Chapter 814 Subhuti Enters the Buddha Kingdom

"Is the hostility in my heart out?"

In Yunhai Beach, in the pavilion, Subhuti who was playing chess with Son Goku heard footsteps and said without looking back.

Beget nodded and came to the two of them: "Originally, I wanted to open the bow from side to side, taking turns to slap her, but in the end, facing that beautiful face, I still couldn't get rid of it. Sure enough, I was still a face-seeking person. laity."

"For her, what you do to her is more difficult to accept than slap her a thousand slaps." Subhuti shook his head and said.

Vegett raised his eyebrows: "You actually peeked!"

"It's not a peek." Subudi said sternly: "As long as I stay in this square inch mountain, without special attention, the entire square inch mountain will be visible in my heart."

"Bullshit." Beijit didn't believe it, and said, "Mingyue, I don't seem to see her."

"She is retreating in Sanxingdong." Subudi said with a smile: "Wandering in time and space with me, she has made great progress."

"How old is it?" Vegeta asked curiously, sitting next to Son Goku.

"At least you two can't beat her." Subuti said lightly.

Begett paused. The initial fashion was surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this was the most normal, which was reasonable.

From the beginning, Mingyue's cultivation was above them.

The adventures and good fortune in these years are only more than them, not less than them, it is inevitable to be strong.

"Master, I heard you and Tiandao agreed that you can only stay in the Three Realms for three hours?"

Putting the matter down, Vegett asked.

Subhuti said: "Yes, the Three Realms are within the body of the Heavenly Dao, and you are the creatures born in him, so you are allowed to stay here."

"But since I entered the long river of time and space, my body has undergone an abnormal change, and I cannot coexist with the will of the world of the Three Realms. If I stay strong, I am afraid that I will lose both."

"From the suppression of Avalokitesvara to the present, two hours have passed without saying anything. Doesn't that mean you are leaving again?" Vegett said reluctantly.

Subudi chuckled: "It's not that fast. We are in Fangcun Mountain, another time and space, so time is calculated separately."

Beiji nodded, and said, "Master, what about Guanyin after you leave?"

"Stay at ease by your side, you have the scriptures I planted in your body. In front of you, she can't display any magical powers, and she can't turn over any waves. As for Buddhism..."

Subudi smiled slightly coldly: "I will take you to the West Heaven in a moment, and ask the Tathagata for an explanation."

Vegett blinked and said with a sigh, "Master, your wings are finally hard."

Subhuti: "..."

Son Goku: "..."

"Little bastard!"

For a long time, Subhuti laughed helplessly, and stretched out his hand to rub his head: "There is nothing to stop you from speaking."

Vegett chuckled and did not refute.

Afterwards, the three masters and apprentices had a good conversation.

Vegett talked about what happened to them over the years, omitting a lot of hardships and hardships, grievances and helplessness, and focusing on interesting things on the way to Tizi.

Subhuti talked about those people in time and space, those things, those legends, and the eyes of Vegeta and Son Goku who listened to them were shining, and I just wish I could see them now...

After a long time, Subudi's words paused slightly, stood up from the seat, drew a long sword from the sea of ​​clouds, and said softly: "It's getting late, let's go, and go to the west."

To the extreme west, above Lingshan, a fairy qi waterfall hangs on the east side of the mountain, shining silver-white brilliance against the warm and golden early sun.

This waterfall is not gas, but the fairy qi is forcibly condensed by the god array on the top of the mountain and smelted into a superb fairy liquid, which gathers little by little to form this spectacular wonder.

Downstream of the waterfall, the fairy liquid becomes a river, clear to the bottom.

There are five-color sacred fish swimming in the river, frolicking.

It is no longer strange why Buddhism has so many ordinary spirits and spirits by soaking in this kind of river water every day and eating immortal liquid.

On the top of the mountain, the ground is flat, with three thousand palaces standing, and a ring-shaped arch guarding a suspended temple.

There are pink petals flying in the sky, each with a breath of wisdom.

Vaguely, there is a golden lotus phantom, constantly emerging, swallowing the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth, and at the same time carrying the spiritual liquid in the huge lake at the foot of the Lingshan mountain, flowing down through the waterfall, and turning into living water.

"Strange, this Lingshan is different from the one I saw when I came here last time."

The majestic and uncommon Fang Cun Mountain came across the space and hovered over the Lingshan Mountain. Vegett looked down and spoke in doubt.

"Just like Fangcunshan is to me, this spiritual mountain is the magic weapon of the Tathagata, which changes as you wish." Subhuti explained.

Suddenly there was a mountain above Lingshan, which was extremely rare for the immortal Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. After all, the power of Buddhism and the majesty of saints are inviolable.

So... what is the situation with this mountain?

After a while, things happened to their surprise. The Buddha walked out of the Da Leiyin Temple with a solemn expression, stood in front of the temple, and looked at the mountain.

"Subhuti, long time no see."

"It's been a long time." Subudi said blankly: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm here this time to ask for an explanation for my disciple!"

Tathagata glanced at Vegett and said, "They are the pawns of the Heavenly Dao, and it is the most normal thing to be calculated. The Heavenly Court, Dao Sect, and even the Demon Realm are all calculating them. Why do you only come to Buddhism to confess?"

"I know that it is inevitable for them to be calculated, but no matter whether it is Heavenly Court or Dao Sect, there is no situation in which the saints personally acted to hunt them down."

Subhuti said: "You use them as a tool to earn merit. For them, this is also a kind of experience. However, Buddhism has repeatedly broken this balance. You said, why should I ask you to settle it?"

Tathagata was silent.

Avalokitesvara's slightly radical method has finally revealed its drawbacks and has become a stain that Buddhism cannot refute.

However, since I can't say it, then there is only one battle.

For the winner and loser, the final interpretation power is still on the winner's end.

"Please enter the urn."

Tathagata sits cross-legged in the void, with the laws and runes shining in his hands, transforming into a huge Buddha kingdom, and hundreds of millions of Buddha phantoms in the country are chanting softly.

Subhuti knew that the Tathagata was afraid that the battle between the two of them would break the entire Lingshan Mountain, and only then invited him to enter the Buddha's Kingdom in his palm. It has no other meaning.

After all, at their level, fighting under what circumstances is no longer the point of victory or defeat in a war.

"wait me back."

With a light smile, he turned his head and said to Vegeta and Son Goku, Subhuti's spirit came out of the body and sank into the Buddha kingdom.

In the vision of Vegett and others, Subudi holding a long sword is standing in a huge country, and billions of scriptures are like thunder and lightning, combined into a sea of ​​thunder, violently suppressed against him, and the momentum is rare. *

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