Chapter 831

After a long time, everyone was led by the Master to the top of the mountain.

But I saw that this place was divided into three levels according to the sequence, and there were nine hundred and ninety-nine green lotus platforms floating in the sky.

On the lotus platform, there is a grass-green futon, and there is a small desk with clear water on the desk.

Clean and elegant.

At the end of the lotus platform group, there is a stone step winding upward.

The whole body is clear and simple, with a total of three hundred and twenty.

Everyone watched upward along the stone steps, and there was a wide jade terrace where they looked up.

At the end of the Jade Terrace, there is a book standing there, exuding a vast white light, communicating with the mountains and the sea.

"The canonization ceremony is about to begin. Please everyone from the same school, the elders, and the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism. Representatives of a hundred schools will be seated in accordance with the famous post."

Yan Huifei reached the middle of the stone steps and faced everyone.

There were at least eight thousand onlookers, and nine hundred and ninety-nine seats were obviously not enough.

So countless people stood on the ground, in the void, watching Vegeta step by step to the center of the altar under the leadership of the Confucian Sage.

"let's start."

The Master looked at Vegett’s eyes with a gentle smile: "First sacrifice to the heavens, express the heavenly path, and recite the sacrificial texts. Then sing the entire volume of the Heart Sutra, determined to spread the world and teach all living beings. Finally, I will be a Confucianism and Daoist canonization, and you will be sacred. Qi Luck is connected with the Confucian School. At that time, you will become a real Confucian sage, the Saint Vegett of the Heart!"

Within the Three Realms, all living beings offer sacrifices to the heavens, not the way of heaven, but the universe that gave birth to them.

After the sacrifice to the heavens, the explicit manifestation of the Heavenly Dao really has a relationship with the Heavenly Dao, and it is reported to the Heavenly Dao about this matter.

The subsequent oral ritual is an announcement to the sentient beings of the Three Realms, explaining what they are going to do, and naming the subject.

I named the subject and said what I want to do. Then I naturally show my talents and let the world judge whether the deity is worthy of this honor.

This is the main reason for seeing sentient beings, that is, the Master asks that Vegeta chant the Heart Sutra.

All beings can see the talents of the deity, and at this time, they need to point out their ambitions in a timely manner.

This is determined.

The ambition here is more than just saying that my ambition is so simple, and there are many mysteries hidden in it.

As the saying goes, aspiration is high.

But only ambitions that can be achieved are true ambitions, and ambitions that cannot be achieved can only be delusions.

A gas refiner with average talent and luck, determined to become a saint, although his ambition is lofty, it will only attract ridicule.

In that case, is it okay to set a small aspiration and turn it into something that can definitely be done?

Nor does it work.

The things that can be done for sure are called goals, which are quite different from ambitions.

When you are determined to look forward and backward in this way, it will also arouse ridicule.

So this intermediate point is not easy to grasp.

Many of the famous sacreds in the Three Realms have become laughing stocks in the hearts of sentient beings.

For example, the Jingwei who wants to fill the East China Sea, such as the Ksitigarbha who wants to empty the underground mansion.

Vegett didn't understand these ways, but Yan Hui knew.

In order to prevent Vegett from being embarrassed, after the master had finished talking about it, he explained to Vegett in as much detail as possible.

I have to say that this is a very necessary thing.

Under Yan Hui's guidance, Vegett burned incense and talisman, offering sacrifices to the sky to the east.

That incense is to seal incense, which is formed by the petition of millions of students.

That talisman is a pleasurable talisman, fed by the essence and blood of thousands of innocent children, the blue sea pleasurable heart, innocence is passed down through the ages.

These things were all prepared by the master, and this also shows Vegett’s position in his heart...

Vegett’s image in the hearts of the world is not good, but the way of heaven is insensible, and Hongjun will not have any subjective emotions.

For hundreds of years, the world has been arrogant and arrogant, and Shengwei is everywhere.

Although Vegett's notoriety is getting louder and louder, his karma is not much.

Wugan Tiandao will not come out to make trouble at this time and prevent him from ascending to the Confucian Sage.

Vegett made it clear that he did not attract thunder. To be honest, many people are actually extremely unwilling.

In their opinion, such a peerless old demon should be killed at his most glorious moment and promote righteousness.

It's a pity that God couldn't hear their voices.

And they didn't dare to speak out this kind of thinking when they were learning from the mountains of books.

"The sky is killing intent, the stars are moving in battle, the earth is killing intent, the dragon and the snake rises, the human is killing intent, and the earth is turned upside down.

On the eve of the upheaval of the world, demons are born, ghosts croak forever, the sacred upside down the spirits, and the misfortune of all beings.

The sacred rises from the grass and the wild, and the blood melts in the souls of the people, and cannot be viewed from the sidelines, ignoring the sufferings of the people's livelihood.

I have a Heart Sutra, which can open up people’s wisdom, transform their foolish hearts, learn from things, and educate sentient beings..."

"A fairy who doesn't do anything evil, who speaks without shame to teach sentient beings, this kind of scene is really ridiculous and ridiculous."

At this moment, a sudden change occurred. A shabby-looking, thin, middle-aged scribe who was wearing a commoner and wearing a straw hat suddenly walked out of the crowd, shouted loudly, and interrupted Vegett's chanting.

Everyone on the scene looked at him together. After seeing where he was standing, a thousand people were in an uproar...

This person actually stood in the crowd of sages and was a direct disciple of the Master!

"Tantai Qingyang, are you crazy?"

Nakayu loves and hates deeply, and his eyes are split: "Do you know what you are doing now?"

"Brother Zilu, I know exactly what I am doing now."

Tantai Qingyang took a deep breath, looked around the crowd, and shouted in a form that was almost roaring: "Survival is the top priority of life."

"However, there are always things more important than survival. For example, faith, such as belief, you, etc., in order to survive today, you actually want to worship demons as the sage, this is your betrayal of the soul..."

With a word, the whole audience was silent.

Mencius's face changed drastically, and the clouds were overcast.

He had countless ways to make Tantai Qingyang shut up, but he couldn't take back what the other party had said.

If he did so seriously, these words would be deeply buried in the hearts of Confucian scholars, and gradually become a nail that is difficult to pull out, burying huge hidden dangers.

Is this Tantai Qingyang's own thoughts, or is it someone deliberately manipulating him to make such a behavior?

If it is the former, there is still a chance to remedy it, if it is the latter, the opponent is afraid that there will be more powerful back-ups, and it is impossible to prevent it.

The surprising thing is the Master.

From the beginning to the end, his eyes were calm. I don't know if his character is strong or he has foreseen it long ago.

Like Mencius, he did nothing to stop him.

He just turned to look at Vegett, wanting to see how she prepared to deal with this kind of scene.

A creature will always encounter countless tests of various colors throughout its life. What has passed is growth, and what has passed is destiny.

He was a little curious, whether this was Vegett's growth or his destiny.

Vegett was quick in thinking, and in a flash, he thought of several solutions without leaving the slightest trouble.

But I never thought, before he could respond accordingly, Tantai Qingyang suddenly yelled, I recommended my blood to the Confucian School, and hit and died on the altar!

Suddenly, the hearts of Confucian scholars flashed and thundered, and the lake of heart was full of waves. *

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