Chapter 767

In the original work, this azure bull spirit not only defeated all the westward guardians with this diamond bracelet, but also defeated many top sacred sacreds of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism. It can be called one of the most difficult monsters in the history of the westward journey.

Vegett looked at the trembling canopy and Sha Wujing, who didn't know his life or death, and sighed slightly, then drew the bowstring at Unicorne.

With his help, Son Goku gradually recovered some of his disadvantages, he was no longer pressed and beaten, and even had a little room for breathing.

When the battle is here, everyone has reached the limit. If nothing happens, then there will be a competition of endurance.

Everyone present knew this in their hearts, but the Tao Xing Jinxian didn't want to compete with the Bodhi disciple who is known for his perverted stamina. He shouted, "Mirage, I ate that damn Vegeta."

The furball-like monster crawled out of the sleeves of the Tao Xing Jinxian, exhaling billowing smoke from his mouth, covering Vegett's body.

"Kunpeng, you have an opponent." Vegett said softly.

A cry that could not be described in words resounded through the sky, and the huge golden bird seemed to have passed through the wormhole of time and space and suddenly appeared.

With a light flap of the Wings of the Sky, the all-permeable smoke completely dissipated without a trace.

"Kunpeng Bird..."

Daoxing Jinxian was slightly startled, and subconsciously accelerated his attack on Son Goku.

Kunpeng feeds on fierce beasts, and he is really worried that the mirage will not be able to compete with each other and will be eaten directly.

Both sides summoned a spirit beast, and the battle once again fell into a deadlock, and it was difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat in a short period of time.

Sitting on the ground, the canopy looked at the battle in the sky, suddenly flashed in his mind, and shouted: "Monkey, we still have a reinforcement. Summon the little white dragon."

Son Goku flew the diamond bracelet with a stick, and his mind moved slightly, summoning the little white dragon from the universe in his sleeve.

After appearing, the little white dragon turned into a human form, holding a cold and dignified sword, and constantly chopped to the Tao Xing Jinxian, becoming the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

"let's go."

Unicorner glanced at Xiao Bailong deeply, smiled secretly in his heart, and said to Daoxing Jinxian.

Because of the existence of the little white dragon, if the fight continues, the two horns will undoubtedly lose.

However, if they flee resolutely, with the strength of the little white dragon, they can't be stopped.

Seeing that the two demons were about to leave the air, Son Goku gritted his teeth, fighting spirit, and driving the law of the road.

Numerous talisman diplomas were born out of nowhere, combined into a cage, trapping the two immortals in it.

"With me here, how can you allow you to come as you say you come, and leave as you say?!"

Unicorn and Daoxing Jinxian looked at each other, and shot at the same time, using the diamond bracelet and the absolute sword to continuously chop the law cage!

This law cage is connected with Son Goku's soul, and the powerful impact force follows the invisible thread, constantly shaking his soul.

There was a faint blood flowing from Son Goku's five orifices, but he still persisted desperately, without any slack.

Vegeta bowed the full moon, and thunderbolt continuously passed through the gap between the cages, impacting the physique of the two immortals.

In this way, just as the two sides were at a stalemate again, something unexpected happened to Beijit and others.

I saw Xiao Bailong come to Son Goku's side at some unknown time, and stabbed a dagger into his throat fiercely.


The white blade collided with the skin, shooting out a little spark.

Although Xiao Bailong's attack did not break Son Goku's defense, it broke his rising momentum and the last point of persistence.


When Beijit and the others did not react, the unicorn gave a low cry, rolled up a fairy wind, wrapped the little white dragon that was frozen in place, took him with him, broke through the time and space, and hurried away.


The light in Son Goku's eyes dimmed suddenly, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Begett was shocked, and ignored the enemy, so he flew up to the monkey and held his crumbling body.

"I'm fine."

Son Goku closed his eyes and reached out to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth: "I said what exactly is the method of the fairy pavilion, it turned out to be secretly controlling the little white dragon. It seems that the other party has deduced to today's picture before the layout. "

Vegeta felt sorry for his injury and waved to the canopy: "Don't talk about it, canopy, relic!"

Without any hesitation, the canopy summoned the Sanzo relic with a wave of his hand and threw it to the two of them.

Son Goku slowly opened his eyes, stretched out his hand to hold the relic in his palm, and said helplessly: "Don't say this is no good, Sanzang... was taken away by the little white dragon!"

Vegett’s pupils shrank slightly, but there was not much abnormality on his face. He raised his arm and patted his shoulder, and said solemnly: “If this is the case, you have to hurry up to recover from your injury. If you can’t fight again, we will take it seriously. There is no hope of a comeback!"

Repeated battles, coupled with the white dragon horse's sneak attack, led to the backlash of the law of heaven, and Son Goku's spirit almost broke apart and was severely traumatized.

With the help of this kind of abnormal level treasure of the Tripitaka Relic, it took him a full seven days to barely repair the wound of the soul.

As for the injuries on the body, it is too late to be treated.

"Now let's discuss how to rescue Sanzang from those two people."

At some point, when he opened his eyes and looked up at him, Vegett said solemnly.

Looking at the whole westbound from a macro perspective, it is actually quite boring, even a bit tedious.

Because from beginning to end, this was just a battle for the Three Zangs.

No matter how the storyline changes, no matter how different the details are, this will never change.

However, from a microscopic point of view, after you truly participate in the westward journey, you have your place in this team, and you can truly experience the thrill of this monotonous life.

This is not a game, there is a chance to start again after death.

Everyone must live cautiously, to the Three Realms, to all the saints, to reflect their own value.

The worthless creatures will be rejected by the gods, and they can be killed at will.

Vegett understands these truths, so he never spends his time complaining and dissatisfied.

It is to perform as perfect as possible in every disaster, so that you have more investment value.

This time... also so!

"That green bull was originally the next sacred beast on the seat of the old man. Now he is holding the Supreme Supreme Diamond Bracelet. It is not a normal Da Luo, who is at the level of the Barefoot Immortal. , Eat and hang down."

Tianpeng said earnestly: "So if you want to defeat him, you can only ask the old gentleman."

As Vegeta who travels through the crowd, he knows this truth better than Canopy himself.

However, he just didn't want to ask the Supreme Sage to make the other party complete this self-directed and self-acted drama and easily gain merit.

Recalling the plot in the original book, Vegett slowly said: "In addition to asking the old man, I know there is another way to subdue the unicorn."*

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