Chapter 758

Time and space shattered into pieces, the aura was completely annihilated, and all tangible or intangible matter, under this blow, turned into nothingness one after another.


As the club approached, Vegett’s brows cracked, and a drop of colored glaze blood flew out, breaking through the air.

The stick hit the bodies of the two people he was holding, shattered them into pieces, shot them in all directions, and cut off the green mountain!

"do you died?"

The blood of Liuli turned into Vegett's body, whispering softly.

"Not yet."

Son Goku waved his iron fist and slammed it somewhere in the void.

The bursting sound of the giant mountain suddenly sounded, and black smoke flew out from the cracked void.

"Yin Fangtian ghost fire, the spring courtyard is dark. Niu Ji is the same soap, chicken roosts and phoenix eats..."

The righteous men are still reciting the righteous qi song non-stop, suppressing Zhao Gongming's terrifying combat power and weakening his supernatural power.

"Noisy flies." Zhao Gongming cursed at the white robes with anger and red face.

He also has no choice. He can't even show his strength, but he has to resist Son Goku and Vegett, who are known for their combat power.

To tell the truth, it was a miracle that he was able to survive until now.


Vegett held a huge blood knife and attacked again.

A fierce stab hit Zhao Gongming's forehead, and he chopped it in. Black smoke burst out from the wound.

Zhao Gongming knew that he had reached the limit he could bear.

If you continue to fight, it won't be as simple as hurting the origin.

It is impossible to lose one's life, and to lose one's soul.

"Beget, this time, that's it. Next time, if you don't have three thousand white robes to help, I see how you can beat me!"

"You have damaged your life, soul, and a lot of origin today. It's already a blessing to be able to repair it again. You still want to continue to deal with us?" Vegett smiled disdainfully.

Zhao Gongming did not refute, turning into hundreds of black lights, crashing on the tomb mountain, deep into the ground.

Son Goku snorted coldly, stretched out his palm, and forcibly refined the mountain with his stalwart power.

"Where can it be so easy if you want to run?"

"People who laugh at horses are idiots, and there is true mystery in the abdomen of idiots. There is a path for true mystery and no one walks, but I will pay a few thousand for the peach."

At this moment, the bell was ringing loudly, and an ancient immortal, dressed in linen, pedaling clogs, with an extremely ugly face, and wearing a golden hoop, arrived.

The opponent threw a blue bell, and walked away from the grave mountain controlled by Son Goku's supernatural power.

"Jin Guxian!" Beget didn't know this person, but knew that this poem was an appearance of the ancient fairy Jin Guxian, and it appeared once in the original work of Fengshen.

"Forgive others and forgive others, great saint with arms wide, Zhao Gongming captured San Zang, but he was only using him to avenge you. Now he has become a loser, San Zang has nothing to lose, why should you be bad? His life?"

Vegett laughed loudly: "I can only be a bullied persimmon. Anyone can come and pinch a few times? According to your thinking, I want you to die, why don't you die? ?"

"It seems that you must bully others today and go your own way!" Jin Guxian sighed.

Vegett pursed the corner of his mouth, waved the huge blood blade in his hand, and gave him the answer with a sharp blade.

Son Goku went crazy too, swallowing his anger, and the iron rod shook the sky.

Jin Gu Xianben came at a time when he felt that at this time, even though the two of them had some spare energy, they would not be too strong.

I never thought that the two madmen of the thief and his mother went crazy, so that he was vomited blood just after the war, and his body was full of cracks.

"Stop, stop!"

In this case, Jin Guxian was finally scared, and his mind was terrified, and he cried out loudly.

It's just that Vegett doesn't care about what he calls, and makes him miserable.

"Help!" Jin Guxian didn't want to die in such a suffocated manner, completely without his skin, and shouted.

"Please stop the war between the two great sages!"

A blue dragon flew down from under the sky, blocking Vegett's path.

Vegett's face was indifferent, and he smashed the blue dragon with a single knife, turning it into a blue light sword, and flew back to the hand of a woman who had come down from the clouds.

"Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, Bixiao." Son Goku yelled coldly, waving the golden hoop and hitting the three immortals with one stick.

"Nine Qu Yellow River!"

Sanxiao changed color, Yunxiao stretched out his hand and pointed towards the sky, countless runes soared into the sky, turning into a mighty Yellow River, carrying the momentum of opening mountains and breaking mountains, blocking the front of the golden cudgel rod.

The two sides violently collided, the sky changed drastically, and the underground mountains turned into plains.

"Puff..." Yun Xiao couldn't hold back the surging blood in his body, he spouted out, and his eyes turned black.

In terms of combat effectiveness, she is still inferior to Son Goku, even if Son Goku's current centenary is half exhausted.

Vegett was still chasing and killing the Golden Goop Immortal, the opponent who killed him was terrified, and he didn't even dare to give birth to a desperate heart.

Inside the tomb mountain, Zhao Gongming looked at this scene helplessly.

Taking a deep breath, he absorbed all the corpses and ghost smoke in the entire grave mountain into his body, and with a low groan, he jumped out of the grave mountain and hit Vegett's head with a whip.


With the blood-changing sword slashed on the dragon whip, Vegett’s continuous advancement finally stopped, with bone and soul blood in his mouth, and looked at the opponent coldly: "At this time, I dare to force my head. I think you don’t want it. !"

Zhao Gongming said in a deep voice: "Sanxiao, Golden Hoop, the two of you attacked those white-robed righteous men. Only by breaking the abominable Book of Songs can we get out of trouble."

The four immortals nodded and immediately rushed to the three thousand white robes. They attacked fiercely, and the magical runes became a mountain, causing the righteous men who could not be touched to be killed and injured in an instant.

The powerful battle song was finally interrupted, and Zhao Gongming suddenly felt his mind lightened hundreds of times, and his body seemed to be freed from the shackles.


Without staying to avenge and hate, Zhao Gongming turned into a black wind, whipping up Sanxiao and Jin Kuxian, and rushing towards Qingming.

Vegett displayed three heads and six arms in an instant, and drew the Demon Hunter's bow against the black wind that was soaring upward.

The arrow shot out like a rainbow, with a long tail wing, forcibly rushed into the black wind.


The purple arrow penetrated Qiong Xiao's chest, bringing out a handful of blood.

Qiong Xiao's eyes were full of disbelief. He looked down at the arrow stick on his chest, and started to hemoptysis in his mouth.

"Qiong Xiao."

Bi Xiao was shocked, tears fell down, trembling palms stretched towards the purple arrow, and timidly retracted.

Yun Xiao released a glow from his hand, covering Qiong Xiao's wound, and said quickly: "Brother, hurry up, go to Jinbie Island to see the master."

The breeze blew across the plain, bringing up the thin sand, forming small swans, which eventually broke apart and dissipated.

The red light in Sanzang's eyes had receded, looking at the embarrassed Son Goku and Vegeta, he felt that some of the flying sand drifted into his eyes.

Otherwise, why would the eyes be a little swollen...they are full of moisture. *

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