Chapter 808

"My question is, if Tai Situ and I both fall in love with you, which one would you choose?"

"Choose you." Fake Vegett said that this was a quick answer, and said first.

Vegett glanced at her with a smile, and said with a smile: "Idiot, since I like them all, of course I need both."

"..." The fake Vegett was suddenly speechless.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this interesting scene, Yan Jun couldn't help but laugh, pointing at Beijit and saying, "You won."

After winning another round, Vegeta thanked the gods and bid farewell to the other three fairies.

Four streams of light, two in front and two in the back, came to the Nantian Gate in a short while, and was stopped by Marshal Bingguan, the Guangmu Heavenly King who was in charge today.

Looking at these two pairs of almost the same fairies, Guan Yu asked, "Two great saints, what tricks are you playing?"

Vegett said: "On the westbound road, we swindled out these two fairies and confused their identities in the fight. In order to prove the true body, we specially came to see the Jade Emperor."

The Guangmu Heavenly King was expressionless, and said in a deep voice: "The Southern Heaven Gate is the heavy ground to protect the Heavenly Court, but any immortal gods with a little problem are not allowed to pass. You four, from beginning to end reveal a strangeness. For the peace of Heavenly Court. , You can't go in."

Vegett's eyes were slightly cold, and he shouted: "Guangmu, you are so brave, how dare you intercept this saint!"

Guangmu Tianwang looked plainly: "The duty is, don't dare to relax. Marshal Guan, do you think there is something wrong with my approach?"

Guan Yu glared at him irritably, but had to explain to Vegett: "Great Sage calms down his anger, the duty of the Nantianmen guard is indeed like this."

Vegett frowned, but did not speak yet. However, the walker said to Son Goku, "How about going in?"

"It's just what I want." Son Goku said, slapped a palm forward suddenly, the wave of air blasted into the air, and all the golden armoured immortal soldiers guarding the Nantian Gate were slapped flying.

Xingzhe was more radical than him, and hit the Nantian Gate with a stick.

A million runes flew out from the southern gate, forming a dense chain of runes, like a snake, locked to the body of the walker.

The walker's face was cold, and he roared in a low voice.



Electric lights blazed everywhere, fire trees and silver flowers, bright rays of light erupted on the mountains, and loud noises shook for nine days.

Above the nine heavens, the Jade Emperor opened his eyes, lowered the decree, and declared Baiguan and the inner monarch of the four-person hall.

After a few moments, hundreds of officials arrived, and the four monsters were led by Guan Yu into the High Heaven Hall and stood in the middle of the aisle.

"You are so courageous, you dare to beat Nantianmen, really thinking that no one can cure you?" Da Tianzun reprimanded with an angry face.

Vegett stretched his hand to the walker and said, "Don't knock everyone down with a stick. It's this guy who beat Nantianmen, not us."

Datianzun turned his eyes to look at the walker, his eyes stern: "Do you want to die?"

The walker said: "The reason why we beat Nantianmen is to shake Nine Heavens and shock the Great Heavenly Sovereign."

"Otherwise, we have only two options. One is because of the hindrance of the Emperor Guangmu, and we leave dingy. The other is because of his obstruction, he forcibly breaks into the heavenly court and makes another chaotic heavenly palace."

Datianzun said coldly, "So, do you have any reason?"

"Exactly." Xingzhe said seriously.

Datianzun's eyes were deep, but his anger gradually faded: "Li Jing, take the demon mirror out of the inner palace, and take a picture of whether this arrogant monkey is true or not."

Li Jing nodded, her body turned into a light spot and dissipated

After a while, he held a palm-sized golden round mirror, walked in from the hall door, waved his sleeve, and threw the round mirror into the air.

The round mirror kept getting bigger during the flight, and when it hovered over everyone's heads, it was already half the size of a wall, emitting a golden light, enveloping the walker.

The celestial gods looked up together, but the picture displayed in the mirror was no different from the reality in general.

"This one is true, and the other one must be fake, right?" The gods talked.

Li Jing cast a spell, and a golden light appeared on the huge treasure mirror again, covering Son Goku, and it was his deity that naturally appeared.

"Two Monkey Kings?"

Li Jing's face was surprised. Between waving his sleeves, two golden lights flew out from the mirror, shining on the two Vegetts, still unable to distinguish the true from the false.

"The demon mirror won't be broken, right?"

A god said: "In the past, no matter what level of monsters, there was no escape under the shroud of light."

Li Jing also had this kind of doubt in her heart. He checked the demon mirror carefully, and said solemnly: "The mirror is not broken, it's just that it's not true or false."

The immortals were in an uproar, staring at the four fairies in the field in amazement.

The vast majority of people understand the subtext in Li Jing's words. There is only one possibility for a fairy who can't show the true or false in the demon mirror.

A saint took action and helped them complete the disguise.

For a long time, from the astonishment, the immortal gods who belonged to the Dao Sect and the Three Sects among the hundred officials, immediately reported what happened here to the Shi Sect.

"Da Tianzun, even if it is a saint, it is impossible to be seamless. With your strength, you can definitely see some clues." Vegett said seriously: "Please also Tianzun to open the holy eye to distinguish the authenticity!"

The Jade Emperor nodded, just about to use the strength of the saint level, his eyes condensed suddenly, and he raised his eyes to look out of the palace.

The immortals followed his gaze, and saw three stretches of 90,000 li purple qi crossing the void, Qingyun covered the sky with millions of li.

The scene is spectacular, and at the same time terrifying.

The purple air stretches for 90 thousand li, and the Qingyun covers the nine heavens.

This means that there are saints who have descended in the posture of saints, brilliantly, sacred and mighty.

All beings need to bow their heads.

In the heavenly court, countless immortal officials knelt down.

In the High Heaven Hall, someone cheered in their hearts, and even wanted to kneel down and worship.

But when the Jade Emperor's stern gaze swept over, they suddenly became cold all over, almost frightened.

Regardless of the past, they now have only one master, the Jade Emperor Datianzun.

If they kneel down and worship the saint on this occasion, they are undoubtedly beating the old face of the Jade Emperor.

In this way, it is bound to be liquidated afterwards.

Outside the Lingxiao Hall, light and rain poured down, a veteran riding a bull, with a hazy blue light, as if from the past, from the future, exuding immortality, time and space can no longer lock his body.

Behind him, a treasure chariot made of golden pearls and jade, and a bronze chariot were running side by side, at the same speed.

In the two cars, each seated a saint who was eternally compressed.

Different from the feelings given to people by bull riding elders, all beings under this momentum have to surrender and bow down. Otherwise, their waists will bend and their legs will break. *

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