Chapter 788 My life is blank

"Even if it is an eyesore, how can you treat them?"

The queen's soul smiled and said: "And I have a feeling that your wedding scene will be very interesting."

The queen's face suddenly darkened, her fists were clenched, and she said to the nearby servant who followed her far away: "Declare the decree, summon Vegeta, Son Goku, Canopy, Sha Wujing!"

After half a moment, the purpose arrived at Wenyang Pavilion.

Vegett took it in his hand, smiled and said, "The time has come, it's time to break the game."

At a quarter of noon, in the Jinluan Temple, the queen sat alone on the dragon chair, silently looking at the excessively bright sunlight outside the temple.

Suddenly, a shadow blocked the sunlight, making the whole hall more silent, even full of chill.

"Queen, what are you waiting for?" Vegett asked indifferently, looking up at the queen who seemed to be hiding in the dark.

The queen said: "How about we make a deal?"

Vegett's eyes flickered: "The deal...haha, let's talk about it."

"I give you freedom, you give me peace of mind." The queen said calmly: "To put it simply, I can let the four of you and Xiao Bailong leave the daughter country."

Vegett took out the customs clearance certificate from his cuff and said, "Are you ready to stamp this?"

The queen shook her head and said: "I haven't been dazzled by love. I won't be able to cover the chapter on the customs clearance. But I can personally lead you out of the daughter country. I think this is what God expects to see. There will be no other changes in the picture."

Vegett's pupils shrunk slightly, and he said indifferently: "Didn't you promise us that after the wedding is over, you will stamp the customs clearance certificate?"

"I can't wait for that time." The Queen said solemnly: "Besides, you always give me a sense of danger..."

"Give us half a day to think about it." Vegett hesitated for a moment and said seriously.

"No." The queen said decisively: "You must give me an answer now. In case you go back and change Sanzang into something else and let me send out the daughter country, wouldn't I have died unjustly?"

Vegeta thought for a while, and said, "Since this is the case, then you can send us away first. I believe that Sanzang has the blessing of destiny, and he can naturally turn the bad into good fortune."

At the moment, the queen personally led the four people out of Rouge City and came to the frontier of the country.

She said with a serious face: "I hope that this part is the end of the world, between us, we will never see each other again."

Vegett chuckled: "Who can tell about things like fate? Queen, go ahead."

The queen took a deep breath and stepped out of the border first.

Bejit and others followed her and took the last step, surprisingly found that they did not encounter any resistance at all.

"Thank you." Canopy said seriously.

The queen looked at them deeply: "It's just a fair deal, not a word of thanks."

"It's not a fair deal!" Vegett said, waving his sleeves, and amidst the brilliance, Sanzang in a blue monk robe appeared in front of everyone.

"Brother Yu, how could... how could..."

Seeing this picture, the queen was completely stupid and couldn't believe what she saw.

When Beijit and others went to the palace, her spies clearly told her that Sanzang had stayed in the Wenyang Pavilion.

But what is the situation now?

"Is it a pleasant surprise?"

Vegett smiled and said: "It is me who is with you, and it is me who controls the maids to congratulate you. From the beginning of the layout, even if you arrive, I will definitely send us away in advance."

"So after I was summoned by you, I put San Zang and White Horse in my sleeve together, and turned out a fake San Zang and White Horse to confuse you. In order to deal with you, a mere remnant soul, I really took great pains! "

Hearing what he said, the queen suddenly felt cold, and she was about to flee.

Unfortunately, it was too late. When the people of Xixing left her daughter's land, she was doomed to fail.

Vegett stretched out his hand, and a huge fairy palm appeared out of thin air, holding the queen in his hand.

"Monkey, do it, draw out the queen's remnant soul."

With golden flames beating in Son Goku's eyes, he chanted spells, and said the law, the chain of countless laws pierced deeply into the queen's body, locking the two souls.

"All come out."

At some point, the chain of law suddenly radiated a lot of light, and two souls were drawn out of the queen's body, suspended in the air.

"Brother Yu, save me!"

Under Vegett's icy gaze, the Queen's Remnant Soul felt the will of death Senran, and looked at Tang Sanzang in tears.

Throughout the whole daughter country incident, the Queen's Remnant Soul is really great for Sanzang.

Live for him, live for him, take him as the meaning of his life.

She can give in to the prosperity and wealth of this world.

From beginning to end, she didn't seem to have done anything extraordinary.

It’s just that the love is too hard and too deep.

Knowing that the other party is the sand that cannot be held in his hand, he pretended not to know.

Desperately squeezed his hands tightly, regardless of his palm being cut with gravel wounds.

The Queen's Remnant Soul was immersed in the love of being alone, unable to extricate herself, these things may not be seen clearly.

But Sanzang, who is both the protagonist and the bystander, knows this well.

He was a very hard-hearted person, firm-willed, but at this moment, amidst the screams of the queen's remnant soul, his heart gradually softened.

Sanzang raised his eyes and looked at Vegeta: "Born by robbery and hurt by love. In fact, she has not committed any unforgivable sins from beginning to end. Veget, let her go."

Vegett pursed his lips and said, "You, the client, said so, why should I be a bad person? It's just that the remnant soul can no longer stay in the queen's body, which is not a good thing for both of them. ."

Sanzang nodded slightly, lowered his eyes to look at the remnant soul: "I haven't talked about love, but I have traveled all over the world, and I have seen too many true affections and honey, and I gradually understand. Once the word of love arises, it is good to get it. If you don’t get it, you will live forever and become a scar on your soul."

"Remnant soul, I hope you can break this nightmare, truly let go, savor your life, and feel your own life."

The queen's remnant soul burst into tears: "Except for you, my life is blank, and life has no direction, so how can I let it go?"

"But I also know that you can't do anything, you can't force it, brother Yu, I will face the west in this daughter country, and pray for you day and night."

Sanzang's heart trembled, then forcibly recovered his calm, sighed slightly, and did not speak. *

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