Chapter 770

"It's really a good baby." He muttered to himself, raising his eyes and said: "Go and drive away the creatures here. I will start from here and light up this mountain little by little."

Princess Iron Fan did not talk nonsense, she walked among the mountains with the breeze, and collected a lot of creatures into her magic weapon.

About three or five hours later, the sun slanted to the west, and the sky gradually darkened. Princess Iron Fan finally wiped out all the creatures in the mountain range, released her divine thoughts, and scanned the entire mountain range little by little, but she did not find Master Xuandu at all. Silhouette.

Faced with this sudden situation, Princess Iron Fan, who should have been panicked, showed a thoughtful look on her face.

It seemed that he didn't care about the disappeared Master Xuandu and his precious Banana fan.

"Eight Thousand Miles Flame Mountain, it is indeed a very good idea." After a long time, she looked at the empty mountain range, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Vegett and Son Goku returned to Jindou Mountain with the banana fan they tricked from Princess Iron Fan, and gathered with the waiting canopy and Sha Wujing.

"Did you get the banana fan?" Canopy asked for the first time.

Vegett opened his palm to him and said: "I got it, I have personally tested it, and it can emit an innate sacred fire."

The canopy did not ask about the situation, and raised his eyes to the towering Jindou Mountain: "It should not be too late, let's hurry up and set off. I don't know what suffering Sanzang is currently suffering!"

At the moment, everyone climbed to the top of the mountain along the winding mountain road and came to Jindou Cave.

"Green bull spirit, hypocrite, your grandpa is here, don't you come out soon?!"

Standing in front of the two rows of demon soldiers at the entrance of the cave, the canopy shouted loudly, waving the nine-tooth rake.

"I let you go earlier, but I never thought you would come here to die at such a risk!"

A neat and heavy footsteps came from the cave. The headless demon god wearing a purple-green robe and a red cloak, Daoxing Jinxian wearing a blue-robed robe, and some demon generals who had just been recruited, stepped heavily. Come.

"Kill!" Vegett was unwilling to chatter with him, instilling fairy energy into the banana fan, making the fan suddenly bigger, holding it in his hand, and trying his best to fan it.

The mighty impact of the monstrous flames hit the Jindou hole, and Du Jiao Si quickly changed his face, summoned the diamond bracelet, and shouted, "Come on!"

"Om..." The huge adsorption force pulled the flame to the diamond bracelet, but it failed to enter the different space inside the bracelet as the unicorn thought, instead it directly pressed against the surface of the bracelet and burned.

The diamond bracelet is a rare gold, indestructible, and any high-strength hit cannot make it deformed.

However, there is no invincible magic weapon in this world.

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the five origins of strength, mutually regenerate and restrain each other, and there is no such thing as the strongest.

The plantain fan in Vegett's hand was red on the side, and what was fanned out was the innate sacred fire, which suppressed the gold, which just completely suppressed the diamond bracelet, making it difficult for it to exert its power anymore.

Fire dragons flew out from the banana fan, refining the diamond bracelets that were rigid in the air and were not controlled by the unicorn.

The unicorn was horrified in her heart, and ignoring anything else, she squeezed the steel gun in her hand, and rushed towards Vegett.


Son Goku waved the golden hoop and shouted loudly. The shadow of the stick fell like a mountain, and with a boom, the unicorn Sisheng shook back hundreds of steps.

Without the diamond bracelet such a treasure, the combat power of the two is not on the same level at all.

Daoxing Jinxian's eyes were shining, and the sword of Jue Xian flew out of the back scabbard with a clever sound, with an obvious space-time rift, slashing towards Vegett's heart.


Son Goku stood in front of Vegeta, and the golden hoop danced into light, blocking the perfect sword that was constantly attacking like a poisonous snake.

According to the current situation, it will not take long for Vegett to surrender the diamond bracelet and help the westbound team win.

It's just that when the situation is in a good situation, something unexpected to everyone has happened.

When Vegett danced the plantain fan again, there were no longer any formation runes on the fan's surface, and no monstrous flames were generated. Only a violent wind rolled up, blowing the red robe of Unicorne.

Vegett's eyes narrowed slightly, and the unicorn stayed in place. At this moment, there was silence between the two demons.

Under the influence of the two of them, even Daoxing Jinxian and Son Goku stopped, staring blankly at the fan in Vegett's hand.

"What happened... Why can't this banana fan fan the flames?" Sha Wujing asked in astonishment.

Looking down at the fan where the red light in his hand had completely faded, Beget remembered in a daze that in the original book, Princess Iron Fan had a true and false fan on both sides.

Son Goku's first loan of three banana fans was the fake fan.

Fanning the Flame Mountain with a fake fan caused the flames to grow stronger, and almost failed to cook the Xixing brothers.

It's just that when Vegeta deceived him, he couldn't tell the truth from the fake in a short time, and Sanzang, who was worried about him, left in a hurry. That's why he forgot about it.

Like Son Goku in the original book, I got a fake banana fan.

The raging flame was no longer nourished, but was washed away by the golden light on the diamond bracelet. Suddenly, there was a feeling of fear in her heart.

He took the diamond bracelet back immediately and greeted Daoxing Jinxian to return to the cave.

Without the suppression of the innate sacred fire, Vegett and the others were unwilling to resist the edge of the diamond bracelet, so they had to let them rush back to the cave and hang up the free card.

"This iron fan princess really has such a delicate mind and a cautious mind." Withdrawing his gaze, Vegett said to himself.

Son Goku frowned slightly: "This first deception ended without a problem. If I want to deceive her in the future, I am afraid it will be extremely difficult."

"Cheating is the least we can do to meet our own needs while harming each other." Vegett said helplessly: "But now, we have failed, so we have to find another way."

"What else can you do?" Son Goku asked.

Thinking of Princess Iron Fan’s pitiful fate, Vegett’s eyelids trembled and whispered: “Give us another chance to have a good talk, and dignifiedly borrow the banana fan from her. If she doesn’t want this, I can only hurt myself..."

Tengyun left Jindou Mountain and hurried back to Cuiyun Mountain. In front of Bajiao Cave, Beijit knocked on the door and said, "Princess Iron Fan, open the door. We have something to say to you."

"You want to tell me... Are you here to pay the debt?" The giant gate opened rumblingly, and the red-eyed Princess Iron Fan walked out from it.

Looking at her haggard face, Vegeta paused slightly, shook his head and said: "We are not here to pay the debt, because we are sure that we don't owe you anything."*

_Text 3 (Chapter 71-Chapter 140).txt

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