Chapter 820 Westward Protagonist Tang Sanzang

Avalokitesvara's heart felt a little cold and his hair was horrified.

Although she couldn't fully understand the precise meaning of anger points and patience, she still had no problem understanding these words.

It is precisely because of understanding that I have a trace of jealousy towards Vegett from the heart.

Throwing aside the combat power between the two of them, he said that his continuous weird methods made him extremely passive.

Having said that, in the face of this kind of training, should I be angry or not?

"Beget, the walker is about to reach the top of the mountain." Son Goku said suddenly.

Beiji nodded his head, transformed into a little novice monk, and said to Avalokitesvara: "Also please go back to the temple, and the layout will start according to the plan I said before."

Avalokitesvara sighed slightly and walked into an ancient Buddhist temple not far away.

Son Goku changed his mind and turned into a nine-foot-tall monk, holding a magic wand with an angry eyebrow.

When the walker and the fake Vegeta were about to finish the mountain road stairs and reach the top of the mountain, they suddenly found that one large and one small, one high and one short, two monks standing high at the end of the stone steps, looking down at them.

"This road is nowhere, please go around." Vegett said indifferently, condescendingly.

"Beget, Son Goku, what tricks are you trying to do?" The walker opened his eyes, but he could not see the two people's heels, and bluffed calmly.

Vegett did not reply, looking at him calmly.

"You don't need to pretend, even though you pretend to be very good, but it's a pity, I remember the taste in your soul." Xingzhe said dismissively.

Vegett still just looked at him, did not speak, and the scene suddenly became awkward.

The walker was slightly angry and pointed at the two of them: "Get out of the way, otherwise you will kill you without mercy."

Vegett summoned a magic iron whip, rounded it and smashed it at the opponent.


This whip seemed to mobilize the power of the entire fairy mountain. Invisibly, a mountain-like power was added to this blow, triggering a landslide-like alien phase, causing the traveler to suddenly change color.

The muscles are stretched, the blood is in the air, and the walker holds the iron rod in both hands, thrusting the iron whip from bottom to top.

With a loud bang, his whole body was knocked into the air, and blood surged in his body.

"What a powerful fairy mountain, it's not weaker than, it's stronger!"

The walker shook his sour arm, staring deeply at the two figures above, and gradually ruled out the idea that they were Son Goku and Vegeta.

As far as he knows, neither of these two can have such a treasure.

After knocking the walkers into the air, Vegett retracted the iron whip and looked at them blankly.

Subsequently, Xingzhe and the fake Vegett joined forces and hit the mountain pass several times.

But the two gods and monks also united together, taking advantage of the power of the fairy mountain, making it difficult for them to move a single step.

"Who are you guys? Just talk about what you want. If you can satisfy you, I will never shirk it." Xingzhe gave up his plan to force a pass and said seriously.

Vegett was silent for a moment, and said: "This way is nowhere, please go around."

Walker: "..."

Fake Vegett raised his eyes to the top of the mountain, pulled the traveler, and said, "There is a Guanyin Temple on the mountain. This may be a breakthrough."

Guanyin Temple...

The traveler muttered to himself and flew up: "You will guard here first, I will go to the South China Sea and ask Guan Shiyin if he knows the situation here!"

On the top of the mountain, Vegett communicated to the girl Bodhisattva in the temple: "I emphasize it again, do what you plan to do, don't play tricks."

"You should also be aware that this fake monkey alone can't afford to take the luck of the philosopher, and even, if it is careless, it will break the chess game you arranged before... Let him receive the lunch before we can continue to love each other. Kill!"

In fact, if the traveler did not go mad, severely inflicted Sanzang and others, and even suppressed them all, and wanted to start a journey to the west that was dominated by him, Guan Shiyin would be happy to see this situation.

But the reality is not if, the practitioners are too extreme to do things, and the momentary extreme behavior touches the interests of too many people.

Even if she didn't make a move, the saints would not let him go.

For Buddhism by then, it may not be a disaster.

In order to prevent this kind of disaster from happening, she must correct the chaos in advance and clear away the hidden dangers.

Therefore, from the moment the Xingzhe hit the Tripitaka, it meant to bear the betrayal from Buddhism.

In the South China Sea, in the Zizhu Forest, the traveler saw Guanshiyin who looked like a young woman.

"Six ears worship the saint."

"Venerable no need to be polite." Guan Shiyin raised his arm and said gently.

The walker straightened up and straightened his waist: "Sage Bodhisattva, now I am holding Sanzang going west, and I am blocked by a mountain of immortals. There is a Guanyin Buddhist temple on the mountain. Someone in the courtyard chants the Guanyin Sutra softly. Dare to ask the saints to know this mountain?"

Avalokitesvara asked in detail about the appearance of the mountain, the shape of the temple, and sighed slightly. According to Beijit’s words: “I know that this mountain is the ancient fairy mountain Feihong. It is Guanyin, but not me."

The traveler blinked, and said in surprise, "I still hope that the Bodhisattva will solve his doubts."

"You may also have heard that I have tens of thousands of incarnations. These tens of thousands of incarnations convey ideas to me all the time and help me practice."

"Although this kind of magical power can draw on the power of tens of thousands of people, it has a fatal drawback, that is, good and evil tend to accumulate."

"In order to prevent too many good and evil thoughts from affecting me, I cut off the good thoughts and turned them into one person, that is, to save suffering and distress, Great Mercy and Compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva. Cut off the evil thoughts, turn into one person, and perpetrate hardships and evils. ."

"Since then, I have sealed the Guanyin of evil thoughts and drove the Guanyin of good thoughts to benefit the world. Just a few days ago, the Guanyin of evil thoughts broke free of the seal and escaped, but I did not expect to go to the world and embarrass you."

"It turned out to be the incarnation of the evil thoughts of the Bodhisattva. No wonder we can find that kind of fairy mountain, which is guarded by the strongest heavenly immortals." The traveler suddenly said: "Since this is the case, please ask the Bodhisattva to go down and take back the evil thoughts."

Guan Shiyin shook his head and said: "You could have been Li Daitao stiff, as Son Goku, accompanied Sanzang on the westward road. On impulse, he severely injured Sanzang, and even imprisoned him."

"This kind of radical behavior angered Heaven's Dao, and that's why this difficulty appeared. If I go down to help you, the situation will definitely get worse."

With a dignified face, the traveler said sincerely: "I just don't want to live in calculation and calculation all the time. But Bodhisattva, I hope you will give me some guidance and tell me what I should do next."

Guan Shiyin paused slightly and said, "You are only a supporting role on the whole westbound road. With your luck, you can't get through this difficulty. If you want to climb this mountain, you can only call out the protagonist of the westbound journey. With the blessing of the destiny, it should not be difficult to survive this catastrophe."

"The protagonist of the westward journey... Sanzang?" The walker gradually fell silent. *

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