vegett, what do you think?!"

"If we go back to the bachelor, we are Shushan disciples." An old man respectfully said: "The reason I took the liberty to interrupt is purely because I was so shocked and wanted to get to know you."

Beget laughed: "Don't be so respectful, I'm a little uncomfortable. Just a poem, enough to make your Shushan disciples so moved?"

The old man suddenly became excited, pointing to the blushing righteous men and said: "A poem? That's it? Bachelor, do you know what feat you accomplished today?"

Under the gaze of everyone's eyes, Vegeta's face suddenly became hot, and he waved his hand and said, "Everyone is unfamiliar, don't praise me, otherwise I will be very embarrassed."

The old man’s ears automatically shielded his words, and said excitedly: “It inspired the awe-inspiring righteousness in the hearts of the three thousand righteous men, filled the heart with righteousness, and truly became a force they could use. You, this is a great exercise for three thousand people at once. Awakening! It's rare in the world, no, you are the first!"

Vegett touched his nose, and just about to speak, an old man next to the old man said; "Yes, your mind, this righteousness, this bravery, I have lived for so long, this is the first time I have seen you. Arrived. Fortunate to see."

In the crowd, looking at a few bachelors with great reputation in Luoyang City, they admired Vegett in this way.

A mother with sallow skin and calluses on her hands touched her little son’s head and said, "My boy, remember the poem that I heard today, and remember it firmly. This is learning, and it can be changed. Your destiny."

The child held his mother's sandy palm, his body was trembling, and he nodded fiercely: "Mother, I remembered, remembered. I will learn in the future and become a very powerful, very powerful person."

The mother looked at her child and smiled happily, but there were tears across her face quietly.

Vegett coughed dryly and said to the elderly: "Whatever you think, is there anything else? If not, I will take someone away first."

An old man said: "Bachelor, we want to bring this poem back to the mountain and the sea, to teach the disciples, and even to teach sentient beings, is it possible?"

Begett said: "If this is really the case, it would be an honor for me, and also an honor for this righteous song."

Finally, Vegeta left with three thousand white-robed righteous men, but the crowd of onlookers did not disperse, and everyone was still immersed in the righteousness.

If Vegett was reciting this righteous song alone, it would definitely not have such an impact.

But when three thousand righteous scholars recite together, the aura of righteousness gathers together, and this influence is too great and shocking.

"My friends, let's go, this soul-shaking poem should be spread all over the world and elicit more righteousness." An old man said solemnly.

When the elders left, about the three thousand white robes, the song of righteousness, and the Bachelor of Vegeta quickly spread all over the world from Luoyang.

A few days later, at the head of Chang'an City, Wu Meiniang stood under the shining golden sun, looking towards Luoyang, and said softly: "Teacher, teacher, you are an ancient scroll that I will never read through. In the vast world, who can be like this? You generally..."

It was dusk when Vegett and others led three thousand righteous men to the tomb.

The sun is no longer shining, there is a feeling of twilight in the sun, and the darkness is constantly eroding the last light. *

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