Chapter 777

"Monkey, I bother you to go as soon as possible. It's only a few hours. Our stomachs are swollen like a pregnancy in March. If we come back late, I am afraid that our children will all come out." Tianpeng straightened up and begged. Said.

Son Goku nodded, and as soon as he summoned a somersault cloud, Vegeta jumped on the cloud head.

"I'm by nature the least fond of waiting, let's go with you."

The two of them drove the clouds and broke the wind, and they saw a mountain in a short time.

The mountains are blooming like brocades, green grasses are like green, cranes flying, spirit birds rejoicing, young fairy children go to gather medicine, and the middle-aged woodcutter is still... it is a good place for self-cultivation.

Landing from the sky on the top of the mountain, step by step came to Juxian Temple.

Beget paused in his footsteps and said loudly: "Dare to ask Ruyi Zhenxian in the nunnery?"

His voice resounded across the top of the mountain, but there was silence in the nunnery, and no one answered for a long time.

"There is no breath of life." Son Goku stretched out his hand and pushed open the gate, looking at the silent inner courtyard.

In the inner courtyard, the trees are lush, blocking the sunlight, making the environment cold and dark.

The two walked into the hospital together, and the crisp sound of dry branches broke under their feet.

The snakes and insects hidden under the dead leaves were frightened and fled hurriedly, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

In a short time, when the wind blew up, black smoke emerged from the ground, turning into a bald-headed red-eyed, short naked, blood-stained ghost-faced baby with a terrifying appearance.

Just looking at the appearance of this ghost face baby is enough to scare ordinary people.

And so many ghost-faced babies gathered together, rendering the entire courtyard like hell.

Son Goku's face was calm, and a giant palm of celestial energy condensed between his raised hands, and he slapped heavily among the group of ghosts and infants, exploding in an instant.

The blood stained the pale blue ground.

The ghost infants screamed sternly, but with weird smiles on their faces, they charged them fiercely.

Don’t say it’s Son Goku, even Vegeta, when faced with a ghost baby, can kill a large piece of it with a single blow.

But gradually they discovered that no matter how many ghost babies were killed, the total number of ghost babies seemed to remain the same.

What is even more bizarre is that the combat power of these ghost infants has continued to grow stronger in death.

By now, even Vegeta felt tricky.

"Is this a kind of formation? The kind that is strong when it is strong!" Vegett turned to look at Son Goku, and asked in a deep voice.

Son Goku shook his head: "It doesn't feel like it. I didn't find any traces of the front line in the courtyard."

"If it wasn't the formation, what would it be, magic weapon?" Vegett frowned slightly.

Then, tens of thousands of sacred symbols and diplomas evolved into a chain of avenues, surrounded by a ghost and infant, completely suppressed, and pulled to Vegett.

After a long time, Vegeta's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said in a deep voice, "I understand, this is a fake ghost baby, fake, everything is fake."

Son Goku was taken aback, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"This Juxian'an is fake, it's just a psychic energy. And we were unconsciously controlled by this psychic force, and only then have we seen so many ghost infants who are strong when they are strong!"

As Vegett said, he paused slightly, his face turned a little weird: "In other words, we are both dreaming now..."


Son Goku couldn't believe this answer for a while.

With the cultivation base of the two of them, even if the legendary nightmare comes to the world, it is difficult to say that it drags them into the dreamland, and also creates these increasingly stronger ghost babies.

In the entire Three Realms, besides the saints, who can achieve this level without being discovered by them?

"What do you do now?" Son Goku asked after hesitating for a moment.

"Try to exit Muxian'an and take a look."

Vegett greeted Son Goku and quickly exited the gate.

After the two people passed through the gate, the wooden door closed in a trance, and the whole picture suddenly returned to the way they had just arrived here.

"What's going on?" Son Goku asked in surprise.

Vegett pursed his mouth, took a few steps forward, opened the wooden door, and found that it was quiet and lonely, where there were so many ghosts and babies.

"Maybe I understand, this nunnery is just a dream. It stays here if it doesn't leave or move, please enter the urn. When someone pushes the door open, it is equivalent to entering a dream that has been set."

"In the dream, it is the opponent's home court. Therefore, those ghost infants have been groping for me and your combat power, making corresponding adjustments, and finally getting stronger and stronger."

"If it hadn't been for us to come out early, when our strongest combat power was figured out, each of the thousands of ghost infants would have a Luo-level combat power. This is terrifying, and it is enough to kill you and me. "Begett said solemnly.

Son Goku nodded, squeezed the iron rod in his hand, and said coldly: "We were born together, and let me smash this dream fairyland first!"

The front end of the golden cudgel became bigger and bigger, and was lifted high by him. At a certain moment, it suddenly fell down and bombarded the entire Juxian Nunnery.


When life and death are at stake, the sacred light suddenly shines inside the Xian'an.

A black and shiny iron hook flew out of the courtyard room, counterattacked, and boldly handed over the golden hoop.

The sound of vibration spread across the ten directions, and the black iron hook's light suddenly dimmed, spinning and falling back into the courtyard.

A gloomy man in Tsing Yi walked out of the room and said with a cold face, "Who are you waiting for, why are you attacking my Xian'an?"

"Ask you knowingly, don't say that the previous dream was not under your control." Vegett shouted in a deep voice.

"What if there is my control?" The man in Tsing Yi said: "This can't change the fact that you are rude in the first place. You enter without telling it. Even if you die in a dream, who can you blame?"

Vegett frowned, and didn't want to talk nonsense with him here: "Are you the Ruyi True Immortal who has taken the birthplace spring?"

"Treasures who have virtue live in it, and there is no such thing as a force to occupy it."

The Taoist smiled disdainfully, and solemnly said: "As for my identity, my name is Qing Renzi, and I am the only disciple of the true immortal. If you have anything to do here, just tell me directly."

Qing Renzi, where did this guy come from?

Vegett rummaged through all his memories, but couldn't find the name.

I remember that in the original book, Ruyi Zhenxian had a disciple who didn't even have a name, and I didn't know if it was this one.

"Since you can call the shots, that would be great." Beget said with a smile: "We are here this time to buy some unborn spring water. The price is easy to negotiate."

Qing Renzi looked at Vegett up and down, and said, "Are you pregnant, or the one next to you?"

"Is there a difference?" Vegeter asked in a puzzled question, and before answering, he said again: "I want five fetal springs in total. You can calculate how much money you need in total."

Qing Renzi's eyes flashed, pinching fingers and said: "This is a lot, so let's go, five hundred catties of the best spirit stone, I will prepare five springs for you, what do you think?"*

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