Chapter 807

"what is this?"

Everyone was amazed, and Taizong stood up directly from the dragon chair.

Wu Meiniang plugged the bottle, holding back her inner joy, suppressing her voice and asked, "Teacher, this is..."

Vegett said: "Nine-turned Golden Core."


Following the exit of this name, there was a sudden silence in the hall.

There was a huge storm in everyone's heart, shattering their will and making their brains blank.

The name of the Nine Turns Jin Dan has long been known in the Three Realms with the rise of Lao Jun, and no one knows it.

It's just that few immortals are qualified to see them, let alone enjoy such gods.

And now, that Wu Meiniang actually got one directly? !

For a time, even Lingyan Pavilion's twenty-four heroes, Wu Meiniang's brothers, felt a touch of jealousy in their hearts.

Of course, with Vegete pressing down here, even if they did, they didn't dare to evolve their jealousy into unhappiness, or even give birth to thoughts they shouldn't have.

"This pill is so powerful that you can't bear it with your body."

Before leaving, Vegett said: "So before you reach the realm of the earth immortal, you can only eat pill energy."

Wu Meiniang nodded, the corners of her mouth curled up, revealing her jade-white teeth: "Yes, I see."

After Hua Hong left, the two went straight to the ghost town of Fengdu, and came to the gate of the ghost, where they joined the walker and the fake Vegeta and came to the Yan Luo Temple together.

The ten temples of Yama gathered together, please Yan Jun to burn incense, and explain why.

After the incense burned for half of the time, the void in front of the temple was like a lake, with ripples. Lu Qiling, wearing a battle armor and an iron sword, drove up, and the Yama of the Ten Temples bowed to the treasure car.

"Real or fake Vegett, it's really interesting!"

A slender and soft lifted the beaded jade curtain, the beautiful lady in the imperial robe walked through the air and landed in front of everyone.

Vegett shrugged and said, "No nonsense, can you tell who is true and who is false?"

"Jun'er, long time no see." Fake Beijit's eyes fluctuated, calling out a title that only Yan Jun and Beijit knew.

"Go into the hall and talk about it."

Although Yan Jun doesn't have any aura, his aura is inexplicably strong, and he doesn't follow the rhythm of the real and fake Vegett at all.

Entering the temple, Yan Jun sat on the main seat, and the ten temples were divided into two columns, and Yan Luo stood in front of her.

The highest decision-making level of the underworld looked at the four fairies with scrutinizing eyes.

"Just looking at it with Dharma eyes, I can't determine whether you are true or false."

After a long time, Yan Jun said slowly: "So if you want to distinguish the truth from the false, you still need to prove yourself. There are no methods or means. In the end, who can convince us, who is true."

The four of them knew in their hearts that the test would definitely not be lacking, so each prepared the means.

Fake Beget took the lead to say: "Linjiang banquet in front of Linjiang Pavilion, fried rice with plums, attracts a real dragon."

Beijit said: "The small and medium world of Linjiang Pavilion, under the stars, swings with stars."

Fake Beijit said: "See Zhou Yun at Jun'er's house and talk about King Xia Jieyou."

Vegett was silent for a moment, then raised his eyes and said, "Six-eared macaques are really so powerful?"

"That's what I want to ask you." Fake Beget said.

"If this is the case, then there is no need to use memory as a means." Vegeta thought for a while and asked Yan Jun: "You can't tell the truth of a person. The truth of the magic weapon is always okay, right?"

Yan Jundao: "I know that Vegeta has a blood-melting knife, a flying dragon Zen stick, a set of five spirit beads, and two, please show me these treasures."

Vegeta summoned three treasures and handed them to Yan Jun.

The fake Vegett was also prepared and took out three identical pieces of equipment.

Yan Jun took a closer look at the six magic weapons, and found that apart from the same appearance, the formation patterns inside were all different.

It's just that it's really difficult to tell the authenticity from the essence of these magic weapons.

"Magic weapon, I can't see it." Yan Jun said with a pursed mouth.

Vegett had a facial expression and couldn't help but laugh, and said jokingly: "Neither people nor magic weapons can tell the authenticity. What do I want you to do?"

Yan Junxiu raised her eyebrows and beckoned to Vegett: "Come here."

"I won't go there."


"I'm afraid you will do it, but I can't beat you." Vegett said with a shrug.

Yan Jun laughed and said, "I start to feel that you are really boneless."

"I was true." Beijit said, "Memories are useless. You can't see the magic weapon. You can only choose from your heart. Yan Jun, which one would you choose?"

Yan Jun patrolled the two of them, silent

Below, King Yama, holding a huge black iron book, said: "Your Majesty, there is no false name in the book of life and death."

King Qin Guang said: "Your Majesty, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has a pair of eyes and may be able to distinguish the true from the false."

"Please Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva." Yan Jun said.

After a while, the Ksitigarbha king in a big red monk's clothes stepped into the hall, listening to the truth of the strange beast behind him.

Yan Jun told him what happened and asked: "May the Bodhisattva tell the truth from the false?"

The Ksitigarbha king glanced at him, and he had already thought about it, but he didn’t say anything. He touched Di Ting’s head and said, “I’m a beast who listens to Di listen. The five insects are all clear. Good listening to the heart of the creatures, the immortals, the immortals, the immortals, the immortals, the ghosts and the immortals can distinguish good and evil, and a few words can break into prison."

Vegett listened obliquely and said, "Is this seat true or false?"

"I can't say, I can't say." Under the gaze of a group of bigwigs, Di Ting narrowed his neck and said repeatedly.

"Why can't you say it?" Yan Jun asked.

Di listen with tears in his bright eyes and said: "Your Majesty, you must not force me. This matter is very relevant, and there are the strongest players. If I lift this chessboard, I will be killed in a while! "

Yan Jun frowned and said, "The strongest? How strong is he? A saint?"

Di Ting still shook his head: "This is not to be said."

"Listen to the truth, just tell the truth, all the gods present can be your shelter. Even if a saint is here, you are determined not to hurt you." King Yama said solemnly.

Di listened: "You can protect me for a while, but how can you protect me from life to life? This matter has nothing to do with me. Why do you want to force me to be involved and cause bad cause and effect with the strongest?"

The whole hall is sacred, suddenly speechless,

"Forget it, if you don't say it, don't say it. The fake will not become the real in the end."

Son Goku waved his hand and raised his eyes to Yan Jun: "So, as Vegett said, you should make your choice based on your inner thoughts."

Yan Jun slowly nodded and said, "Two Vegeters, I will ask you a question. I will choose the one who can convince me with the answer."

"If you two have the same answer, then I will choose the one that answered first."

Vegett looked at her calmly, but the fake Vegett tightened his heart. *

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