Chapter 819

There was an inexplicable anger in the traveler's heart, and he shouted: "What is good about them, no one can replace it!"

Sanzang groaned for a moment and said, "Maybe it's just because they appeared some time before you and became the old people in our memory."

"Old man, old time!"

The traveler sneered, the war Buddha spirit above his head instantly came to Sanzang and knocked him on his head with a stick, knocking him unconscious.


Kicked Sanzang and kicked him into the air when he was in a coma. Xingzhe said grimly, "I'll go to your mother's old days."

"Damn! Canopy, save people." Sha Wujing shoveled the Zhanfo iron rod and shouted.

"Puff puff……"

As if stimulated by his call, countless Qi swords flew out of the canopy's body, and the body trembled suddenly, waking up like a dream.

The golden crow spread its wings and screamed.


As a dead general, the canopy quickly adapted to the state of war.

A huge silver-white wave flew out of his body, thrusting against the sky, and generally extinguishing the fire wave.

The four holy deities fought fiercely for a long time. After all, the canopy and the sand monk lost to each other's supernatural powers, they were forcibly suppressed, and they fell to the ground with hemoptysis.


The soul of the war Buddha landed in mid-air, stepped on the chest of the canopy, and stepped on blood: "What Heaven Marshal, the combat power is no more than that, it can be killed by turning the palm of the hand."

With blood in the canopy's mouth, he said in a deep voice, "Although I don't know where Brother Monkey and Vegeta are now, I believe that when they come back, it will be your end."


The God of War Buddha lifted his foot on his head, kicked his body into the air, and smashed a mountain.

"Wishful thinking! Half a month ago, they couldn't help me. They could be strong enough to surrender me after more than ten days? Dreaming!"

The canopy was wounded to his soul and passed out into a coma, unable to reply to him.

After venting his anger, the walker controlled the war Buddha spirit back into his body, and said to the fake Vegett: "You protect me first, and let me refine the poison in my body."

A few moments later, approaching the evening, the walker vomited a mouthful of dark green blood, but his expression was much relieved, replacing the fake Vegett guardian.

Although he had been poisoned by the same poison, the fake Vegett himself was seriously injured.

Facing the setting sun, sitting cross-legged on the ground, Fake Vegeta began to vomit the essence of the scorching sun.

The golden power visible to the naked eye hangs down from the sky and instills it into his body.

From then on, strange things gradually happened.

The sunset that was about to set in mid-air was so stalemate in place.

After a long time, he even began to go backwards, step by step back to Zhongtian, and the light was billions.

The traveler squinted his eyes, looked at the sun, and then put Sanzang, Canopy, Sha Wujing, and Bai Longma into his sleeve.

"Since you don't want to walk with me, then just watch me go through the whole journey alone."

As the traveler said, he dug out his own heart and became like Sanzang.

He took out his liver and turned into a canopy.

Take out his spleen and become a Drifting monk.

He took out his lungs and became like a dragon horse.

Except for the fake Vegett who was still silently healing his wounds, he formed a westbound team by himself.

Thirty-two hours later, the sun finally set west again, and the fake Vegett slowly opened his eyes.

"Let's go, let's see what catastrophe will happen in this situation." The traveler carried the iron rod, said lightly, and took the lead.

The troupe of learners of fake goods walked the main road and headed west, endless time like an arrow, endless days like a shuttle.

As if in a short period of time, the cold winter fell and the heavy snow flew, decorating the whole world into silvery white.

Braving the wind and snow, I stepped on ten lines of footprints. When I raised my eyes, I saw a fairy mountain in the way, spanning seven thousand miles, and the mountain was like a dragon.

Looking at this mountain, the traveler gave a sudden thump in his heart, and the soul was warning: "On the westward road, the mountain and the sea were killed. Isn't this one of the difficulties? I'm a little curious, what will it look like."

Above the fairy mountain, near the pavilion.

Wearing a white dress and her hair tied into a single ponytail, the young Bodhisattva sits quietly on the stone bench in the pavilion, warming the wine with her hands and looking calm.

Son Goku stood in the wind and snow, letting snow cover his shoulders.

Vegete stood in the snow, with wind in his hands, and constantly took the falling snow in his hands, patted the ground, and gradually built a snowman nearly seven feet tall.


After warming the wine, the Maiden Bodhisattva raised her eyes and mocked softly.

Son Goku said without looking back, "Have you ever made a snowman?"

"I won't do anything that doesn't make any sense."

Son Goku chuckled and replied: "Then you are not qualified to evaluate this behavior."

Guan Shiyin shook his head and said nothing, watching Vegett finish the snowman.

I saw her lifelike, her eyebrows were picturesque, her body seemed to be covered with a white gauze, she was holding a jade bottle in her left hand, and a willow branch in her right.


Just when she frowned, she wanted to ask Vegett what this meant.

But when Vegeta slapped his backhand, he smashed the snowman's head to pieces, and the snow flakes floated.


With a sudden twitch of her cheek, Guan Shiyin's heart was full of anger.

Vegett turned his eyes to her and said, "You can see that you are angry."

"Inexplicable, extremely boring." Guan Shiyin said blankly.

Vegett smiled and walked to her side, putting his hands on her lower abdomen to keep warm.

"This is not boring, but training. The first time you see this situation, you will be angry and angry. The tenth time you see this situation, you will be disgusted and annoyed."

"The hundredth time, five hundred times to see this situation, you will be numb and ignore it."

"Gradually, your anger towards me will continue to increase, and the bottom line of endurance will continue to increase until you can tolerate any behavior I do to you. This is a way to train female slaves."

Avalokitesvara’s eyes were cold: "Do you think you can shake my Dao Xin with this little trick?"

"This is not a trick!" Begett's eyes lighted up, and he said softly: "Start the challenge from your weakest point of anger. This is a gradual process."

"If you accept it frankly, the final result must be what I want. If you don't accept it frankly, you just want to resist."

"Faced with my provocation, I silently endured it, for fear of raising my anger point and patience, but in this process, these two attributes are still increasing."

"No matter how you deal with it. As long as the hoop is not broken, you can't escape from my palm. As for things like the heart, if you can control your heart, how can you be where you are today?"*

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