Chapter 787

Vegett seemed to think of some interesting scene, and a smile appeared on his face.

"It's very simple, you take the initiative to seduce the queen's remnant soul, and with the help of the power of the Red Luan star, you will be completely stunned, and you will stamp us with the national seal in the mist."

As a human being in his two lives, San Zang has experienced things that are uncommon, but this is the first time he has come into contact with this kind of work of seduce.

To ask him to do this kind of thing, it is better to let him go to hell.

"It's hard to choose?" Vegett narrowed his eyes, expecting him to agree.

After a long silence, San Zang was about to be soaked with sweat, his face tense.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh, and said helplessly: "It's not difficult to make a choice, but some can't accept the reality after the choice."

"Affectionate!" Vegett shook his head and said, "I don't think so. Sanzo, I will become you to confuse the queen's remnant soul. If you succeed, you won't say anything else."

"If you don't have any problems, of course I won't have any problems." Sanzo said seriously.

Three hours later, the moon was hidden, the stars dissipated, and the dazzling sunlight reigned over the earth.

Standing up against the sunlight passing through the window, Vegett seemed to be coated with a layer of gold, making the rest of the people slightly dazzling.

"It's almost time..." Vegett smiled at the crowd, changed his body and turned into Sanzang.

Son Goku's hands were sealed, and a gilded rune like a golden dragon rushed into Sanzang's body, turning him into Vegett's appearance.

"Brother Yudi!"

As soon as the two of them finished their transformation, Baoxiang Cha rushed to the front of Wenyang Pavilion, and the queen stepped out of the carriage and called eagerly.

"The Dharma is boundless!" Beijit nodded at the real Tang monk, turned around and came to the door of the room, opening the door.

Seeing his tall and burly body, the handsome face of the gods and the tranquil temperament of Yuan Yuan, the Red Luan star power melted in the queen's remnant soul instantly rioted.

It made her heart tremble constantly, and her love was endless like a tide, impacting her soul.

The queen's face gradually turned red, and her feelings were uncontrollable, she flew into Beijit's arms, reached out her hand to touch his profile, and said lingering voice: "Brother Yu..."

Vegett stretched out his hand to embrace her waist and said softly in her ear: "Take me out of here and find a corner with no one. I have something to say to you."

The queen's heartbeat speeded up suddenly, her whole body seemed to be drunk, her body was soft, and she collapsed in Vegett's arms: "Brother, hold me and go."

Vegett bent slightly, picked her up by his waist, and walked out of the palace step by step.

Soon, the Baoxiang car came to the imperial garden. Within a sea of ​​purple flowers, the queen drove away all the guards nearby and was hugged by Vegett from the carriage.

Putting the plump and tender queen on the lawn, Begett looked directly into her eyes: "You should know that because of the red star power, I like me so much."

"I know, but I don't resist." The queen said tenderly: "Because no matter what point of view, you are worthy of my liking."

"Then, did you know that this kind of power also appeared in my body last night." Vegeta sighed slightly, his expression a little sad.

The queen suddenly widened her eyes, and a touch of joy appeared on her face.

The queen smiled and said: "Fate has mercy, now the lonely king doesn't need to be alone. Brother Yu, do you love me?"

Beget let go of the queen's palm: "Yes, I love you. Like fish like streams, birds like sky, flowers like sunshine... I like you."

"elder brother……"

The queen was dazzled by the love in her heart, her eyes filled with tears: "So do I. I love you like a seed like the earth, catkins like the breeze, and the tiger sniffs the rose. The meaning of my life is to love you. "

Vegett held her in his arms, restless with his fingers.

Not long after, she panted her daughter's house and her cheeks were hot.

When a piece of clothing was thrown into the sea of ​​flowers, the queen was completely infatuated, clenching her teeth tightly, and resisting the divine voice she wanted to make.


Just when the warm palms were about to touch her, San Zang in her eyes suddenly stopped and let out a long sigh.

The soothing comfort made the queen very uncomfortable, and asked: "Brother, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking of my fellow men."

Vegett said, further away from her: "I always feel that they are hiding here now, staring at my every move, every word and deed."

The queen grabbed his hand: "No, they are currently in the Wenyang Pavilion."

"Are you sure?" Vegett asked seriously.

Queen Baifang lightly opened, but Nane was speechless.

At the same time, she even felt a few pairs of eyes staring at herself.

Inexplicably irritable in her heart, the queen raised her eyes and glanced at her imperial brother.

From then on, the existence of Beijit and others turned into a thorn in her heart soaked in venom, which lay in her heart, making her feel uneasy.

Picking up the clothes on the ground and putting them on one by one, the queen slowly said: "Suddenly there is no interest. Brother Yu, the lonely king will go back to the bedroom first."

Vegett nodded: "I want to return to the Wenyang Restaurant. After being out for so long, Vegett and the others must have been waiting in a hurry."

Veget, Veget, Veget again!

The queen's heart was stabbed hard by the horizontal poisonous thorn, her eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and she hated the rest of the Westbound crowd.

With a cold snort, she turned and left, heading for the palace.

Standing in a sea of ​​purple flowers, Vegeta looked at her leaving behind, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"It's almost, the last impetus."

In silence, his entire body turned into a spot of light and disappeared in place with a bang.

"Congratulations to your majesty for achieving a good affinity."

When the queen came to the palace, she watched in astonishment as more than a dozen court ladies stood in a row and saluted herself with a smile on her face.

"Acacia is so good...Acacia is so good..."

With this word in her mouth, the queen's eyes flashed with a frosty voice, and her voice was as cold as frost: "Who told you to say that?"

The ladies of the palace also showed her strange expressions at this time, and they realized that it was wrong for a while, and a large cloud of haze emerged in their hearts, and their bodies kept trembling.

"Return to Your Majesty, no one instructed us to say this, it's just that we feel, we feel..."

Seeing these girls who have followed her for several years, the queen's hardened heart suddenly softened, and she sighed slightly with a sad expression: "Forget it, you leave."

The palace ladies were frightened, saluted her again and quickly disappeared in front of her.

Standing in front of the bedroom, the queen turned her eyes to the direction of Wenyang Pavilion, and whispered in her mouth: "Your existence is so obtrusive."*

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