Chapter 816

The devil put down the steel knife and became a spiritual Buddha.

Those evil spirits who were killed by the devil before have naturally become evils that need to be purified.

So Ru said the second sentence: "Thousands of sins belong to me."

The evil spirits and ghosts began to bite the body of the Tathagata, only to be wiped out by the Buddha's light on his body.

The first demon who took refuge in Buddhism is now one of the twenty-four heavens. Even though the first half of his life was full of evil, he still enjoys the blessings.

It can be seen from these past that there is no good and evil in Tathagata's heart, no bottom line, and no so-called human emotions.

For the rise of Buddhism, he was able to give up everything except himself.

How can he take his grievances to heart if he is not wronged?

Having said that, Nuwa fabricated human beings according to the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

When it comes to the evil side of the soul, gods and Buddhas are the ancestors.

Selfishness is the nature of all gods and Buddhas!

"If it just ends westward, if I don't restrict my use of the clone, I can agree."

After a long time, Guan Shiyin said emphatically.

When she finished saying these words, Tathagata sighed slightly, her expression a little bitter.

And Veget...




For a while, I didn't know which word I chose to use to represent the mood at the moment.

The dignified saint in Western religion, who is now personally certified, will become his servant in the future...

This feeling is difficult to explain.

All the grievances and grievances accumulated before, at this moment, gradually dissipated.

Nothing can compare to what he has now.

"Is there anything else? If not, we should also leave." Subhuti said in due course.

Vegett calculated the time and found that the time limit for him to leave is not far away, so he said: "The most important purpose of this trip has been achieved. By the way, to eliminate a lot of trouble in the future, we can leave."

At the moment, in the cold eyes of the Tathagata, the three masters and apprentices took Avalokitesvara to Mount Fang Cunshan, merged into time and space, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Where are the eight heavenly dragons?" Tathagata said softly after a long time.

"Buddha." In a moment, eight figures knelt before him.

"Go tell the six-eared macaque that the hunt failed, and let him take precautions." Tathagata said.

The eight dragons took their orders and left, and the Tathagata raised his eyes to the place where Amitabha was retreating, and said softly: "The eventful autumn!"

On the westbound road, in the mountains.

The walker carried an iron rod on his shoulder and walked at the forefront of the line.

Fake Vegeta followed him, and Sanzang rode in the middle, behind the canopy and Sha Wujing.

"Beget, do you have anything to eat? I'm a little hungry." When the sun was in the middle of the sky, Sanzang retorted and asked.

Fake Veget has already learned from the walker that Veget is in charge of the food for the entire team.

It's just that he is not Vegett after all, and knows nothing about cooking and cooking.

A few days ago, whenever it was time for a meal, he would avoid this matter, and consider the others.

But now Sanzang asked directly on his head, and then avoided it, it seemed too suspicious.

"I have no food reserves here. You can eat some dry food first. After you pass this mountain, you will be able to see the town."

Sanzang nodded, and suddenly heard the canopy's voice.

"Monk, before the difficulty of true and false protection, did Vegeta have a shortage of ingredients? Even if only once!"

In the Three Realms where immortals and gods are everywhere, any monk who has practiced illusion can play Li Daitao's tricks.

For this Taoist master, changing an image can show the charm of the other person, such as a walker.

If it wasn't for Vegett to fight him constantly, then reality would be infinitely close to the darkness of Journey to the West, and it would be impossible to tell whether it was true or false.

The whole world couldn't believe that Son Goku was the real Goku, and finally had to hand over the control of fate to Tathagata Buddha.

Now, the ending is different after all.

The respective destinies of the two parties are still in their hands, and the time to distinguish between the true and the false has been severely lengthened, allowing the Xingzhe and the fake Vegett to have a long time to get along with the people on the west.

In this get along, there are mistakes.

Fake Beijit is not familiar with the people on the west, and there is no such personality charm as Beijit that can mobilize the atmosphere of the audience and make boring progress interesting.

Not to mention the ability of him to jingle cats, he can conjure countless delicacies and off-season fruits, even some snacks and small toys.

Seeing the big from the small, looking for the truth from the subtle, everyone felt more and more that this was not the Vegett in their own memory.

And this suspicion reached its peak under the current hungry situation.


Sanzang calmly said in his heart: "Beget is the number one cook in the underworld. If we lack anything, there will be no shortage of our people."

"So, have you ever thought that these two may be counterfeit goods?" Canopy pondered for a moment, and Transsion asked.

"They are counterfeit goods." Sanzo replied earnestly: "It's just that we can see through, but we can't tell."

The canopy gradually came to a sense of surprise, and his gaze towards San Zang was slightly strange.

It turns out that this monk has long ago in his heart.

Following his thoughts, it is also true. If the truth is broken, I feel comfortable in my heart.

But no one can guarantee that the other party will jump over the wall in a hurry and do anything extreme.

Moreover, it is not a good thing to let them leave at this time.

After all, there are many monsters on the westward road, and they need a top combat power guard.

"For today's plan, we can only maintain this state for the time being, waiting for the return of Vegeta and Goku." Tripitaka said.

Tianpeng hesitated for a moment and said: "I heard the news from the Tianhe secret agent. After the four of them went to the sky together, all the saints came together and expressed their opinions. In the end, they did not decide who is true and who is false."

"Later, they left the Nantian Gate together and rushed to us separately. Now the two false great saints have arrived for a while, why haven't they seen them yet? Could it be, what's the problem?"

Hearing this, San Zang seemed to be violently pulled, his face a little pale.

"Believe in Vegett, believe in Goku." Pressing his hand on his heart, Sanzo replied solemnly.

The walker is thoughtful, his eyes are like torch, and his spiritual thoughts are always enveloping several people around him, and he has clearly discovered the changing moods of the two people, Canopy and Sanzang.

It's just that he can't intercept or learn about other people's spiritual communication.

Despite some doubts, they don't know what they are plotting.

Carrying an iron rod and walking in silence, the walker felt more and more uneasy, and secretly said: "Will some of them recognize me long ago? How are they plotting to harm me?"

"Why are you thinking?"

The fake Vegeta glanced at him inadvertently, looked slightly startled, and asked softly. *

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