Chapter 803

What a actor!

When Vegete watched Sanzang's pure and innocent performance, his admiration grew spontaneously.

Of course, he didn't know that Sanzang was really entering the play, asking questions rightly, not just acting.

The current emotional outburst is also driven by the previous unhappiness.

After speaking, his body seemed to be hollowed out, a little soft, and a little relaxed at the same time.

Son Goku doesn't need acting skills, or even enters into the drama. He is himself, answering questions according to his own mind: "They wanted to kill me, so they died."

"..." Sanzang.

"..." Vegett.

"..." The canopy.

"..." Everyone.

Very weird, when he finished speaking, the whole hospital fell into disbelief.

After a few breaths, a middle-aged man with a sickle in his hand recovered first, yelling: "Murder pays for life!"

"Murder pays for life."

"Kill them."


The crowd was agitated, brandishing inferior weapons in their hands, and approaching Sanzang and others step by step.

Son Goku's face was disdainful, and between his fingers, the sword aura surged, piercing through the bodies of the villagers.

"Don't kill!" Sanzang trembled and shouted to Son Goku.

Son Goku glanced at him, waved his palms, the immortal palms condensed, held everyone in the palm of his hand, gently pinched, the dazzling blood continued to flow out, staining the ground red.

Sanzang seemed to be in a daze, sat down on the ground, staring at the bloody scene in a daze.

"Everything is over." Son Goku said, with flames rising from his palm, burning the corpse into blue smoke.

A cold wind blows, Sanzang is full of spirits, wakes up, stands up hard, and shouts with a sad face: "Get out!"

Son Goku's eyes were cold: "You can deprive me of my identity as a protector, but you don't have the power to drive me away. Wherever Vegett is, I will always be there."

"Take him and leave." Sanzang spoke to Vegett, seeming to be a lot older in an instant.

There was brilliance in Beijit's eyes: "Sanzo, are you serious?"

"Let's go." Sanzang didn't answer directly, turned around and turned his back to them.

Vegeta sighed and said to Son Goku, "I never thought that the westward journey would be ended in this way."

Son Goku said: "I haven't thought about it either. But the matter is over, we don't have to force it. Go, go home."

The two of them lifted into the air and disappeared into the eyes of the canopy and Sha Wujing in the blink of an eye.

"This kind of real sadness... Lao Sha, are they really acting?"

The canopy licked his lips, and the voice spoke, with a slightly confused expression.

Sha Wujing replied: "Who knows..."

Sanzang looked around the messy courtyard, folded his hands together, and began to recite the Buddhist scriptures.

The sun is in the middle of the sky, and the hot sun is pouring down, which is slightly dazzling.

Sanzang stopped chanting, turned on his horse, and said to the remaining people: "Continue to set off."

Day and night for eight hundred miles, there were no two people in the team, as if they were not affected at all, but everyone lacked a bit of happiness on their faces.

No one makes them laugh anymore, no one makes trouble with them, no one raises them and feeds them with food all day long.

Over time, the canopy gradually became a little unbearable, and began to stock up ingredients for Gao Cuilan to cook.

only. Although the prepared food is delicious, I always feel that it lacks a bit of flavor.

On this day, the team once again arrived in front of a majestic mountain, and saw here: the pines and cypresses on the top meet the Qingming, and the rock walls are hung with wild vines.

The ancient locust tree is towering, and the ravines are deep.

Going forward, you can see the fox and the rabbit walking, the goat jumping, and the king of beasts often appears.


On the way, a black tiger the size of a wild elephant was driving the fishy wind, passing here, seeing them, swooped down suddenly.


The canopy tossed his sleeves and smashed the black tiger away. Several teeth were broken and he fell heavily on a green pine tree.

"Aw..." The black tiger cried mournfully, turning into a whirlwind, and fleeing in an instant.

"It's boring." The canopy couldn't help it, and looked tired and lazy.



Not long after that, the entire mountain trembled suddenly, and everyone on the westward journey looked at each other, wondering what had happened.

"Look at it, it's the beast tide." Bai Longma exclaimed as he looked into the distance.

At this moment, everyone also saw that not far ahead, a strong wind was blowing, tearing the white clouds into strands of cotton wool, and shadows emerged, covering all the sunlight in the mountains.

On the ground, a giant python of hundreds of feet, a giant wolf the size of a bison, a black lynx with its teeth and claws, a blood-like horse, a black jade unicorn with a high posture...

Hundreds of different beasts converge into a tide of beasts.

In the sky, countless fierce birds that cannot be named, spread out their wings full of magic runes, their eyes are sharp, looking at everyone with murderous intent, unstoppable.

"What's happening here?"

The canopy opened its eyes, and it was clear that these alien beasts were not just ostentatious, but real fierce beasts, each of which could slaughter the immortals at will.

Within an unknown mountain peak, so many fierce beasts gathered strangely, which made him somewhat incomprehensible.

"Don't talk nonsense, quickly prop up the defensive cover, we are not afraid of these monsters, but Sanzang and Longma can't do it." Sha Wujing said, rising up to free up a large area of ​​blue light, forming a semicircular mask.


The fierce bird flying at a faster speed grabbed the defensive cover with sharp claws, making a loud noise of gold and iron, and exploding fire trees and silver flowers.

The canopy did not dare to neglect, thousands of Rui Cai soared from his body, Fusion entered into the cyan light cover, strengthening it several times.

The tide of beasts was fierce, and directly submerged the blue light cover of Nuo Da. In front, behind, and above, there were beasts and birds launching frantic attacks.


At the same time, at the top of the mountain, a walker who looks exactly the same as Son Goku, wears a phoenix-winged purple gold crown, a chain-linked gold armor, and a lotus root, sitting on a white jade lotus platform with his palm stroking one. The head of the little black cat.

Looking closely, the little black cat had blood on his face and a row of silver teeth was missing in his mouth.

"I told you a long time ago, don't be too arrogant, otherwise, you will suffer." Xingzhe said slowly.

The little black cat licked his thumb pleasedly, and nodded obediently.

The walker stood up from the lotus platform and raised his eyes to the direction of Xitian: "Next, it is game time. From now on, I am the Monkey King, Son Goku!"

Before the words fell, the void suddenly distorted, and his figure disappeared on the top of the mountain.

"These fierce beasts are so powerful that we can't stay in such a stalemate and waste our cents for nothing."

The canopy raked through the cyan light cover and flew a giant bird, and shouted in a deep voice.

Sha Wujing chopped out the blue light, ignoring the blue light mask, and tore a tiger apart: "Break through the canopy, the two of us contain these inexplicable beasts and let the white horse take Sanzang away."

"Break through!" Canopy gritted his teeth. *

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