Chapter 782 Make the Scorpion King the National Spirit

"Um... Vegett, I also think this name is too random." Canopy said sincerely.

Vegett couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said, "Forget it, if you all feel that way, then assume I haven't said it."

"Actually, even if it is not called Jiu'er, it can be called Jiu'er, Tang Jiu'er, and wine made. The pronunciation of these two characters is the same, and the difference is indistinguishable. You can also give your child a nickname and call it Jiu'er. . In this way, wouldn't everyone be happy?" Son Goku said suddenly.

Sanzang's heart moved, and he nodded and said: "That's good, then from today, this child will have an official name, Tang Jiu'er, is the blood of my Tang Sanzang's direct blood..."

"Beget, Veget, I feel like I'm about to give birth too."

It is said that the group of people has determined the baby's name. Not long after entering the city of Rouge, the face of the canopy suddenly changed, and the back was covered with cold sweat.

"I feel it too." Sha Wujing's mouth twitched suddenly, touching his stomach and speaking.

"And me." Xiao Bailong forced a smile that was not as good as crying, and said with a trembling voice.

Vegete looked at the three pregnant women with a headache, thought for a moment, and transformed into three figures.

"You have a baby and a woman has a baby. You can't wait for the slightest. Now that you can feel it, let's do the operation together and take out the placenta in your body."

After a long while, the three Vegeta completed the operation one after another, suspended the removed placenta in front of the canopy and others, and asked in unison: "How are you going to deal with this thing?"

"Burn it." The little white dragon's energy is like a gossamer, and when the placenta is out of the body, the energy of the whole body is 70 to 80% less.

"Buy it." In a palace room to his left, the canopy said softly.

In the room on the far right, Sha Wujing silently looked at the placenta in the sky, and said seriously: "Give her to me, I'll take care of it."

According to the will of the three people, Vegeta solved the placenta, and said seriously: "Ordinary women, the first two months after giving birth are also very dangerous. Not to mention your placenta, at the moment of birth, it absorbs For your safety, for at least half a month, you cannot use the immortal essence, let alone fight against people."

The three nodded, and the canopy said sincerely: "Then the next half month, it's all up to you and the monkey..."

As for Veget's body, with the previous few people's base, he can easily handle it, and there are no twists and turns at all.

After this happened, the people traveling westward took the Yunzhou and went to the main road and returned to the front of Rouge City.

A touch of green flashed abruptly among the thousands of flowers, which made the whole city crazy.

"A miracle, a miracle, the human race has crossed many cities and towns safely and came to the capital of the country."

Sanzang and the others just entered the city. Whether they were doing business on both sides of the street or going to the market to buy food, all the women cheered eagerly, looking at a few people with their eyes glowing.

"Monkey, be careful with them." Vegett held Tang Jiu'er in his arms and looked at the group of drooling women alertly.

He knew the nature of these women too well.

It is hard not to eat "meat" in March, not to mention that most of them have not "eaten meat" for years, decades, or even a lifetime.

In this state, no one can guarantee how weird thinking they have.

Sure enough, the good order didn't last long at all. Under the lead of some wicked women, the women rushed towards them like a wave of flesh, and the canopy's face was almost white.

"Retreat!" Son Goku frowned and said in a loud voice.

The sound was like a sound wave, spreading to the surroundings, slapped heavily on countless women who were attacking, knocking them all flying, and smashing them to the ground from mid-air.

"The mage calms down."

When the sound wave dissipated, a tall female military officer with a heroic face, dressed in a fish-and-dragon robe, and an embroidered spring knife came to the monkey and the others, and said respectfully.

"Who are you?" Son Goku asked indifferently.

"Xiaguan Zheng Bing is one of the one hundred households in Xicheng. He is responsible for looking after the streets and the residents' safety in this neighborhood." The military attache replied.

"Hundred households..."

Hearing this name which became famous in the later Ming Dynasty, Beget was slightly startled, and then he gradually reacted.

For now, only the Huaguoshan family has this kind of title for military officials.

In other words, the official position of this female military officer belongs to the official position within the Huaguoshan system, and is her own.

"Zheng Baihu, please inform your majesty, or the three consecrates in the capital, and say that there are distinguished guests visiting." Vegett said seriously.

"Guest?" Zheng Bing's eyes were slightly weird.

Seeing the skepticism in her eyes, Begett couldn't help but laugh, pointing to Sanzang and said: "You don't need to look at me with this kind of eyes. The distinguished guest I am talking about is not myself, but the one in front of me. The top noble in China, Tang Huang Yudi, can be regarded as a distinguished guest, right?"

"Dare to ask the mage to have a clear proof?" Zheng Bing said cautiously.

"This is our guide index and customs clearance document. You can check it out." Sanzang took out two documents from the cloth bag on Bai Longma's body and handed them to each other.

After checking the two documents carefully, Zheng Bing looked respectful, and Shili said: "I really don't know that the distinguished guests from Shangbang are visiting. I have lost a long way to welcome and hope for atonement."

"Those who don't know are not guilty," Sanzang said gently.

After a while, Zheng Bing took the people traveling westward to an inn and arranged food and drink.

But she herself changed her official gown, took off the saber around her waist, and went outside the yellow gate of the imperial palace, and said in a solemn voice: "Zheng Bing, a hundred households on Yingyang Street, need to face your Majesty if you have something to do.

In this daughter country, after three enshrinement reforms, the rights of the hundred households belonging to Jinyiwei are not high.

But if there is an urgent matter, it is possible to meet the holy monarch.

Therefore, the little yellow sects dare not make things difficult and start playing immediately.

In the Temple of Shenluan, hundreds of officials discussed.

Eyebrows are like feathers and muscles are like suet.

The face is lined with peach petals and a pile of golden phoenix silk.

The autumn waves are enchanting and enchanting, and the spring bamboo shoots are slender and enchanting.

The slanting red silk is fluttering and the color is bright, and Her Majesty the Queen sits high in the dragon chair, her eyes shining like stars.

"Your Majesty, the poisonous scorpions in the Poison Enemy Mountain have begun to flood again. The nearby villages and towns have all suffered scorpion disasters. The blood of the subjects have been taken away, and there have been countless deaths and injuries." An official said.

"I already know about this." The queen looked grimly: "The three major consecrations have gone to the Poisonous Enemy Mountain to control the scorpion plague. It won't take long before there will be good news."

"Your Majesty, the minister has this memorial." The official returned to the official line, and a red robe official of about 40 years old came out and spoke.


"The root of the scorpion disaster always lies in the king of scorpion. The king of scorpion is immortal. Even if we can control it well every year, there will be countless subjects suffered tragically. Standing as the spirit of the country, it will be enshrined forever to relieve the scorpion disaster!" said the red-robed female officer on her knees. *

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