Chapter 769

After listening to her words, Beget nodded slightly and said, "I'm not the same as you. I only know that his only disciple is dead. Although the chief culprit has been appointed as the leader, some accomplices are still at large. This is I can't stand it."

Lian Xin nodded: "I can understand how you feel."

Beijit sighed and said, "Although it is unbearable, the grandson monkey is not easy to deal with. To be honest, I came here this time just to ask your grandma to borrow the banana fan to deal with the monkey king. ."

"Isn't there a plantain fan in Laojun, why did you borrow me?" Just as Lian Xin was about to speak, a voice full of doubt suddenly sounded from the entrance of the hall.

Following the sound, Beijit looked up, but saw a plump woman wearing plain white clothes, wearing pure white cloud boots, long hair over her buttocks, and a fair and soft face, standing pretty in front of the door frame. With doubts.

If you want to be pretty and filial, you have to say that the iron fan princess, dressed in white, has the demeanor of a royal sister and a pitiful temperament.

These two different feelings were cleverly blended together, so that a surprise flashed in the eyes of Beiget, who was accustomed to seeing beauty.

"The old gentleman has been in retreat again recently. He wanders in chaos. I don't know when to wake up. Under this situation, I can't bother, and I can't ask for your head. Borrow the banana fan and call that Son Goku and Bei Kitt paid the price!" Vegett said seriously.

Princess Tiefan was silent for a moment, and shook her head and said, "These treasures cannot be borrowed. Let me tell you, what are your plans? I will bring the fan with you."

Seeing her being so cautious, Beget was embarrassed, thinking, and whispering: "Don't dare to lie, this strategy of mine is a bit insidious, if you let you do it, I'm afraid it will hurt you. Merit adds to your karma, and there will be retribution in the future."

Princess Iron Fan sighed and said, "In my situation, where would I be afraid of retribution, the archmage said it would be fine."

Vegett took a deep breath and said, "Originally, I wanted to borrow your fan to create an eight thousand-mile flame mountain on the westbound road to block the footsteps of the people on the westbound road."

"Turning eight thousand miles of land into scorched earth and becoming a Jedi-like flame mountain is almost equivalent to destroying the limbs of the Three Realms, and great karma will drop."

"Assuming you are required to do it alone, and let's not say whether you can harm Vegett and others, even if it can hurt you, you will eventually pay a heavy price for your bad luck."

"It's not just me, isn't it the same for you to do this?" Princess Iron Fan said seriously.

Vegett shook his head and said, "It's different. I am the true fairy of Fulu. I have practiced merits since I was a child and have a profound blessing. Even if it causes eight thousand miles of scorched earth, it will not hurt the origin. But you can't do it, karma If there is too much strength and no merit is resolved, there will definitely be a danger of death."

Princess Iron Fan considered it for a long time, then raised her eyes and said, "Have you ever chosen a place? Let's go now."

Vegett said: "I'm just an idea, and I haven't determined the specific direction yet."

Princess Iron Fan pondered for a while and said, "The mountains that stretch for hundreds of miles are easy to find, but the mountains that stretch for 8,000 miles are really hard to find in the world. To do this, you need to move mountains and mountains. When I come back, I just stop the people walking westward. Really need such a big battle?"

Vegett said earnestly: "The white horse that Sanzang rides is not a pure horse, but the line of the dragon king with the most noble blood. It is hundreds of miles of mountains, and it goes around a very large circle, and it is only a long journey. , One or two months of effort."

"But if the Flaming Mountain stretches for eight thousand miles, the cost-effectiveness of solving troubles exceeds the cost-effectiveness of detours, and they will choose the former."

Princess Iron Fan listened carefully to Veget's explanation, her eyes gradually brightened: "What is the price/performance ratio?"

"It's the comparison between the energy expended and what you get," Vegett explained.

Princess Iron Fan opened the mouth and said: "What you are saying is that you are worthy of being a disciple of the Supreme Master, who made Yang Moudu so magnificent. Let's go. Let's first examine the westbound route of Sanzang and others, and then move the mountain and move the mountain. ."

Vegett followed behind Princess Iron Fan, walked out of the cave, and lifted into the sky.

On the way, Vegett turned to look at the woman whose face was more white in the sun, and asked casually, "Speaking of which, what about Ox-King? With his help to move mountains and mountains, we will be faster. It’s a lot."

Mentioning this name, Princess Iron Fan flashed a bitterness on her face, and said softly: "Mountains are easy to change, but nature is hard to change... I don't know where he is currently happy."

Seeing the mournful sorrow on her face, Vegett was speechless and did not know how to comfort.

After a long silence between each other, Vegeta finally broke the peace: "I'm sorry."

Princess Iron Fan shook her head. There was a kind of strength unique to traditional women in her expression: "It's just an unintentional word. You haven't done anything wrong. Why should you apologize?"

Begett paused and said softly: "Sometimes, I feel apologetic, not because I did something wrong, but because some behavior has caused harm to the other party."

Vegett's thinking is very special, and this special thinking makes Princess Iron Fan feel a little puzzled.

In her memory, the Great Master Xuandu was not such a person who was particularly interested in women, let alone consider her feelings.

The two of them drove the clouds and talked all the way, unknowingly they had already flown more than 3,000 miles.

At a certain moment, the Princess Iron Fan, who looked at the river and mountains below, stopped abruptly, stretched out her hand and pointed, "Master Xuandu, what do you think of the mountain range below?"

Beget awakened from his contemplation, and looking down from the distance, he saw that the mountain below was like a dragon, winding for thousands of miles, with few people, only birds and beasts cried.

"It's not bad. It's a good place. Fan the bananas for me first. I start the fire from the other party without creatures. At the same time, you can't get free. You need to drive out all the creatures within a thousand miles for me. Karma can be reduced by one. The point is one point...After I turn this thousand-mile mountain into a flame mountain, the two of us will move the mountain together."

Princess Tiefan stared at Vegett with her eyes for a long time, so that he began to wonder if he had been exposed.

"Any questions?"

Princess Tiefan shook her head, opened her mouth and spit out a banana fan with red and green sides, and handed it to him: "Here you are, you can start first."

Vegett was holding a banana fan and instigated it downward. At that moment, the boundless sacred fire appeared crazily, igniting the ten miles of mountains and rocks.

The flames rose above the rocks, as if burning wood, enduring for a long time, and the high temperature was blazing, making Vegeta in mid-air feel slightly hot on his skin. *

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