Chapter 813

With a deep gaze, Beget looked at her cheek, thought for a moment, lowered his body, carried her on his shoulders, and turned to Fang Cunshan.

"Master, the aftermath is left to you. I have some private words that I want to tell her."

Seeing Vegeta disappear into a palace carrying Avalokitesvara, Subhuti smiled slightly and looked up somewhere in the void: "I haven't come out to talk after watching the drama for so long?"

The void cracked, and the Taoist Tsing Yi holding a long sword walked out of it, still with a trace of lingering fear on his face.

"Subhuti, in the past few hundred years, where have you been, what have you experienced, why, why... suddenly become so mysterious and powerful."

"I took Fang Cunshan to wander in time and space and spent countless years. I have seen the evolution of countless worlds, the annihilation of countless complete universes, and it is like a flower blossoming and defeating, reincarnation in time and space." Subudi's eyes lighted. Shining in remembrance in the middle, said softly.

"Are you wandering in the big time and space outside the Three Realms?" Tongtian was horrified, his eyes almost split.

Subhuti nodded and said, "A leaf that covers your eyes does not see Mount Tai. You who have not walked out of the dry well of the Three Realms are a group of frogs at the bottom of the well. Time and space are huge, with countless universes connected in series, and the entire Three Realms are just a drop in the ocean."

"So... what about the chaos? The chaos world outside the Three Realms." Tongtian solemnly asked for advice.

"Chaos..." Subhuti paused slightly and said, "I have never understood the nature of this kind of thing. I can't see it clearly, so I don't dare to judge it arbitrarily."

Tongtian pursed his mouth and asked, "How strong is the strongest person you have ever seen?"

Subhuti's pupils shrank slightly and said: "They stood at the top of time and space, smelted the past bodies at all time points, and jumped out of the long river of fate. The flesh is immortal, shuttles in the past, present, future three lives..."

Tongtiandao: "If this is the case, time and space will not really be destroyed by them?"

"No, because there is still a stronger presence in control of order."

"Is there any stronger?!" Tongtian almost jumped up, and the long sword in his hand buzzed extremely sharply.

Subhuti said: "Would you like to come and have a look with me?"

Tongtian swallowed the good words that rushed to his throat with difficulty, and did not agree to it.

He is a saint in heaven, immortal in the Three Realms.

But after leaving the Three Realms, his life cannot be guaranteed.

What if Subudi laid an ambush outside the world and wanted to kill him?

Have to guard!

During their conversation, in a palace in Fangcunshan, Vegett said softly: "Can you feel the pain?"

Guan Shiyin had never been like this before, his heart tensed and his body trembling slightly.

"I think it should be okay." Vegett muttered to himself, and suddenly stepped back.

Guan Shiyin suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the scene in front of him with cracked eyes.

"shut up!"

Guanyin finally spoke.

"Give me a reason."

Vegett looked cold and calm.

"If you continue, I will let you taste the sufferings of the world in the future, and you will never live beyond life." Guan Shiyin said solemnly.

Beiji nodded.

Guan Shiyin's whole body was about to explode, and his hostility filled his heart.

But she couldn't escape the shackles of the spirit ring, so she couldn't escape Vegett.

She has not dared to think about the next picture.

"You said, what you want is a close girl, right?"

Guan Shiyin said suddenly.

Vegett sat up straight: "I originally had this plan, but how do you ask me to forgive you after this kind of thing happened today? So, maid, don't think about it anymore. The slave is fine."

Guan Shiyin held back his anger and said, "I'm trying hard to learn to be your slave, please don't continue."

"I hope you can do what you say, otherwise, I will let you see something interesting." Vegett said, stood up and walked out of the palace.

Guan Shiyin sat on the bed, retracted his feet into his white dress, and looked at the direction he was leaving. The light outside the door was silent.

"Is the hostility in my heart out?"

In Yunhai Beach, in the pavilion, Subhuti who was playing chess with Son Goku heard footsteps and said without looking back.

Beget nodded and came to the two of them: "Originally, I wanted to open the bow from side to side, taking turns to slap her, but in the end, facing that beautiful face, I still couldn't get rid of it. Sure enough, I was still a face-seeking person. laity."

"For her, what you do to her is more difficult to accept than slap her a thousand slaps." Subhuti shook his head and said.

Vegett raised his eyebrows: "You actually peeked!"

"It's not a peek." Subudi said sternly: "As long as I stay in this square inch mountain, without special attention, the entire square inch mountain will be visible in my heart."

"Bullshit." Beijit didn't believe it, and said, "Mingyue, I don't seem to see her."

"She is retreating in Sanxingdong." Subudi said with a smile: "Wandering in time and space with me, she has made great progress."

"How old is it?" Vegeta asked curiously, sitting next to Son Goku.

"At least you two can't beat her." Subuti said lightly.

Begett paused. The initial fashion was surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this was the most normal, which was reasonable.

From the beginning, Mingyue's cultivation was above them.

The adventures and good fortune in these years are only more than them, not less than them, it is inevitable to be strong.

"Master, I heard you and Tiandao agreed that you can only stay in the Three Realms for three hours?"

Putting the matter down, Vegett asked.

Subhuti said: "Yes, the Three Realms are within the body of the Heavenly Dao, and you are the creatures born in him, so you are allowed to stay here."

"But since I entered the long river of time and space, my body has undergone an abnormal change, and I cannot coexist with the will of the world of the Three Realms. If I stay strong, I am afraid that I will lose both."*

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