Chapter 815

Subhuti's face was calm, and he waved his long sword, the golden light rushed into the sky, and the flames were soaring that he met Lei Hai in mid-air.

Thousands of avenues and tens of thousands of laws have been extinguished and reunited in the impact.

The void in the Buddha's interior is constantly torn apart by this force, and the four elements of earth, wind, water and fire are looming.

Then, with Vegett's strength, it was no longer possible to see the battle in the Buddha.

Only the lights of all colors burst, like silent fireworks, shining brightly.


A few moments later, known as the first supernatural power of Buddhism, the Buddha kingdom in the palm of the third most treasure was shattered.

Two golden spirits were suspended in the air, looking at each other.

"Is there any other means? Otherwise, your spirit mountain will become dust today." Subhuti said lightly.

Guanshiyin originally thought that Xitian was the home of the Tathagata, and Subhuti could not defeat the opponent here.

However, the reality slapped her mercilessly, and the billion-year-old Lingshan Buddha state became a drag on the Tathagata, making him a little daunted.

"If Amitabha is here, you have lost now." Ru said.

"He is not here at the moment, so this assumption is meaningless."

"No, he is here now, in the spirit mountain." Ru said: "If you break the spirit mountain, he will appear."

"Is this a threat? Also, do you think I will be afraid of him appearing?" Subhuti looked somewhat mocking.

Such as saying: "Yes, this is a threat, within the way of heaven, you don't have the ability to be immortal."

Subhuti paused and said, "Then talk with more sincerity."

The Tathagata returned to his body and looked at Fang Cunshan outside Lingshan: "Avalokitesvara, in your hands, right?"

Subhuti nodded: "She is now Vegett's maid."

"Maid..." Tathagata's cheeks twitched fiercely, and he almost ran away.

That is one of their three sages in the West, who is not under him, and now he has become an ant's maid?

This is too acceptable. Once it spreads out, the whole Xitian will become a laughing stock.

"If you let her go, I can consider anything you want from Buddhism, even the Ninth-Rank Lotus Terrace." Tathagata said solemnly.

"The compensation has not been negotiated, you want to redeem?" Subhuti asked rhetorically.

"I think this can be completely combined, you put Guan Shiyin, we will give you a reasonable compensation."

Subhuti shook his head and said, "This is just what you think. Well, now Guanyin itself is in our hands, how about I buy her name with compensation? From then on, there is no Guanyin Bodhisattva in the world, only Vegeta The maid Guanyin."

The Tathagata was furious, and shouted: "Do you think this is possible? Subhuti, although you are powerful, you are not invincible. Don't be invincible."

"Then there is nothing to talk about..."

Subhuti snorted coldly and changed his face: "I don't think you have anything more precious than Guanshiyin in Xitian. Anyway, people are here, and you don't want to give me the status. Get back to the subject, hurry up and determine the compensation."

"You don't even look at the Ninth-Rank Lotus Terrace. I really can't think of what you want." Ru said.

Subhuti paused for a while, then turned to look at Vegett: "Why are you here all of a sudden? What do you want, speak quickly, there will be no such opportunity after this time."

"I don't lack magic weapons, immortal scriptures, and resources, so I really look down on your Buddhist possessions." Vegett said, walking into the palace, holding Guanshiyin's catkins, and cutting her Brought it out: "I want her."

"I've already said it, it's impossible."

Vegett said: "I know your concerns, and I can provide you with solutions. Are you worried about the impact? I can allow Guan Shiyin's clone to appear in the purple bamboo forest, and hide her identity, let She stayed beside me in another image."

"It's not just because of this." The Tathagata hesitated and stopped.

Vegett frowned and said, "What else?"

"Avalokitesvara still has a lot of work in the Western Heaven, and these tasks can only be done by her." Ru said.

Vegeta thought for a while and said, "I agree that she uses various powerful clones to work for Buddhism, but her real body must stay by my side. Well, this is my bottom line, and I will never again. Regressed."

"This kind of relationship of yours only ends at the end of the westward journey." Tathagata was silent for a long time, and said slowly.

Beget smiled and said, "Then you agreed? As for the time limit, this is very meaningless. Who knows what will happen in the future?"

Tathagata did not answer positively, sighed helplessly, and said to Guanshiyin: "Finally, and most importantly, seek your own opinion. If you don't want to, even if Lingshan is wiped out, I will snatch you back from them."

Avalokitesvara's eyes are deep and complex, as if it can penetrate people's hearts.

In fact, she was able to guess that what Tathagata is saying now is just polite words.

From ancient times to the present, the three sages have worked together and struggled for more than tens of thousands of years, and this has pushed Lingshan to the status of the top master, able to fight against the many sages.

This is not easy. Every step forward is mixed with blood and sweat.

If it was because of her alone, all these years of efforts would be destroyed, and no one would want to.

Besides, the conditions given by Vegeta were too loose.

Being able to use the strong clone freely means that she can still preside over Buddhist affairs and can still control the westward road.

The only thing that is not good is that her deity may suffer some humiliation.

And this humiliation, Tathagata would definitely not care.

In a daze, she remembered what happened many years ago.

At that time, Buddhism was first built, and it was a waste of time. The whole mountain gate could be a lot of birds.

The three of them stood in front of the Great Leiyin Temple, looking at the empty Lingshan, a moment of worry.

What does it take to attract Buddhist followers and worship them?

After thinking hard for a long time, they decided to learn the Taoist method, open the altar, and lure the world to become believers with fame and fortune and immortality.

Sure enough... the effect is remarkable.

However, the mortals who are attracted in this way are all downright mortals. Helping them will not only do no good, but will waste a lot of energy and damage a lot of luck.

How to attract the strong to teach has become an urgent need for Western teaching.

Just when they were thinking of countermeasures, a demon with no evil and profound karma, came to Lingshan with countless souls and ghosts who had bitten her, asked Tathagata for help, and said that he was willing to join Buddhism.

Xu Shi Tianxin felt that at that time, the Tathagata ghosts took her down, and said the famous sentence: "Turn back to the shore, put down the butcher knife, and become a Buddha on the ground."*

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