Chapter 761

"Before the disciple set off, there was no such thing. But after the disciple came back, there was."

Yan Hui took a deep breath and solemnly said, "This is the knowledge of the Great Sage with Arms. I think that thinking is no less than Master."

Confucius smiled and said, "It's hard to see you admire a person so much. Tell me in detail, what kind of knowledge is this."

After a long while, as Yan Hui said, Confucius gradually reduced the smile on his face, his eyes gleaming with the light of wisdom.

"The Great Sage of Arms is a Confucian sage." Confucius said seriously after Yan Hui finished speaking.

Yan Hui nodded in agreement: "So, the master wants to be a saint on behalf of the Confucian school?"

"I still need to see him in person..." Confucius said, as if he was thinking of something, with a slight smile on his face: "I almost forgot, as the King of Ten Thousand Demons, he is afraid that he might not look down upon the sage of Confucianism."

"Master who doesn't know." Yan Hui said: "During the period of communicating with him, I found that he has confidence and a good impression of Confucianism. This feeling will be clearly felt when you meet him. ."

Confucius nodded, looked down at the book in his hand, and said, "When I finish reading the ancient book in my hand, I will go find him once."

Suddenly, Yan Hui began to look forward to the meeting between Master and Vegett, what sparks would be produced.

A few days later, an ox cart came slowly from the southern sky and landed before the westward line.

A middle-aged man wearing a green shirt, warm as a jade, sitting on the outside of the carriage, clasped his fists and said, "Big Sage with arms wide, please see my teacher..."

It was an acquaintance, Yan Hui, who just met a month ago.

And there is only one person who can make him drive the bulls and the whip, and call him the master of the family, that is, the eternal leader of the Confucian school, the Master!

Thinking that he could see the existence of this myth, defeated, and mythical today, Vegett's heart trembled slightly and his eyes opened.

The master stepped out of the carriage, took Yan Hui with his feet, stepped onto the cloud boat step by step, and said to Vegett: "I have heard of the name for a long time, and I have been fascinated for a long time."

As a sign of respect, Vegett stood up and said with a smile: "Me too. Master, it's nice to meet you."

Seeing the happy scene of the two, Yan Hui secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, a smile appeared on his face.

For him, what he feared most was that Vegett looked down on the Master.

"Yau took the liberty to come here to discuss Xinxue and Gewuxue with you, and hope that the Great Sage will give him advice." The Master said straightforwardly.

Facing Confucius, Vegett's expression suddenly became straight.

"Dare to ask the great sage, the king of Ming ruled the world with filial piety, and he dared not be a minister of a small country... what do you understand about the word filial piety?" the master asked.

Vegett was silent for a moment, and replied: "The heart is the reason. There are things outside the heart, and there are things outside the heart... And if the father fails, go to the father to ask for a filial reason? Asking for a loyal reason... It is only in this heart, and the heart is the reason. This heart is selfless, that is, the principle of heaven, and there is no need to add a point to the outside. This is purely the heart of heaven, and the father will do it. It's filial piety, and you are loyal..."

Although Vegett narrated this paragraph in his mouth, with his understanding of the Scripture, he could not realize the true meaning at all, and he could only understand the literal meaning.

However, he couldn't understand it. Someone present could understand it.

For example, Yan Hui, for example...Master.

After listening to his explanation, the Master and Yan Hui looked at each other, silently.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Vegett couldn't help but ask without seeing him.

The Master shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's continue. Dare to ask the Great Sage, how can I reach my conscience?"

Vegett still reads according to the text: "Things are also things. Whatever the meaning is, there must be a superior, and the thing that the meaning is in is the thing. The case is the righteousness. The righteousness of the righteousness is also the righteousness..."

The so-called seeing a leaf and knowing autumn, only from the answers to two questions, the master has already understood that Vegett has a very complete and powerful theory of mind in his mind.

Compared with practicality and reliability, this theory is even superior to his theory.

This is a very magical and terrifying thing.

The other party's knowledge seems to have been born out of Confucianism, but it surpasses today's Confucianism.

It's hard to imagine how amazing Vegett's talent is and how amazing it is!

Taking a deep breath, the Master was a little unwilling to admit defeat, and continued to ask: "Dare to ask the Great Sage, what is your understanding of enlightenment?"

Vegett smiled slightly and said: "Mostly the love of a boy, it is fun to play but to be detained. It is like the beginning of the grass and trees, and the comfort is good, and the damage is decay..."

Starting from adapting to temperament and inspiring interest, it has been talking about step by step and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

Vegett’s educational theory covers the essence of most Confucian pedagogy, and is more systematic, more detailed, and easier to operate.

This is not easy. It is almost impossible to thoroughly understand Confucianism.

"Great usually like to read the Confucian classics?"

After listening to Beijit's account, the Master felt a little throbbing inexplicably, and he actually gave birth to the feeling of Shengyu He Shengliang.

Vegett nodded and said, "Huh? Well... it's okay."

The master paused, and sighed: "Born by Begett, the lamp will be bright... I have been learning for thousands of years, but I am not as good as you, so I am really ashamed."

Beijit was a little hot inexplicably, he still had some shame after all, and he hurriedly said: "Master Miaozan, all of my knowledge has been developed on the Confucianism that you have forged. Without you, Without Confucianism, there would be no such thinking. If you are not as good as me, would I have become a born saint?"

The Master was startled slightly, then chuckled and said: "How wise, studious, humble, and polite, what kind of fairy are you, you are clearly a generation of Wenzong. On behalf of the Confucian School, I sincerely invite you to join and ascend the Confucian School. Sacred Heart, I don’t know what you want?"

As I said a long time ago, Vegett knows exactly what the two words Confucianism mean.

They are not potential stocks, but Shenron, a hidden dragon in the deep, waiting for the opportunity to soar into the sky in the future.

With Vegett’s personality, why did he spend a lot of time communicating with Yan Hui?

Why did he answer the Master’s question happily? In the final analysis, some utilitarian factors are unavoidable.

He has never been a person who only knows about dedication, and he will not forget the benefits that should be taken from him.

For example, now, because of his previous efforts, he has been personally invited by Confucius and has the opportunity to "become a shareholder" of Confucianism.

Moreover, the starting point is very high, and the identity of the "group director" is the status of the "group director" when it becomes a shareholder, and its position in the group is second only to Confucius!

"Thank you Master for your kindness, but I am a little worried that I cannot make much contribution to the Confucian school."

Although Vegett doesn't want to play the drama of three petitions and three resignations, there is absolutely no lack of humility that he should have.

For Confucianism, this is not hypocrisy, but character. *

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