Chapter 757

Vegett turned to look at the white-robed righteous man, and said solemnly: "From now on, recite the righteous qi song, no matter what happens in the middle, even if it is a ghost biting your neck, you can't stop reciting it. Don't worry about life. Danger, Goku will guard your safety."

The righteous men nodded their heads, cherished the heart of not fearing death for a moment, recite the song of righteousness aloud, and the momentum was thunderous!

"Huh ha ha ha..."

At this moment, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves suddenly sounded, creepy.

Thick and ink clouds flew out from the tomb mountain, blocking the late sunset sun, making the night come half an hour earlier.

Zhong Lingxiu took a deep breath and blew it towards the white robe righteous men.

The dusty pearl was blown away from the dust, and a pure white light was radiated from the body of every magnate.


A plague ghost pounced on the righteous man, hitting on the light, like a moth that pounced on the flame, being burned into blue smoke by the light.

"Yu Ren said Haoran, Peihu Said Cangming. Huanglu should be Qingyi, Hanhe Tuming court..."

It is undeniable that this light has given the righteous people a great encouragement and strength, their hearts are stronger, and their steps forward more calmly.

From the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are countless plagues among them, which can be called heavily guarded.

However, these soldiers and horses could only retreat or dodge in front of the advancing righteous men, and did not dare to attack.

As a result, the three of Vegeta easily came to the top of the grave without expending much effort.

"I have to say, you guys are so full of tricks, you can always surprise me."

On the top of the hill is a vast and boundless grass, and in the center of the grass is an altar that Vegett has seen before.

At this time, Zhao Gongming was standing alone on the altar, looking down at the three thousand and three people who came through ten thousand ghosts like a sharp arrow.

Vegeter summoned the blood-changing sword and asked indifferently: "Stop talking nonsense, here we are, where are Sanzang and the others?"

Zhao Gongming clapped his hands, Sanzang, Tianpeng, Sha Wujing, and Xiaobailong appeared in light, and their eyes were red and fiercely looking straight ahead.

"They are here! If you want to save them, just come up one by one. Note, I'm talking about coming up one by one." Zhao Gongming said with a sneer.

Vegett took a deep look at Sanzang and the others, and said indifferently: "The fundamental purpose of your doing all this is not to retaliate against me? If you have the ability, you can come down to the altar and have a try with us."

Zhao Gongming frowned slightly, and said softly: "Tempeng, Sha Wujing, Xiao Bailong, three of you, go and kill Vegett for me."

The three of them slowly nodded their heads with a hideous look on their faces, each summoned their own magic weapons, rushed down the altar, and attacked Vegett and the others.

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds. Below is Heyue, and above is the sun star..."

However, they rushed down to the altar, amidst the mighty chanting, they seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and it became extremely difficult to fly in the air, let alone hurt people.

"come on."

Reaching out to get all three of them back to him, and throwing them into the group of righteous men, Vegett raised his eyes and said, "Simply, cast Sanzang down too. It saves you and me both."

"I don't find it bothersome. If you want Sanzang, you can get it by yourself." Zhao Gongming solemnly looked at the three thousand white-robed righteous men and said in a deep voice.

Judging from Zhao Gongming's reaction, Beijit had guessed that there must be ghosts on the altar, which could cut off the chanting of the righteous men.

It took a lot of work to get these three thousand white robes together. How could he just watch as they couldn't make the most of them?

"Goku, Lingxiu, do you have a way to break that altar?"

"Let me come." Zhong Lingxiu said, took out a handful of copper coins from his arms, bit his fingers, and stroked the coins with blood.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The sharp sound of the sword sounded abruptly, and the twenty-eight copper coins were combined into a copper coin spirit sword, which was rushed towards the altar by her imperial commander.


Above the altar, a hundred and eight scarlet giant flags were full of blood, rising up into the sky, forming a bloody light curtain, trying to block the spirit sword.

However, the mighty light curtain was vulnerable to a single blow under the attack of the Copper Coin Spirit Sword and was easily split.

Zhao Gongming's face changed slightly, and he felt something wrong, and a black light flashed between his hands, summoning the evil dragon double whip, and slashed and killed him.


The dragon's double whip and the copper coin spirit sword collided with each other, making a loud noise.

The double whip burst shot out a strong black light, and the spirit sword suddenly shattered, turning into twenty-eight copper coins again.


Under the altar, Zhong Lingxiu's eyes widened suddenly, his hands flying like butterflies, condensing countless weird runes, like a vast river, rushing to the altar and hitting the coins.

The copper coin absorbed many runes, and each one turned into a blazing sun, blasting back the dragon with two whips, and igniting a huge blood-colored flag of 108 faces.

"not good!"

Zhao Gongming's eyes were horrified, and he shouted. The twenty-four mountain and river beads turned into twenty-four vast stars, slamming into the blazing golden sun.

Unfortunately, after all, it was a step too late.

When the big star smashed the golden sun, the 108 blood flags were also ignited by the fire and turned into ashes.

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds. Below is Heyue, and above is the sun star..."

The ashes were blown away by the wind, vast and mighty, and a uniform voice reached Zhao Gongming's ears.

Accompanied by that, there is the inexplicable, unclear way, but it is like the air of the whole world.

The demonic energy in his body surged crazily, and the black life spirit source turned into light spots, constantly flying out of him.

Zhao Gongming's face instantly turned pale, as if he had encountered a nemesis.

"You hurry up, don't give him a chance to swallow ten thousand ghosts to resist the awe-inspiring righteousness." Zhong Lingxiu said suddenly through voice transmission.

Vegete and Son Goku glanced at each other, and together they shot, rushed to the altar, madly fighting against Zhao Gongming, who was constantly dissipating.

Many magical powers, countless martial arts, various magic weapons, and even combined attacks were used by them, and for a time they actually suppressed the opponent.

After a few moments, Vegett's body was completely shattered, and he survived by means of rebirth from a drop of blood.

Son Goku was also hit hard, the golden blood swayed, and every drop opened out the whispering tree.

As for Zhao Gongming, who was attacked by the two of them, it was even more tragic.

The jade crown was shattered a long time ago, there was a bone missing on his forehead, and blood was constantly flowing out of the hole, which was creepy.


Fighting for the price of being smashed again, Vegete turned into a cloud of blood and moved close to Zhao Gongming, fighting with him in hand-to-hand combat.

"Monkey, shoot and kill us!"

Vegett's blood-changing sword was inserted into Zhao Gongming's body, his arms were locked with both hands, and bleeding marks were cracked at the corners of his eyes.

Son Goku's bloody arms were shaking, gritted his teeth, and slowly closed his eyes.


Suddenly, he tried his best and threw the golden cudgel. *

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