Chapter 781: This Is Your Illusion

Vegett turned his eyes to look, but saw that his stomach was swollen to the size of a nine-month pregnancy, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

"Canopy, Yunzhou. Monkey, get ready, join me to give birth to Sanzang by caesarean section."

Sanzang's breathing became heavier and heavier, and solemnly asked, "Beget, have you delivered a baby before?"

"No." Vegett shook his head, carefully led him to the Yunzhou cabin, and came to his room: "But you don't have to worry, there is Goku here, you are determined that there will be no problems."

Sanzo was always a little uneasy, but in the current state, letting Vegeta do it was the best way.

"Find a clean cloth and put it in my mouth, lest I bite my tongue."

Vegeta patted his shoulder and said, "No, you relax. I have numbness here, which can numb your pain nerves without making you feel pain."

Sanzo breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

"Okay, we are about to start the operation, you can go out." Vegett turned his eyes to the canopy and the others.

"Can't we stay here and have a look?" Canopy said disappointedly.

"No." Vegett shook his head and said, "Don't let Sanzo feel burdened, otherwise it's easy to make mistakes."

Although somewhat reluctant, considering the safety of Sanzang, the other few people still withdrew from the room.

Vegett raised his eyes and looked around, and between his arms, he released a large amount of cents, purifying all the germs in the entire room.

Vegett rolled up the cuffs, took out the anesthetic that had been prepared earlier, and injected it into Sanzang's body for the first time.

Then he tore the clothes on his stomach and looked at his white stomach solemnly.

"Monkey, pay close attention to Sanzang's body, don't let the blood flow out."

Vegett showed his magic eyes and saw all the blood vessels in Sanzang's body. He lifted his right hand slightly, and the vast immortal energy condensed into a purple narrow scalpel.

Avoiding all the blood vessels in his body, Vegett gently waved his knife and scratched Sanzang's abdomen.

The dazzling golden light suddenly appeared, causing him to squeeze in his heart and squinting his eyes slightly.

"Do not worry."

Son Goku saw his strangeness and said, "Because Sanzang's spirit is too powerful, and this flesh and blood is born with the help of his spirit, so it's not a bad thing to think it's a bit strange."

Only then was Vegeta relieved.

As time and time passed, the dazzling golden light gradually dissipated, and Vegett controlled his divine mind and found a little baby near Sanzang's stomach, wrapped it with immortal yuan, and took it out with great care.


The moment the child left the body, there was a clear cry.


As if responding in general, thunder suddenly resounded above the clouds.

When tears fell in the child's eye sockets, the extremely gloomy sky rained quickly, stretching for nearly a hundred miles.

"Unconsciously, he is manipulating the law of heaven..."

The corner of Son Goku's mouth twitched, and he clearly saw a trace of authority that Da Luo Jinxian could possess in this baby.

"I think this may be the power of the heart, in the same line as Sanzang." Vegett said seriously.

Son Goku nodded, his mind moved slightly, and Xianyuan waved, healing the wound on Sanzang's belly.

Only now did San Zang wake up from the trance and asked, "Is this over?"

Beget laughed and said, "It's over, the kids are all taken out...what else do you want?"

"Very good, that's good."

Sanzang sat up straight with difficulty, leaning back against the bed, and asked emotionally, "Boy or girl?"

Vegeta will be wrapped by Xianyuan, and the child suspended in mid-air will be held in her arms, washing her body with a soft fairy air: "It's a girl, very cute."

"Let me see." San Zang licked her dry lips and said with a complex expression on her face.

Vegeta washed her body, wrapped it in a clean soft cloth, and handed it to Sanzang.

In fact, the small face of the newly born child has not completely melted away, and the skin is also wrinkled, which is not beautiful.

But Sanzang watched this little guy "jumping" out of his body, and his heart gradually warmed.

The involvement in the blood and soul is an emotion that even a holy monk can't ignore.

"Choose a name for the child."

Seeing his affectionate look on his face, Vegett sighed slightly and said softly.

Sanzang paused, thought for a long time, and took a deep breath: "After the reincarnation, I named Tang as my surname. Since she is my child, she is also surnamed Tang. If she... just call Tang Tang, Haitang. Tang."

"Tang Tang..." Vegett muttered a few words, raised his eyes and said, "Is it a bit too popular?"

Strictly speaking, Tang Tang's name is actually good. It sounds nice and smooth, and is also suitable for girls.

It's just that when Vegett was in his previous life, he had read too many novel characters named Tang Tang, and he had been overwhelmed for a long time, and this kind of doubt appeared.

Of course, Sanzang himself did not know this, and even thought that what Vegett was saying was the truth, frowned and said, "In this case... what good idea do you have?"

Vegeta thought for a while, and said sincerely: "Throughout the ages, people who have repeated names and surnames have never happened, but there is only one kind of name, and there will be very few repetitions, that is, names with numbers in them, or numbers at all. Name. For example, Yan Shisan, such as Jianjiuhuang."

"Yan Shisan, Jian Jiuhuang, who are they?"

Sanzang searched through his past and present memories and made sure that he had never heard of these two people.

They are legendary figures in the two classic works of later generations, but in the normal historical development track, there is no trace at all.

Vegett’s thoughts turned, and while thinking about it, he slowly said: “They, they are the legendary powerhouses of a certain era in the Shenzhou rivers and lakes. They are the kings of the sword. It’s a pity that they don’t want to be famous, so they are not famous. Spread to the world."

Sanzang didn't want to break the casserole and asked to the end. He nodded and said, "Close to the subject...What do you think is the best name for this little guy?"

Vegett looked straight, and said in a solemn voice: "Nine is extremely singular, and it has the power of a king over the world. Therefore, the world is also called the land of Kyushu, and the one who builds the nine tripods can be the supreme in the world."

"San Zang, you young girl, life is extremely expensive, so you can't use low names. Therefore, I think Tang Jiu'er is a very good name."

"Tang Jiuer..."

Sanzang pondered for a while, and said softly: "How do I feel that this name is too random?"

Vegett said, "Trust me, this is your illusion."*

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