Chapter 804


When the two of them made up their minds to go desperately, a violent aura suddenly landed from the sky.

Like an invisible giant hammer, it hits the back of a giant bird in mid-air with a high posture, and slaps them on the ground.

The void was twisting, and a hole gradually opened. A golden light, like the figure of Da Ri Hengkong, walked out of the cracks in time and space, hanging in the air above everyone.

"Brother Monkey?" Looking at the person's immortal posture in mid-air, the canopy whispered softly.

The light on the walker gradually restrained, and step by step came to Sanzang, and said sincerely: "Sanzang, I was wrong. I sincerely want to repent and promise that I will never kill innocent people indiscriminately in the future."

Sanzang looked at him with complicated eyes and asked softly: "Where is Vegett?"

"Originally, he was with me. Later, Yan Hui of the Confucian School looked for him and took him to Shushan Xuehai with him. I can't worry about you. I followed all the way until just now." Xingzhe said.

"I'm afraid even Vegeta didn't think of it. He just wanted to bring out the black hand behind the scenes, but inadvertently solved a big trouble." A light smile appeared on San Zang's face, and he spoke softly.

The gaze of the traveler changed slightly, and in the blink of an eye, he saw countless simple lines outlined in front of Sanzang and the others into a sacred gate, and Vegett pushed the door, and behind him was the Monkey King.

"It's a golden chain mail. It's too dazzling." Son Goku looked at the walker, raised his hand to cover his eyes, and said with a smile.

The traveler looked at this scene inexplicably.

The current scene was completely different from the chess game he was struggling to play.

From the beginning, his ultimate move became a waste move.

I really don't know if the other party is too lucky or too deliberate.

Having said that, in his plan, it shouldn't be like this.

Rather, he should go on the next westward journey as Son Goku.

It's okay if Son Goku doesn't show up later, if it does, let's play a story about the true and false Monkey King with him.

In the end, he coaxed the other party to go to Xitian on the grounds of distinguishing the true from the false.

By then, there will be thousands of Buddhas in Leiyin Temple, solemn and solemn.

Tathagata sitting on the high lotus platform, casually pulled out a reason, confessed the life experience of the fake Goku, and finally killed the real Goku directly in front of the temple, everything will be complete.

But now...the walker feels bitter.

"This is just the beginning, there will be opportunities."

In his heart, he said to himself, and the Xingzhe pointed his stick to Son Goku: "Youkai, can you dare to fight with me in the outer sky?"

Son Goku smiled tired and lazy, but his eyes were extremely cold: "I'm afraid you will be too brittle, and you will break when you hit it!"

With hatred in the traveler's heart, he stepped on his toe and rose through the air. A golden somersault cloud fell from the distant sky, supporting his body.

"Wait for me to come back." Son Goku turned around and grinned at Vegett, as if he didn't seem to be on the battlefield with ease.

Vegett was silent for a moment, and said seriously: "I will go with you."

"Hey, you are all gone, come back, how do we tell?" Canopy said suddenly.

"With me, the fake will never be true!"

Vegett smiled slightly and turned into a Changhong, following behind the two somersault clouds, thrusting against the sky.

Looking at their backs, Tianpeng couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth: "There is a sentence before I can ask, if two Son Goku and two Vegeta appear at that time, how can I tell the truth from the fake?"

"The pair that won in the end is true." Sha Wujing said calmly.

The canopy was slightly startled, always feeling that his words contained many layers of meaning.

Beyond the sky, Son Goku fights the walker.

The two sides used the same weapons and almost the same magical powers, and the combat power they displayed was almost the same.

After a frantic battle for several hours, no one can do anything about it.

In the melee, the walker changed and turned into the same wear as Son Goku.

A stick repelled the opponent and came to Beijit: "Bejit, let's take action, and fight with me! We can solve it sooner, and we can go back sooner. I'm afraid that Sanzang is not safe."

Vegett nodded in agreement, and waved to him: "Come here, and I will give you a combined attack. We have learned this and we will definitely be able to kill the opponent."

Such a straightforward Vegett made the traveler's pupils shrunk, and he was secretly guarded, even when he approached him, he seemed a little cautious.

When the distance between the two was only fifteen feet, Vegett threw out his sleeves abruptly, and a gleam of golden light rushed straight into the forehead of the traveler.

Fortunately, the walker had been prepared for a long time, and he flew the golden light with one stick.

However, it was precisely because of this distraction that Son Goku hit his back with a stick like a mountain and a sea.


A piece of golden blood spurted out of the walker's mouth, and a madness flashed in his eyes.


As if he had made some determination, his forehead glowed, and countless colors condensed out of thin air to form a three-legged golden crow pattern, and the sharp bird's song went straight into the sky.

"What happened, why did you wake me up?"

Within the three-legged golden crow pattern, a majestic voice came out.

"Elder emperor, help me kill Vegeter." The traveler said solemnly: "This demon is not dead, and no plan can be achieved."

The three-legged Golden Umbrella paused and turned into a gold-colored stream of fire. It flew down from the forehead of the walker, and changed into the appearance of Vegeta on the ground. With one finger, the golden arc pierced the air like a knife, making a long whining sound.

Vegett held the Flying Dragon Staff in both hands, in the starting position, the woodcutter hit the firewood and hit the arc.

"Zila Zila Zila..."

He originally thought that this arc was just a kind of Xianyuan attack, but he never thought that it actually carried a strong current.

Through a brief handover with the Flying Dragon Scepter, crazily poured into his body.

Half of his body was numb with electric shock. If it weren't for the vast immortal energy body, the whole body would be torn apart by this electric shock, which was terrifying.

Vegett looked solemnly, as if facing an enemy.

At one thought, five spiritual beads of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and earth appeared around his body, blocking the continuous current rushing to him.

Four people, two battlefields, you came and I fought for a few minutes on both sides, and still couldn't kill each other.

"No, just keep fighting like this, and there will be no winner or loser in another hundred years." Xingzhe and Son Goku shook a stick, each backed up, and secretly said in their hearts.

"Youkai, you're also the demon saint, why don't you disregard your face and pretend to be me?" Son Goku knew the current situation in his heart, and he didn't attack again.

"I pretend to be you?" The traveler sneered and said: "It is you who pretend to be me, right? I am the Monkey King of the Great Chaos Palace! And you are destined to be a fairy who can't get on the stage!"

Son Goku paused and said, "Well, you just want to be happy."

No matter what methods were displayed, the Lingzhu defense could not be breached, and the fake Vegett gradually stopped. *

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