Chapter 776

"Even if the cause is found out, he won't have a good idea about it."

The water mist in front of Yunzhou seemed to be split by a sharp sword, and a long-faced Taoist priest carrying a long-faced Taoist came to everyone.

"Who are you and what did you do to us?" Vegeta summoned the blood-changing sword and asked in a cold voice.

"In fact, I didn't do anything, just planted a Gu in your body. This Gu is called River Swallowing, and it has the capacity to swallow rivers and seas. It is rooted in your spirits and can continuously swallow the water in your flesh."

"Even if it is Da Luo Jinxian, under this gu, there is only the fate of physical death."

Vegett walked out of the cloud boat and said coldly: "Tell me the solution, I can let you make a living."

The Taoist chuckled and said, "I don't need you to let go of my life. This body of mine is just a clone. What's wrong with being killed by you?"

"However, I can tell you the solution. Everything in the world grows and restrains each other. As long as you drink a scoop of the river water, you can kill the gu worms in the soul."

Vegett looked indifferent: "Do you really think that we don't know anything about this son and mother river? Even if what you said is true, I don't want to have an extra child because of it."

"It's no longer something you want to think about now."

The Taoist pointed his finger at San Zang and said, "Although you can continue to replenish him with water, as time goes by, you will definitely not be able to make it up."

"Besides, even if you can make it up, have you ever thought about it, what kind of harm will Sanzang bring to Sanzang? If you don't solve the River Swallowing Gu in his soul, he will undoubtedly die."

Vegett was silent for a moment, then slowly retracted his palm.

Without a large amount of water to supplement, Sanzang's body deteriorated in a short time, and the whole person began to become dry and precarious.

"Canopy, feed Sanzang and drink a bowl of river water."

Sanzang's pupils were slightly open, and he solemnly said: "I can't drink this water, otherwise, once I am pregnant with a child, I will face scandal and become the laughingstock of Buddhism."

Vegett said calmly: "As long as your future is strong enough, no one really dares to laugh at you. Canopy, what are you still hesitating, do you want to watch Sanzang die?"

"Canopy, don't go, do you dare to imagine what a terrifying picture it is to be pregnant with a child?" Sanzo solemnly said, "Do not do to others what you don't want!"

"Go, go, if Sanzang is dead, do you think any of us can survive?" Vegett shouted.

The canopy was frantically weighing the pros and cons in his mind, and finally looked at Sanzang apologetically.

"Mage, it's not that I don't want to stand by your side, but if you die, none of us will survive. Even if you think about it for us, you should understand my approach."

The words that Sanzang poured into his throat were shattered and swallowed back into his stomach again.

Seeing that he had no objections, the canopy picked up the purple gold bowl, took a bowl of spiritual water, and handed it to Sanzang's lips.

Sanzang sighed softly, closed his eyes as if accepting his fate, and drank the entire bowl of water into his stomach.


A faint and stern cry came out of Sanzang's body abruptly, and a white light flew from his right ear, revealing the appearance of River Swallowing Gu.

"Huh!" Vegett brandished the blood-melting sword to completely decompose the little gu worm and chop it into powder.

The Taoist smiled slightly and said to the canopy and the others: "Although you are strong, it is impossible to support the River Swallowing Gu for a lifetime. So I advise you to drink a bowl of river water, at least not to become a lonely ghost. ."

The canopy looked at him with cold eyes: "Get out!"

"It is useless to talk more than speculation." The Taoist smiled and turned around, driving away: "I am waiting for the day when the Sanzang child is born. When that time comes, I will definitely give him a gift!"

Not long after the Taoist left, Son Goku returned.

He said to the crowd: "The line in the river has been completely eliminated. Now as long as you move in one direction, it won't take long..."

After speaking, he found that everyone's expressions were very depressed, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you?"

Vegett briefly talked about the passing, and asked, "Didn't you just crack the front? Why did it take such a long time?"

Son Goku glanced at San Zang's abdomen and said, "The people who set up the formation deliberately arranged a lot of positions in order to prevent someone from destroying the front. It took me a long time to find these positions."


At this moment, San Zang suddenly sucked in a cold breath.

Everyone followed his gaze, but saw that his lower abdomen was inflated, bulging rapidly, as if he was pregnant in March.

"Beget, can you take it off before it is conceived into life?"

Sanzang tried to endure the pain in his abdomen and asked.

Vegett reached out and touched his lower abdomen, shook his head and said, "The flesh and blood are connected to the soul, and I can't remove it for you. But I know that in this daughter's country, there is a Jieyang Mountain, and there is a Juxian Nunnery on the mountain. There is a spiritual spring in it called Luotaiquan. As long as you take this Luotaiquan water and eat a bite, you can melt away this mass of flesh and blood."

"The world is truly wonderful, monkey, Vegett, after leaving this mother-and-child river, I will bother you to get a drop of fetal spring water... I am almost dying of thirst now."

As the canopy said, he summoned a jade bottle and collected more than ten catties of river water.

Sha Wujing's face was a little pale, and she asked, "Aren't you planning to drink this kind of river water too?"

"Otherwise? How long can you last?"

The canopy said helplessly: "I feel that I can no longer suppress the River Swallowing Gu. If I don't drink the river water, I will be sucked into an adult soon."

Seeing his dying body inwardly, Sha Wujing's mouth twitched, and he was silent.

Made up his mind, the canopy took the jade bottle with both hands and poured two mouthfuls of spring water fiercely.

It was almost as effective as the cure, a white light flew from his left ear, and the hunger and thirst in the depths of the soul suddenly disappeared.

Taking a long breath, the canopy lay lazily on the ground: "Monkey, next, it's up to you."

"No, I'm at the limit." Bai Longma's face changed suddenly, turning into a dragon body, and a fierce son plunged into the river.

Sha Wujing said, "By the way, you definitely don't know how to drink the water from the Zimu River?"

Vegett nodded and said, "I don't want to give birth to a little monkey by myself, unless I can get the water from the birthplace spring in advance."

"I have the same idea as you." Sha Wujing said: "But where is Xieyang Mountain and how far is it? If it is far, I think I may not be able to hold that time."

Vegett pointed to the front and said: "Go all the way to the west, and you will see a village within a short distance. That Xieyang Mountain is on Zhengnan Street of this village."*

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