Chapter 811 Fang Cun Mountain, Subhuti

"The most important reason that Veget can live to the present is that she can bring benefits to Emperor Wa and the Jade Emperor, and that she has the wisdom to survive. If I believe your enchantment, I will definitely touch a soft nail."

Guanshiyin said in a serious tone, "Tongtian saint, first of all, you have to make sure of one thing. I will not be so stupid to treat a saint as a fool or as a spearman. I said that if I want to cooperate with you, I won't be hurt behind my back. you."

Tongtian was silent for a long time and asked: "How to cooperate?"

"Nowadays, the secret of heaven is deceived by heaven, so all the saints can only rely on spies to check the progress of the Westward Journey. Buddha and I isolate all spies for you and hide your breath. You only need a sword to kill Veget. "Avalokitesvara said softly.

Tongtian shook his head and said, "This proposal is not good. Every sword aura of mine carries my breath, and it is easy to be recognized. I can't do that. I will create a one for you that can kill him. Circumstances, it is up to you to pronounce him to death!"

To his surprise, after thinking about this request, Guan Shiyin actually agreed to it.

This again made Tongtian feel suspicious, and secretly said whether he had any calculations.

After thinking about it, I didn't realize any pitfalls in this, so I asked: "When will it start?"

"Right now."

In the azure blue sky, Vegeta turned into a rainbow, and said to Son Goku on the somersault cloud beside him: "You said, with the same strength and the same combat power, how can we kill those two? Fairy?"

Son Goku looked slightly surprised: "Aren't you going to use the catastrophe to deal with them? Why..."

"That's just a way." Beget said: "It's better to rely on the sky and the earth to rely on foreign objects than to rely on yourself. Besides, who knows what will happen before the sky is destroyed? For example, he finds someone to We do it."

"You thought too far." Son Goku said.

As soon as his voice fell, the wind was surging not far away, and the sky within a radius of tens of thousands of miles dimmed in an instant, and it was as dark as night.

The two changed their faces together. Son Goku summoned a golden cudgel and blocked Vegett behind him, watching the mysterious black tornado storm that was gradually forming in front of him.


The creepy sound of the wind kept hitting the eardrums of the two of them, and the torn pillar of wind strongly hit their vision.

"What's the situation?" Vegett summoned the Five Spirit Orbs, which hovered outside the two demons.

"It seems to be a magic weapon... Be careful."

As Son Goku was talking, the mysterious black tornado rushed towards the two men frantically, fiercely.


The tornado hit the five spirit orbs, erupting with an extreme loud noise, Vegett's Five Elements Domain was instantly defeated, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

"It's a saint!" Vegett said firmly: "A saint can't help but hunt me!"

Son Goku summoned the Fantian Seal and placed it on his head. The boundless and thick immortal Qi drooped down from his body, protecting them in it.

The tornado hit the Fantian Seal, unable to break through its defenses in a short time.

Hidden in another piece of time and space, Tongtian's eyes were slightly cold, his fingers trembled, and a big hole suddenly broke through the black wind pillar, swallowing the two of them.

With the two demon saints, the tornado skyrocketed, and after a short while, he came to the sky outside the sky, within a desolate star field.


At a certain moment, the tornado suddenly burst, throwing out the dizzy two people inside, and the fine wind flow gradually dissipated.

"Beget, Son Goku, meet again so soon."

With a holy light on the body, the pure white and flawless girl stepped on an extremely ugly meteorite, and appeared in front of them with a painting style of a beautiful woman in the last days.

"Avalokitesvara..." Vegett held the long and narrow blood transforming sword in his hand and slowly said, "Are you really ready to kill me?"

"Don't worry about this." Guan Shiyin said: "Xingzhe and fake Vegeta have gone to Sanzang. As long as you die here, the destiny will be transferred to them."

"Before bringing you here, Jiejiao and Buddhism have cleaned up all the eyes and ears around you, and the sage Tongtian personally took action and brought you here without leaving a trace."

"Everything is so perfect, everything is seamless. Now, it's almost time for your death to bring this plan to a happy ending."

Seeing the girl with the light on her face, Vegett's back felt a little cold.

On the chessboard of the Three Realms, the most tragic fate of chess pieces is to find a substitute.

This means that you will fall from a pivotal position to become cannon fodder, crushed to pieces in the most humble corners.

"Are you the Dao of Heaven?" Stealing his mind, Vegett shouted, "You said those two fairies can inherit the destiny of me and Goku, and they will definitely be able to inherit?"

Worrying about late has changed, Guanyin doesn't want to talk to him in the vernacular anymore, and when he pointed it out, the vast immortal energy exploded, and the violent divine power directed at the two of them.

Son Goku threw out the golden cudgel and bombarded with supernatural power.

The iron rod was swung away, and his arm was almost torn apart by the great force.

Avalokitesvara's right thumb twisted his index finger, and with a light pinch, a thin needle like ice crystal flew out quickly, piercing the center of Son Goku's eyebrows in an instant.


Son Goku's soul was torn, golden blood was flowing out of his eye sockets, and his body was strong enough to tear the sky apart, and he could hardly fight back in front of this tiny ice needle.

The blood-changing divine knife in Vegett's hand kept slashing, and the blood gleamed like a waterfall, but it was a pity that he couldn't get close to the opponent, so it was cut and melted by the layers of white holy light.

"Bang, bang!"

Numerous chains of magic runes condensed from the void, penetrated the bodies of the two of them, and imprisoned them in the air.

Avalokitesvara came to Son Goku step by step and brushed his hand on his neck.

"The most potential genius ever, the fastest freak ever, the youngest Ronaldo ever...You have broken many records, but what about this?"

"This shows that his future achievements may be higher than yours."

There is no cracking void, no bright radiance, and silently, a huge and incomparable fairy mountain appeared in this starfield, a sudden murderous intent locked Guanshiyin, making her body suddenly cold and her scalp numb. Don't dare to move rashly.

This scene is very weird and terrifying. Within the Three Realms, there are only a handful of people who can restrict Guan Shiyin so much by their breath alone.

"Fangcunshan, Subhuti!"

Slightly raised his eyes, looking at the sacred mountain deeply engraved in the soul, Guan Shiyin whispered softly, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

It's still that big Tsing Yi, it's still the most ordinary look, it's still not aura...

The bloody Vegett and the person in the memory of Son Goku walked down the sacred mountain step by step and came to them. *

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