Chapter 809

"Is this a saint? Just looking at it makes the soul tremble?"

Countless gods trembled in their hearts, thinking, their legs became weak.

Great Tianzun looked at this scene with cold eyes, and snorted coldly, and illusory golden dragons flew out of him, penetrated the high palace of the heavens, and rushed straight into the world, sending out earth-shaking dragons.

The dragon's roar contained fluctuations that could soothe people's hearts, destroying the surging weather emanating from the saint's invisibility.

"Sanqing, what do you intend to do?"

Da Tianzun slowly stood up from the seat, and a set of golden dragon armor appeared on his body, holding a long sword exuding horror in his hand.

Tai Shang waved the floating dust, turned over and got off the green cow, and walked into the hall alone: ​​"I heard someone pretending to be a protector of the west, wanting to use the false and the true, we came here specially to set things right."

Da Tianzun said: "I can do it alone, without the need of three saints."

"That's wrong." Yuan Shi thought for a while. In order to prevent the Jade Emperor from getting angry, he blocked his plan, and then put out the idea of ​​driving Jade into the High Heaven Hall, got out of the car and walked into the palace.

"What's the difference? What's the difference?" Jade Emperor asked indifferently.

"Who is the guardian of the westward journey is very important to the whole westward journey. We are afraid that if you look wrong, you will treat the fake fairy as the true guardian and the true guardian as the fake fairy. Then we decided to Let's take a look with you to find out the authenticity." Yuan Shi said lightly.

The Lord Tongtian held a sword, and the last one walked into the temple, and said in his heart: What I want to do today is to "look away!"

The Jade Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, displayed the saint's methods, and looked at the four demons in the hall.

Within his gaze, the four of them are still the same as they are now, but between the walker and the fake Vegett, there is a very strange golden light faintly revealed.

After comprehending all of this, the light in the Jade Emperor's eyes gradually dissipated, without speaking.

At the same time, the three sages of the Dao Sect are also the means of each to test the true and false of both sides.

After a while, Tai Shang raised his arm and pointed at the walker and the fake Vegett: "You two, you are fake."

There was a thud in the traveler's heart, and he forcibly maintained his composure, and fled without fail.

Because he didn't believe that the other two saints who had a deep hatred with Vegeta would still insist on justice.

"My brother and I may see different things."

Sure enough, he didn't worry for long, Yuan Shi pointed to Beijit and said, "The picture I saw is that he is fake."

Tongtian followed closely behind to make up the knife, to create an established fact: "Yes, I see the same picture as Yuan Shi."

Tai Shang felt a little complicated, he sighed slightly, raised his eyes and said, "Where are you, Datian?"

Vegett has always been a pawn in the hands of the Jade Emperor, and he continues to bring benefits to him.

Therefore, he is the one who least wants to change.

Reaching out to Vegeta, the Jade Emperor solemnly said: "I have the same opinion as Taishang, he is the real Vegeta. Yuanshi, Tongtian, we know that people don’t talk secretly, because of your own little profit. , So I don’t want the face of the saint, and deliberately lied, is this really good?"

A cold light flashed in Yuan Shi's eyes and said, "I think you are deliberately lying for a little profit. Even two of these fakes are yours."

"Nonsense." The Jade Emperor shouted without giving the face, "What evidence do you have to prove what you said?"

"I will kill these two fakes right now. If you don't have any ghosts in your heart, don't stop them." Yuan Shi summoned Yu Ruyi, looking at Vegett and Son Goku and said.

"Are all the people you present are idiots?" The Jade Emperor smiled angrily: "If you directly kill the real protector at once, then the fake will also become the real."

"Everyone, you don't have to quarrel anymore," Vegett said suddenly, "Goku and I have a bet with those two fake fairies."

"The kings of the Three Realms of Heaven, Man and Nether, plus the three sages of Taoism and the three sages of Buddhism, combined into nine judges. There are nine votes to vote. We two, which one gets more votes, is the real Son Goku and Vegeta.

Now that we count the votes, Goku and I got four votes. They only have two votes. We still have the upper hand. "

"Then have you thought about it, what if these two counterfeit goods are Buddhism chess pieces? You have only won four votes, and you haven't won an absolute victory." The Jade Emperor asked.

Vegett paused, then smiled and said, "Of course, I have thought about it since I agreed to the party's condition."

"It's just that I really want to see if the other party has more votes than us, is it true that he will become a protector of the West. Can the saint's calculations change God's will."

"If they succeed, that's good. I have the confidence to take back the identity of the Dharma protector. If they fail, they will forcibly climb the westbound road as a fake Dharma protector. The calamity they encounter will exceed their imagination."

At this moment, Vegeta was full of self-confidence and eagerly flying, causing most of the people in the temple to be slightly disoriented.

"Where can you be so confident? Knowing the identity of this protector, it must be much harder to regain than to lose." Guan Yu couldn't help but speak.

Vegett smiled and said, “Neither Goku nor I are suitable for passive defense. In addition, in the overall situation of Journey to the West, many things are inconvenient to do. But when we are in the dark, the holy position Under, who can stop?"

This is a bit strong and domineering, but no one thinks he is bragging.

The whole westward road is like this, the people standing in it are all living rakes, and they have to continue to bear arrows and knives from all directions.

Vegett, who has been able to survive in this situation, can't imagine how terrifying it is when he hides in the darkness.

Silently looking at Vegett who was so energetic, the murderous intent in the traveler's heart became more and more vigorous.

This guy, the crazy blood and the sane heart fused together ingeniously, making him bold but not reckless.

In him, the most precious thing is not the celestial scriptures and magic weapons, but his self-confidence and his thoughts.

From just a few words, it can be concluded that he may lose the game, but he will certainly not lose his life and hope.

"You must kill this Vegett and the monkey grandson as soon as possible, otherwise, they will grow up in the future, and no one can cure them." The traveler cried in his heart.

"Next, go to the Great Leiyin Temple and find the Buddha to verify his true body." The fake Vegett said suddenly.

In the past ten years of staying with Xingzhe, his biggest gain is that as an overseas Golden Crow Essence, he has successfully whitewashed himself and possessed a Buddhist book.

So now he no longer has to worry about the troubles caused by swaggering through the city, he can freely enter and exit the Buddhist holy land, parasitize on the Buddhist tree, and slowly regain his vitality. *

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