Chapter 766

"Then why are you..."

"Then why did I fall into your calculations, right?"

Vegeta smiled slightly and pointed to her body and said, "You turn your head and see who is standing behind!"

The ancient fairy secretly said that it was not good, and did not turn his head in accordance with the words, but clasped the white jade bone sword in both hands, and rushed towards Vegett.

It's just that she was still a little late to leave after all.

A golden iron rod with the thickness of her waist flew out of the void and crashed on the back of her head.

The attack was so sudden and so fierce that the ancient fairy smashed his head before he could even use his defensive magical powers.


In the different planes in the same space, the face of Unicorne changed slightly, and he forcibly tore through the void. What he saw was the image of Son Goku smashing the head of the ancient fairy.

"What are you doing in a daze? If you don't rescue the fairy king, can you wait to die?"

At this moment, a long sword that was as dark as ink shattered into time and space, and slashed heavily on the golden hoop, actually forcibly chopping it into the air.

"Absolute Immortal Sword, Taoist Golden Immortal!"

Vegett held the blood-changing sword and said to the immortal who broke through the air: "Didn't you say that you will help us? Why do you want to turn back and help the gang?"

Daoxing Jinxian said, "To be honest, I really want to help you. But now I find that you don't need my help. In desperation, I can only choose the existence that needs my help."

Begett sneered and said, "Do you think I would believe your nonsense? The three of you, for the sake of profit, I'm afraid that you have been linked together long ago."

"The reason why you appeared before Jinshan, stopped us, and told us about the unicorn and the female fairy king, the purpose is to gain our trust, and then we should cooperate inside and outside to break us."

"But you didn't expect that I didn't trust you at all, and even more directly stated that I didn't want to walk with you. That's why you changed your strategy and created such a fairy pavilion."

"However, I still haven't figured out what exactly is the purpose of creating the fairy pavilion? Just for those so-called fairy clothes?"

"Compared to your doubts, I would like to know how do you know the secrets of the clothes." Unicorn asked solemnly.

Begett paused and said softly: "Since both of us don't want to tell the truth, let's do this first, and discuss any questions after winning or losing!"

Daoxing Jinxian turned his eyes to the headless fairy and asked, "Can you still fight?"

"It just broke a head, it didn't make much difference." Ancient Fairy said without knowing whether it was true or not.

"The last question, where are Sanzang and the others now?" Unicorn summoned a gold bracelet, spinning in circles in his fingers.

"In the universe in my sleeve." Son Goku said lightly.

"The universe in the sleeve..." Du Jiao Si was silent for a while, and said seriously: "Or, let him out at all, otherwise, you will drag many people out if you die."

"I'm not going to die." Son Goku squeezed the golden cudgel tightly and said every word.

"Really, who knows?" Unicorn's smile was a little weird, as if there were some calculations hidden in it.

"Goblin, watch!" Of course Son Goku didn't ignore his smile at the moment. In order to prevent the night from dreaming, he hit his neck with a stick.

The fiercest battle broke out between the two swordsmen, and the sonic boom in the air became a continuous wave, and the time and space shook, as if it were about to be completely shattered.

Daoxing Jinxian, holding a sword of absolute immortality, brazenly joined the battle group, struggling with Son Goku everywhere, and greatly shared the pressure of the unicorn.

Although the headless ancient fairy was fatally wounded, his divine nature was immortal, holding a white jade sword, and rushing towards Vegett frantically.

"Canopy, Lao Sha, you two help Vegett fend off the enemy."

Son Goku roared, and two groups of brilliance flew out of his cuffs, hitting the soft abdomen of the ancient fairy one after another, piercing it completely.

At the moment, Son Goku is fighting the unicorn Sihe Daoxing Jinxian.

With Tianpeng and Sha Wujing, Vegete surrounded the badly wounded ancient fairy.


The diamond bracelet was shining with boundless rays of sunlight, hitting Son Goku's golden chain mail at an extremely tricky angle, directly punching a blood hole in the chest, and blasting blood.

"Chich chich..."

The blood-changing sword in Vegett's hand turned into a shadowless and invisible blood needle, which pierced the ancient fairy's body mightily, devouring the fairy yuan in it frantically.

Then the engulfed immortal element was quickly detonated, and in an instant, it exploded the ancient fairy's spiritual body of the immortal king.

The spirit body of the fairy king was detonated by the blood-changing needle, and the soul had no shelter. The ancient fairy knew that he was in a desperate situation.

Given that Vegeta’s King Kong is not bad, he was shot and flew three kilometers away.


Seeing the opportunity, the canopy hit the ancient fairy's soul with one rake, splitting the entire soul.

In this case, the ancient fairy is still unwilling to escape desperately.

The blazing divine glory flew out of her scattered divine souls, and every ray of light turned into a sharp sword, slamming into the canopy and Sha Wujing like a stormy sea.

As the sun is shining, the light is too dense and the sword shadow is too wide. The two want to hide, but they find that they have nowhere to hide.

"Puff puff……"

The sharp and dense sword light penetrated the bodies of the two of them and severely damaged their spirits.

The canopy is okay, still standing in place.

As for Sha Wujing, the situation was much worse. He was brought flying by Jian Guang, and with a bang, he fell to the ground and fell in a pool of blood.

"Stubbornly stubborn, seeking a dead end."

Vegett summoned the Demon Hunter's Divine Bow, and shot the Thunder God's Arrow, completely shattering the ancient fairy's divided spirit and dispersing it between the heaven and the earth.

A generation of immortal kings, graceful and peerless, died in this life!


On the other battlefield, the Diamond Bracelet suddenly flourished, like a black hole, suspended in the sky above the unicorn, and received the Fantianyin floating three feet above Son Goku's head.

Without the protection of the Fantian Seal, Daoxing Jinxian's Absolute Immortal Sword shone brilliantly and instantly smashed the golden chain mail on Son Goku's body, and the bone scars were clearly visible on his body.

The magical power of King Kong is not bad, after all, it can't stop Jue Xianjian's edge.


After receiving the Fantian Seal, Du Jiao Si was overjoyed in her heart, controlling the diamond bracelet and cooperating with the Supreme Sword to launch an attack frantically.

He kept beating the bleeding wounds on Son Goku's body, bruising him, and the bones inside were shattered.

Son Goku gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain, the golden cudgel swept in all directions, and constantly thundered back the ultimate sword like a tarsal maggot, gradually reaching its limit.

It's not that he is not strong enough, but that the other party's magic weapon is too powerful. *

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