Chapter 812


The sky is not afraid, the earth is not afraid, the iron-boned Son Goku, looking at the tall figure of the old man, felt a little aggrieved in his heart and couldn't help but blush in his eyes.

His back can withstand the sky, but the saint standing on the sky has repeatedly bend his back, breaking his bones.

Now, between life and death, he has seen the mountains he once relied on again. How can he control the turbulent true feelings in his heart?

The cruelty on Vegett's face gradually disappeared, turning into deep exhaustion.

Facing the pressure of the saint, facing the fear of death, facing the powerlessness of this fate, at this moment, all was removed from his heart.

"Your uncle's dead old man." Vegett rubbed his nose.

Subhuti rubbed his eyes and laughed in a low voice: "In this star field, there is a lot of wind and sand."

"Yeah, it's windy and sandy." Vegett chuckled lightly.

Subhuti waved to the two of them, and the breeze gathered and brought them to him.

Stretching out his white and soft palms, he touched their heads and their faces, as if something was stuck in his throat, making him speechless.

After a long time.

Vegeta gradually calmed down and said, "Old man, we have been bullied miserably."

"I saw."

"Can you beat Tathagata and Amitabha?"


Vegeta paused slightly and said, "Get revenge for us."


Solemnly agreed, Subhuti raised his eyes and looked at Guan Shiyin: "You are blinded by your interests, and you have become more and more narrow-minded, and you have gradually lost your original purity and spirituality."

Guan Shiyin said: "I know, but there is no way. This is the price of growth. Or to say the last sentence, you can't help it..."


Subhuti shook his head and said, "I'll give you a chance, try my best to escape."

"The saint dare not speak to me like this." Guan Shiyin said seriously.


Subhuti's voice is a bit complicated, with meaning that Beijit can't hear: "Is it worth you to be so proud to be so valued by a few puppets?"


As soon as his voice fell, the World Extinguishing God Thunder gathered in mid-air for a hundred thousand miles, ready to move, about to fall.

"A little bit careful!"

Subhuti raised his eyes to look at this extinct scene, waved his hand and said: "Three hours, give me three more hours."


There was a sudden loud thunder, followed by a deep thunder, like a response.

At the same time, Guan Shiyin's body suddenly shone with a colorful glow, illuminating the starry sky for hundreds of millions of miles.

Looking carefully, there are countless legal principles and rules intertwined in every ray of sunlight, which resonates with heaven.

Displaying such a mighty power, Guanyin did not attack, but kept refining the Xiaguang.

Combining a pair of bright wings of light, she can use this pair of wings to instantly return to the west with only a slight tremor.

Although she also certified that Subhuti might be superior to her, she did not believe that he could defeat the Tathagata in the Western Days.

However, imagination is beautiful, and reality is skinny.

Subhuti did not give her the opportunity to flap her wings at all. Numerous sacred scriptures were spit out from his mouth, combined into a golden hoop-sized spiritual ring, which suppressed Guanyin in the air, and fell on top of her head inch by inch.

"Go away!"

Guan Shiyin roared in a low voice, and colorful wings flew out of her body, turning into a group of colorful divine fire that could burn all things, burning the heavens, and smashing time and space, rushing towards the mighty spirit ring.

Subhuti pursed his mouth, his mind moved slightly, and summoned a vermilion air current, forcibly slapped into the shining spiritual ring.

With this airflow, the spirit ring gradually turned from colorless to vermilion, the dazzling light gradually dissipated, and the power was restrained.

But the speed of its fall has accelerated, no matter how Guanyin casts a spell, it can't stop this treasure from falling.


After a while, this spiritual ring was completely put on her head, and thousands of unworldly magical runes emerged from her body, trying to push the spiritual ring away.

Subhuti finally stood up solemnly, his arms raised, his hands were sealed, and vast auras burst out of the immortal body, condensed into a yin and yang fish connected end to end, and slammed on the ring, Guanshiyin's head. ...

The spirit ring was unstoppably set on the top of his head, and the light on Guan Shiyin's body was condensed within a short time, and the soul was suppressed, and he could no longer control his body.

"Subhuti, what do you want to do!"

Avalokitesvara angrily said: "I am a Western sage, and I am in solidarity with Buddhism. Your behavior today has completely touched the bottom line of Buddhism. The whole Buddhism will be in the same vein with your Bodhi, and you will never die."

"It's all suppressed, there's still so much nonsense." Subudi shook his head and turned to look at Vegett: "What do you want to do with her?"

"Can I control the spirit ring?" Vegett pointed at Guanshiyin's head.

Subhuti paused slightly and said, "Come here, I will pass you a set of formulas."

When Vegeta came to him, Subhuti raised his finger and pointed it at the ancestral orifice of his eyebrows, and a piece of text that radiated light flowed into his soul.

"Because Guanshiyin's realm is much stronger than you, you can't force her to do extremely resistant things, otherwise, it's easy to hurt yourself." Subhuti warned.

"How long can this spiritual ring exist?" Vegett nodded and asked.

"If I don't relieve her personally, it will never die."

Beijit smiled and looked up at Guanyin: "I said a long time ago that I would take you as a maid, serve tea, and fold the bed to warm the bed. I originally thought that this wish would have to wait at least after the emergence of a new world. Realized, I didn't expect this kind of turning point to happen today. Guanshiyin, come here."

Guan Shiyin looked at him coldly, without moving.

There was chill in Vegett's eyes, and when he recited the scriptures in his mouth, the spiritual ring glowed, controlling Guan Shiyin's body and coming to him.


The distance between the two was less than half a meter, and Vegett raised his hand and slapped it on the face the size of Guan Shiyin's slap.

In an instant, five bright red fingerprints appeared on her pink face.

Avalokitesvara was furious, and thousands of avenues roared in her body, but before they broke out, they were strongly suppressed by the haloing spiritual ring and forced back into the soul.

"Is it very helpless, powerless, and wronged?" Vegett asked sincerely.

Guan Shiyin pursed his mouth tightly, as if the chill in his eyes could form ice crystals.

Vegett stretched out his hand and stroked her profile, and said, "Yes, I was slapped and couldn't return it. This feeling can be maddening. Guanyin, do you know that you have brought it to you more than once? I feel this way."

Guan Shiyin simply closed his eyes, not wanting to see the current scene. *

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