Chapter 829

"Is it better? In the second scene, the poems and vocabulary are gathered like a dragon."

Vegett ignored Yan Hui, who was intoxicated, and looked up at Hong Yi. His smile was free and easy, which was heartbreaking.

After all, Hong Yi is a strong-minded person, and within a short period of time, he has walked out of the haze of the handed down classics.

He shouted in a deep voice: "My scripture is not as good as yours, but it doesn't mean that my attainments in poetry are not as good as you!"

"Poetry attainments..."

Vegett chuckled, with a weird smile on his face.

Wen, Dao, Jingyi, for Vegett, who has never liked reading, is a flaw in a flaw.

But speaking of poetry...

He is also a college student anyway, it's not that he has never experienced the hardships of reciting ancient poems.

Regardless of the other party's knowledge in poetry, even if they can't win in terms of quality, but in terms of quantity, he can definitely abuse the opponent into scum and make him doubt the kind of life.

"Fighting poems need some questions, how about three propositions for you and me?" Hong Yi said deathly.

Vegett didn't care, nodded and said, "You can ask the question first."

Hong Yi thought for a while, pointed to the waterfall behind him and said, "How about the first song, let’s focus on the waterfall?"


Vegeta chuckled and said, "Are you coming first or me first?"

"Come on first, and would like to hear the high pitch." Hong Yi thought about killing the opponent in return for the previous humiliation.

With his hands on his back, Vegeta looked up at the silver-white water, as if he had been banished to the world, full of celestial spirit.

Before that, his voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Purple smoke grows on Shushan Mountain in Rizhao, and you can see the waterfall and Hangqianchuan from the distance."

As soon as his voice fell, the anger of the mountain of books was surging, and he was about to move.

It's just that the rhythm is not very strong, as if waiting for something more exciting to appear.

"These two poems are a bit flavorful!" Mencius commented: "With just a few words, I described the scene here, and it was sublimated in the poem."

"Close your eyes, as if you can see that under the shining of the sun, the cultural atmosphere on the mountain of books converges, forming a gorgeous purple cloud."

"After describing the general environment, the writing did not drag in the slightest, and directly shifted the center of gravity to the waterfall."

"The hanging characters in the second sentence are extremely clever, turning movement into stillness, vividly showing the image of the waterfall seen in the distance, and it fits perfectly."

Yan Hui deeply agreed, and Chong Jing said, "This is just the beginning. I'm sure that the last two sentences of the poem will be able to gather the spirit like a dragon!"

"Proficient in scriptures and poetry, talented in the world, is this Vegett?" Someone whispered in the crowd.

The image of the Beget demon in the impression gradually collapsed, and the image of a bachelor who had studied poetry and books began to emerge in their hearts.

"Fei Liu went down three thousand feet, suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days."

Finally, Vegett read the last two sentences, the world suddenly changed, the literary spirit was surging, and the light and dark flowed.


At the same time, faintly, Vegeta felt that the air was sending a kind signal to him, and when his heart moved, he spoke softly.

Suddenly, the literary spirit gathered together, and a huge literary dragon with a length of thirty-three feet and a width of twelve feet jumped out from the sea of ​​clouds, looking up at the sky, as if soundlessly humming.

"Thirty-three feet long... Master, I must be dreaming!"

The scholars in the Confucian school were even more surprised because they knew what such a huge Wenlong represented.

Even one of the great sages with white hair almost burst his eyes and lost his voice in surprise.

In his memory, in the past, it was not that no one was able to gather the literary spirit into a dragon.

But the most successful of them is nothing more than a twelve-foot dragon.

Where is the magnificent, domineering, and majestic one in front of you

"I don't know if there are any people here, but they are indeed unprecedented. The Great Sage with Arms is going to kill Hong Yi alive."

A great scholar sighed and opened his mouth, looking at Hong Yi with pity in his eyes.

From the point of view of the heart, from the perspective of the previous classics, Hong Yi can be called a genius.

But compared with Vegett... the only thing left is sadness.

Lifting his eyes to look at the majestic dragon in midair, Hong Yi's face was a little pale, and a sense of powerlessness gradually developed in his heart.

He can be sure that although the poems he has made can also converge the literary spirit as a dragon, it will not exceed ten feet at most.

Compared with this thirty-three-meter-long dragon, it is almost the difference between cloud and mud!

Thinking of this, he didn't even have the idea of ​​reading the poem for a while, and his voice was a little bitter: "This time, I give up."


Young and vigorous, the young and frivolous part of Ruxton's time made continuous boos, which made Hong Yi's heart like a needle.


Yan Hui didn't like seeing this kind of scenes, and he always felt that such students were impolite, and shouted in a deep voice.

As the most shining pearl under the Master's seat, Yan Hui's prestige in the Confucian School is as high as the sky, second only to Shuangsheng.

Seeing him frowning and scolding, many scholars suddenly fell silent, and no one dared to make a fuss anymore.

Honest people are just as majestic.

Vegett glanced at him, suddenly a little envious of the Master in his heart.

Yan Hui is studious, benevolent, wise, humble, stronger than righteousness, weaker than being admonished, eager to be profitable, and cautious in governing the body.

In other words, this is a perfect and honest person who can perfectly inherit the mantle of the master and inherit the glory.

If you have such a disciple in your life, you don't have to worry about your inheritance and no successor.

"Let's start the second game, this one, Vegeta will make the question." Mencius said.

Vegett's eyes moved slightly, and he smiled: "I'll set up a scene, this question, send the old friend to the grassland!"

The grassland sends the deceased?

Hong Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling that the subject that Vegett presented was a bit simple, and he could at least be able to make a nine-foot-long literary dragon.

As for the thirty-three-zhang Wenlong that has not dissipated until now, Hong Yi thought, this is probably just an accident.

Or, this is already Vegett's pinnacle.

People cannot always be in their peak state.

"I have no opinion, you should come first." Hong Yi said.

Vegett smiled rather than smile, pointing at the dragon hovering above his head and said: "Should I come first? You are not afraid of this situation again?"

Hong Yi sneered and said, "Do you think you are a poet of poetry? The poems you have made are eternal sings?"

"Poem..." Beget smiled slightly and said, "As long as I want to, I can wear this laurel crown on my head."

"Arrogant." Hong Yi waved his sleeves and said solemnly: "Stop talking nonsense and start writing poetry."

Beijit's expression gradually became solemn, and he spoke word by word: "The name of the poem is given farewell by the ancient grass."

"Liliyuan on the grass."

As if speaking out the law, the literary spirit between heaven and earth began to fluctuate.

"One year old and one withered."

The hurricane-like cultural spirits spontaneously merge together to form a cultural storm. *

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