Chapter 830

"Wildfire can't be burned."

A large amount of white smoke came out of the waterfall that was flying straight down, and it continued to pour into the literary storm, making many scholars frightened for fear that the waterfall would be swallowed by the storm.

"The spring breeze is blowing again."

With a bang, the Confucian worries became a reality.

Even in this book, mountains and seas, the literary spirit is not endless.

Wenqi Storm couldn't plunder the origin from the Wenqi dragon, so he had to put his gaze on the waterfall.

In the blink of an eye, the nearly three-layered Milky Way waterfall turned into a cloud of air and rushed into the storm.

The corner of Hong Yi's eyes twitched, and he had a foreboding that the next scene would not be so wonderful to him.

When the literary storm gathered a hundred feet long, Vegett issued another request to transform the dragon.

In a short while, the storm began to consolidate in the distortion, and gradually turned into a dragon body.

"One zhang, two zhang, three zhang... thirty-one zhang, thirty-two zhang, thirty-three..."

Among a group of scholars who looked up at the literary dragon, and were surprised that they couldn't close their mouths, Duanmu Ci made selfless gestures with his hands and whispered in a low voice.

It is another Wenlong with a length of thirty-three feet. Vegeta is not the reincarnation of Wensheng, right?

No, no, in the ancient history of the past, no sage has this kind of ability.

Mencius took a deep breath and thought silently in his heart.

Vegett had a full view of the changes in the hearts of the people around him, but there was no trace of complacency in his eyes, as calm as a deep pool: "Hong Yi, it's your turn."

Hong Yi clenched his hands tightly, his jade-white fingernails were deeply squeezed into the flesh, blood surging in his body, even though his teeth were clenched, a faint bloody breath was felt in his mouth.

He was the proud son of heaven. He was psychic and enlightened at the age of three. He was full of poetry and books at the age of five. At the age of seven, he was already able to write the magic formula.

Many people praise him as the lord of the times, even if he does not rise in the current westward era, he will lead the wave of another era in the future.

The crowd became gold, and later even he felt so, and his heart gradually became proud, and he developed an arrogant body.

But who would have thought that when he met Vegett, he was frustrated everywhere, and the so-called pride was gradually shattered, flattened, and turned into powder.

Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang.

The inexplicable emotion swept his mind and made him a miraculous experience of Zhou Gongjin's grief and indignation.

"In this game, I also surrendered."

Not wanting to be more embarrassed, Hong Yi gritted his teeth and bit his scalp to speak.

This time, even those Confucian scholars did not boo.

Because they were able to imagine each other's mood, they knew that Xueshi Hong was afraid that it would leave a psychological shadow.

"Go on." Beiji nodded and spoke softly.

His indifferent demeanor after the big victory has made many scholars show their splendor.

With these two glorious victories as a foreshadowing, it was not so difficult for everyone to accept the four thirty-three-foot-long dragons that appeared later, but they were amazed.

Strictly speaking, this is a very strange literary fight.

For the six propositions, Vegett took the lead in composing a poem, and then the character became a dragon, with a length of thirty-three, which blocked Hong Yi's full-bodied poem.

In the end, Hong Yi hadn't read a poem for six battles, which was moving.

"The Great Sage with Arms...I'm convinced."

After all, Hong Yi is not the kind of evil villain who walks all the way to the dark. He smiled bitterly and said, "How can there be someone like you in the world?"

Beget let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Two wins in three games, you lost!"

"Yes, I lost." Hong Yi lowered his arrogant head.

"The third game, is it better?" Vegett asked after a slight pause.

To many people's surprise, Hong Yi shook his head altogether, and said: "The meaning of two wins in three rounds lies in two wins, not three rounds."

"It makes sense."

Before the spectators showed contempt, Vegett said in agreement: "You are a wise man."

Hong Yi sighed slightly and said, "From now on, my life is yours."

Vegett smiled softly: "Allegiance is not a promise. If you just say something like this, do you expect me to believe in your promise?"

Hong Yi didn't speak, but faced him, taking the initiative to let go of his mind.

Vegeta was a little surprised, and after reacting, he admired him a little.

If the identities of the two are swapped at this moment, even if he is burdened with unbelievable infamy, he will not take the initiative to let go of his spirits, and become a slave who wanders between life and death.

On the Yunzhou deck, Guan Shiyin, who did not know when he stepped out of the cabin, was full of disappointment in his eyes.

This person is a seed she has cultivated over the years, either intentionally or unintentionally, and her identity and background are as clean as snow.

The purpose is to one day be used as a surprise soldier in a special environment.

And he is indeed eager, knowledgeable, full of economics, poems and songs, and mastery in everything.

The cultivation of martial arts is a thousand miles, and at a young age, he has proclaimed the Da Luo fruit status.

In order to win, Guanyin planned a lot.

First of all, for the sake of safety, instead of fighting by force, it was changed to Wendou.

It shouldn't be difficult to come to the realm of Hong Yi's top literary literary and to defeat a man full of conspiracy and conspiracy, full of soul and brutality, and only to gain the advantage of his tongue.

As for Vegett’s mind-learning avenue, Guan Shiyin was deeply suspicious of his usual performance, and he did not think that this theory could help him to win.

But who could have thought that such an outcome would actually happen in the end.

sorrow and grief……

Vegett released a spiritual mark and planted it into Hong Yi's soul, and said in a solemn voice: "Hong Yi, from today onwards, you will enter my discipline as a named disciple."

Hong Yi was expressionless and knelt down in the void: "Farewell to the teacher."

"The matter is over, let's go to the top of the mountain together. The canonization altar is ready, and we will wait for Vegett to take the stage to sacrifice to the heavens and grant the canonization." Mencius said.

With cold eyes, Vegett looked at Guanyin and the representatives of the Hundred Schools, and said indifferently: "I hope there will be no more moths. Otherwise, once I get caught behind the scenes, it is not as simple as peeling and waxing. "

Although the realm of the representatives of a hundred schools is not too high, but all of them are dragons among the people, how can they be frightened by this threat?

There were those who were expressionless, and they replied with disdain, and even a few people showed a mocking look at Vegett.


Seeing this scene, Son Goku raised his eyebrows slightly, went down with a stick, and smashed all the mocking representatives together into mashed flesh.

Shenron, who is in the world, has to lie down in front of him and talk with his head down. What is the dragon among men?

For countless times throughout the ages, Junjie is truly the least valuable.

"Poker monkey, fierce beast!"

Representatives of hundreds of schools dodged the mud, vacated a space, and kept cursing in their hearts.

In the current scenario, only this Son Goku dared to shoot so unscrupulously.

Vegett stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, everything is silent.

They do not need to say thank you. *

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