Chapter 810

"It's okay to find the Buddha to verify our true body, but Goku and I won't go to Xitian."

Vegeter was still worried that he would be directly killed by the Tathagata after he went, and said firmly: "I also ask Datianzun to post to Xitian on his behalf, and invite the Three Sages of the West to come."

"What if they don't come?" Jade Emperor asked rhetorically.

Vegett shrugged and said with a smile: "Then it can only be regarded as abstention. After all, this is the Heavenly Court, and you won't condescend their identity when you come, and there will be no reason if you don't come."

Instead of going to Xitian, he stayed in this High Heaven Hall and waited for the final result.

Even if there is hope of victory, the traveler is still a little uneasy.

He wanted to speak, against Vegett's proposal.

It's a pity that it's too late. The Great Tianzun has already written the invitation and handed it to Taibai Jinxing.

A few moments later, the Buddha's light shining all over the ten directions came from the western sky, and the golden lotus shadow built a long lotus bridge in the air.

The sound of Sanskrit sounds abruptly, the ancient Buddha murmured softly, and the monk sang in meditation.

The countless fairy faces changed drastically, and they quickly closed their five senses, blocking the soft chanting sound.

Their cultivation level is not high, if they don't do this, they will easily be transformed by the Buddha's voice.

"Xiu is going to pretend to be a ghost, come here quickly." Too much thought, the sound of the Sanskrit sound disappeared without a trace.

Above the lotus bridge, a Tathagata in yellow was walking in front, and the bare-footed Maiden Bodhisattva followed him.

Judging from the appearance and age alone, the two are very much like a father and daughter.

"Why are the two of you here? Where is Amitabha?" When the two saints entered the temple, Tai Shang asked suspiciously.

Tathagata reluctantly said: "A few days ago, Amitabha went into chaos and he has not returned."

Tai Shang: "..."

Walker: "..."

Jade Emperor: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"By the way, are you a Buddhism?" Vegett couldn't help but asked the traveler.

I don't want to fucking!

Walker's cheeks twitched, and his heart was about to explode.

They have already formed a lore, and there is no need for Buddhism to do anything specifically.

But in this case, Buddhism still dropped the chain and dragged its feet.

What does Amitabha Buddha think?

At such a critical juncture, what chaos can you swim? Could it be that the brain is chaotic? !

"Stop talking nonsense." Vegeter breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Tathagata, Guanshiyin, you must all support the two fake monkeys, right?"

Acting to be a full set, this is one of the laws of survival in this world.

Even under Vegett’s persecution, the Tathagata was still extremely calm, and slowly said, “Whoever is true, we will support whoever.”

"So from your point of view, who is the real one?" Vegett said with a sneer.

"Of course you are not real."

Beiji nodded, not wanting to entangle him more, and raised his eyes to the walker: "Eight judges, we are currently four to four, how are you going?"

"Look for another judge." Walker said solemnly.

Vegett rolled his eyes and smiled: "I have a better idea. Would you like to listen?"

"I don't want to listen." Walker said.

"Well, my idea is that we both return to the westbound team together and experience hardships. Anyway, for the guardian who has no destiny, all hardships will turn into disasters. Such and such, when time goes on, it will definitely be able to test. Who is true and who is false." Vegett said with interest.

Niang Xipi!

The traveler couldn't bear to curse severely in his heart, thinking that this was really an extremely bad proposal.

Not only catastrophes can distinguish true from false, it is said that both parties have lived with Sanzang for a long time. In terms of details, it must be Vegett and the others that are more in line with previous living habits and easier to integrate into each other's collective.

By then, his exposure will become a very logical thing.

"No, I don't agree with this proposal."

Taking a deep breath, Xingzhe said seriously: "Have you ever thought about it, we are all grasshoppers tied to Sanzang. If you two of you have false identities, you will attract monsters with extraordinary strength, you think Sanzang will Will not be affected?"

"Judging from past examples, even if it will be affected, it will not be too serious." Begett said calmly: "So, you don't have to worry about this problem at all. Maybe you are worried about yourself?"

The walker was speechless, raised his eyes to look at the two sages of the West, but saw them standing blankly, thinking about it is also no excuse for this proposal of Vegeta.

"Then decide this way, let time and hardships test your true and false." Da Tianzun breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a final decision.

He was really worried just now that Vegett would agree to the respondent and find another judge.

The risk of doing so is really too great, unless the name of this last person is assigned to the emperor, otherwise it may cause the outcome of breaking the halberd and sinking the sand.

Of course, Xingzhe would not agree to hand over the qualifications for judgment to Emperor Wa.

The current result, for them, can already be called a semi-successful ending.

At this point, the Sanqing and Second Sages left, and the Four Demon said goodbye to the Jade Emperor, and turned to fly to the world without mentioning it.

Let’s talk about the Lord Tongtian, the imperial officer driving a primitive chariot, thrusting upwards, flying towards Tianwaitian and Jinbie Island.

At a certain moment, while he was on the road, he suddenly opened his eyes, the car moved at will, and instantly stopped in the air.

Right in front of the chariot, the void swayed like a water pattern, and the white skirt was barefoot, and the girl's whisper like an elf under the moon smiled and walked out of the water pattern.

"Avalokitesvara has seen the Heavenly Sage!" The girl gave a slight salute and smiled.

Tong Tian doesn't like to deal with Guan Shiyin, because once you have a cause and effect with her, whether you are seeking others or seeking yourself, most of you will suffer.

"If you have something to say, don't delay my time."

Guanshiyin's smile is still bright and pure: "I'm here to discuss a cooperation with you."



Guan Shiyin's expression gradually became serious and said, "You also hate Beijit, right? Now, a great opportunity to get rid of him is placed in front of you and me. I wonder if you intend to move?"

Tongtian said indifferently: "The Jade Emperor and Wa Emperor are blessing that fairy, how can we get rid of it?"

"There are more saints who obviously hate him than those who like him, but why we couldn't kill him before? The biggest reason is that he is the protector of the west."

"At present, there are better alternatives. Even if he kills him, Tiandao will definitely not have any opinions. For it, they are just chess pieces. What is the difference with which one to use?" Guan Shiyin said.

Tongtian sneered: "Avalokitesvara, although I am not good at wisdom, I live long enough and see through my eyes. What you said sounds reasonable at first, but you deliberately avoid the importance of it."*

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