Chapter 760

Yan Hui nodded and suddenly said, "Dare to ask the Great Sage, what do you understand about Confucianism?"

Is this in the exam school or is it a test?

Vegett moved in his heart, squinted his eyes, and said something that shocked Yan's mind.

"There is no good and no disgusting body, there are good and malicious actions. Knowing the good and knowing the evil is the conscience, and eliminating the evil for the good is looking at things..."

This is another sage of the Confucian School in later generations, who opened up a new Confucianism and Taoism, the core four of Yangming Confucian Sacred Heart.

There are too many thoughts expounded in just two sentences.

The more knowledgeable Confucian scholars, the more things they can experience.

As Kong Sheng's proud disciple and chief disciple, Yan Hui's knowledge is no less than that of Yasheng.

So he understood these two sentences, as if the whole worldview was subverted in an instant, and he fell silent.

There is no good and no disgusting body: there is no good and no evil in the heaven and earth, so our attitude towards the heaven and the earth should also be no good and no evil.

There are good and malicious actions: dig deep into human nature, root nature, and explore life perspectives. Explain that once the conscience is obscured, the thought becomes malicious.

Knowing the good and knowing the evil is the conscience: conscience is the intuition of the moral and wisdom that people are born with, or the intuition of the moral and intellectual power. Conscience is the true blood of Confucianism. For example, you can get the rudder from a boat. Pinglan Shoal is all unsatisfactory. In spite of the wind and waves, the rudder is in your hand to avoid the danger of drowning.

To get rid of evil for good is to study things: people have to hone their skills in things, which is beneficial. In layman's terms, it is to preserve the principles of nature, to eliminate the desires of others, and to let your own happiness, anger, sorrow, and happiness be just right, not to be excessive. This is the way of self-respect.

Wang Yangming's life-long saint's knowledge is condensed into these short sentences.

The more Yan Hui thought about it, the more he felt that the mountain he had to climb was higher and the road was endless.

What kind of heart is needed to come up with these truths?

How many things have to go through to have these insights?

How profound knowledge is there to make him look up to?

Yan Hui asked himself in the bottom of his heart, but couldn't answer at all.

It just felt that there was an inexplicable throbbing, like a madweed, surging in my mind.

Before he knew it, his attitude changed, and he was in awe.

The gaze at Vegett changed, and he looked up slightly.

A person like him who is introverted and noble will not bow to power, sacredness, or even life and death, but... bow to learning.

If you don't bow your head, you can't read or learn.

"Great Sage with arms, you are a saint with the same high thinking as a master." Yan Huicheng said sincerely.

How could Vegett fail to see the look up in his eyes, shook his head and said: "My thoughts are not high, I just stand on the shoulders of giants."

Yan Hui thought that the giant he was talking about was Confucius, and couldn't help but feel happy: "If the Master knew that you said that, he would be very happy."

Vegett touched his nose, speechless.

Seeing that he was not speaking, Yan Hui's mind flashed, and said sincerely: "Great Sage, can I invite you to study in the mountains of Shushan, and tell the disciples of the Confucian school about your principles of the Fa?"

Beiji went too far and didn't look at the eagerness in his eyes: "I believe you know that too, I'm really incapable of doing it now, and I can't give lectures."

Yan Hui's eyes were full of disappointment, and it was a pity for Liandao.

Seeing him depressed, Vegett felt a little unbearable in his heart, and said: "If you are not afraid of death, follow us for a while."

Yan Hui was startled slightly, and then reacted, joyfully said: "Don't be afraid of death, don't be afraid of death, you can die in the evening!"

After joining a Yan Hui, everyone set off again.

On the way, Tianpeng and others looked at Yan Hui humbly and asked Vegett for advice, their eyes straightened.

They must have seen the fake Vegett, this is not the one they are familiar with!

You said that Vegeta's hands and eyes were open to the sky, planning the sun and the moon, they believed.

However, he said that he was proficient in Confucian classics and even became a school of his own, making Yan Hui and other Wen sects bow their heads to follow, and they felt that they must be blind.

That is not a Confucian disciple who can fool around at will, but the head of the seventy-two sages, the first person under Confucius.

It can make him look like this, it can be seen that Beijit really has a college question.

Along the way, the canopy and others were confused.

At the end of the team, Son Goku looked at the canopy indifferently, Sha Wujing and Bai Longma whispered from time to time. Sometimes even San Zang nodded silently, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and an inexplicable sense of superiority was born in his heart. feel.

Turtle, let you refuse to believe in Vegeta, let’s be surprised slowly...

It's not that Son Goku looks down on these partners, he really feels that they are a little fussed.

As a majestic sage with arms, he is well-known in the world for his talents. Is it weird to read more books, understand some scriptures, and even learn to become a school of his own?

No matter how high Yan Hui is, how can it be compared with Vegett?

It's not comparable, and his admiration is worthy of your astonishment?

"Listening to the Lord's words is better than reading a hundred years of books."

Half a month later, in front of an ancient city, Yan Hui said seriously.

Vegett said: "No. Now you have basically understood my core academics, hurry up and leave. I have to say that you are lucky, and we have not encountered any disasters along the way... When catastrophe occurs, you will definitely be the worst one."

Yan Hui knew in his heart that what he said was true, and he nodded and said, "Since this is the case, then I will leave first. Great Sage, I will tell the master about your knowledge and convey it to the scholars of the scholars. The enlightenment."

Yan Hui left, and the canopy leaned against Vegett and said, "I find that I can't see through you more and more. Every time I feel that I have read you, after a while, you will show me A brand new self came out."

Beget smiled and said: "Isn't this normal? If you read it through easily, doesn't it mean that my IQ is the same as yours, or even lower than you?"

The canopy nodded subconsciously, and then reacted. Vegeta was changing the law to harm him. For a moment, he couldn't help but feel anxious, and summoned a nine-tooth rake: "Beget, look for a fight!"

"Ha ha……"

Vegett laughed heartily, turning a rainbow to avoid.

On the other side, he said that Yan Hui rushed back to Shushan Xuehai, and in a pavilion, he saw the master who was studying.

"See the Great Sage with Arms?"

The tall Master was wearing a blue shirt, and when he raised his eyes, he showed an old face.

Yan Hui respectfully saluted, stood up and said, "I saw it, the mountain stood up."

The Master's eyes were slightly surprised. He knew very well that his disciple's virtues could make him feel that the mountain was standing up and down, and that Vegett's knowledge must not be simple.

"Let's talk about it, what did you guys talk about?"

"Talking about the Confucian Confucianism, the Confucianism of the mind, and the knowledge of things." Yan replied.

Confucius was startled slightly, and asked: "Neo-Confucianism, Xinxue, Gewu? When did Confucianism have this kind of knowledge?"

"Before the disciple set off, there was no such thing. But after the disciple came back, it was there."*

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