Chapter 851


Among the crowd, Emperor Donghua, who had been watching coldly, suddenly shot.

The long sword in his hand buzzed, his killing intent rushed straight into the sky, bringing out an endless aura of killing.

Avalokitesvara was unable to move. The many Buddhist disciples who came to participate in the banquet, as well as some pro-Buddha gods, under the order of the young woman Avalokitesvara, all of them stood in front of the sword and wanted to stop the golden light.

Unsurprisingly, they underestimated Emperor Donghua and overestimated their own strength.

Two or three hundred immortal Buddhas sacredly joined forces, unexpectedly failed to stop this sword, was cut off by the sword light, and died on the spot.

After killing so many immortals, the long sword in the hands of Emperor Donghua did not stop in the slightest.

The sword was still fierce, piercing through countless defensive circles in front of Guan Shiyin, piercing her heart.


A light that was more dazzling than the sun shone from the chest-piercing sword, and the damage from the spirit hoop and the damage from the long sword converged, completely destroying Guanshiyin's original avenue.

In order to prevent the Yuanyuan Avenue from continuing to shatter or even fall apart, the magical powers and laws in Guanshiyin's body have been self-appointed.

It didn't take long for her to rise from a high saint to a mortal without a hint of immortality.

In other words, Avalokitesvara has now been knocked down from the holy realm and turned into the ant in her eyes.

However, if Son Goku and Donghua teamed up to achieve such a great achievement, they would naturally pay a corresponding price.

Donghua was okay, it was just an auxiliary attack, and he did not directly withstand Guan Shiyin's counterattack.

Son Goku was so miserable in comparison, Guan Shiyin's final madness and final anger all bombarded him along the lines of the scriptures.

The powerful force made his soul full of cracks, almost reaching the point of breaking with one touch.

The only fortunate thing is that his destiny to protect the law in the west played an important role in the end, making his injury rigid before his life hangs, and there is no real eradication.

Of course, this is the way the soul hurts. If there is no miracle, he will not be able to use spells and magical powers for a long period of time.

"What a wonderful battle, what we saw was breathtaking and admired."

Accompanied by a vague voice sounded, a young Taoist priest with a beautiful face wearing a jade crown and long-sleeved Tsing Yi, with a yellow-faced monk in his right arm, shrank from a distance. Until, the laughter shook the sky.

"Zhen Yuanzi...Sanzang?!"

When Son Goku saw the priest's cheek clearly, he snorted in his heart.

When he saw the monk being held hostage by Zhen Yuanzi, his eyes stood up for a while, and his heart was frightened and angry.

Neither he nor Vegett thought that such an accident would happen.

After all, in their minds, the hidden canopy and Sha Wujing unite. Even if they can't resist all the demons, there shouldn't be a big problem in keeping the Tripitaka.

"Looking at you, are you worried about the safety of the canopy and others?" Jin Yuanzi looked at Son Goku's golden eyes, and his smile became more strange.

Son Goku clenched his fists and said word by word, "What did you do to them? And, what do you want to do this time?!"

Zhen Yuanzi reached out and pulled a white cloud from Qing Ming, and placed San Zang, who had been unconscious, on top of the cloud.

He glanced at Guanyin who was frozen on the ground, looked down at Son Goku, and said slowly: "Come here this time, I am going to give you two choices. The first choice is Vegett’s fate and Tang Sanzang’s fate, if so You can only keep one, which one would you choose?"

Under the attention of everyone, Son Goku sneered and said, "I don't believe it anymore. Do you really dare to kill Sanzang?"

The corners of Zhen Yuanzi's mouth raised slightly, her smile was cold and fierce, and she reached out her hand to point out a blue light, falling on Sanzang, and said meaningfully: "Master Sanzang, how do you feel?"

On the clouds, Sanzang slowly opened his eyes, with a trace of doubt in his calm face: "How does it feel?"

Zhen Yuanzi's breathing was slightly stagnant, and frowned, and said, "That monkey chose to let Vegeta live and let you die. Don't you feel strange?"

"This is the most normal thing, why should I be strange?" San Zang laughed and waved his hand: "Could it be that you think that my position in his heart is more important than Vegett? Absurd!"

Should we say that Sanzang is self-aware, or should we say that he is extremely open-minded?

It's just that, anyway, Sanzang who was smiling at this moment made Zhen Yuanzi and the many immortals dumbfounded.

It's even hard to believe.

"I knew that your trick was not only useless, but it would easily make you unable to get off the stage."

Accompanied by a deep voice, the sacred golden light exploded beside Guanshiyin, dressed in a dark golden dragon robe, the handsome emperor walked out of the golden light, grabbed Guanshiyin's neck with one hand, and held the blood-changing sword with the other.

"It's the Black Emperor!"

The immortals were in an uproar, secretly saying what kind of ghost day Ox-King chose, and the strongest people in the Three Realms who can do things the most unexpectedly all came.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at the hostage in Hei Di's hand, then looked down at San Zang on the cloud group, his cheeks twitched suddenly, speechless.

Hei Di grabbed Avalokitesvara and came to Zhen Yuanzi, thinking for a moment, and said with a long smile: "Actually, it can't be said to be useless. From another perspective, it is the most beautiful thing that Tang San is hiding in our hands. "

"What's the meaning?"

Rao Zhen Yuanzi was extremely clever, and at this time he didn't keep up with the thinking of the Black Emperor's leaping space.

The Black Emperor leaned over, forced the blood-transforming sword into Sanzang's hands, and said softly: "Beget's fate, your fate, and the fate of the evil Guanyin, are in our hands, and the two of Vegett and Guanyin are in our hands. Only one can live in between."

"Now I leave the right to choose in your hands. If you want Vegeta to survive, use this knife to chop off Guanshiyin's head. If you want Guanyin to survive, throw this knife away. Let's start, make it. your choice!"

After listening to his request, the mountain fell silent, silent.

Sanzang held the scarlet long knife in Xuxu's hand, and his eyes were low.

The Black Emperor is definitely one of the most insidious sacred in the Three Realms, and the degree of insidiousness is even far above Vegett.

Give San Zang the right to kill this kind of murder. If he chooses to live Vegeta, then he who kills the Avalokitesvara will completely break with Buddhism.

Since then, the two sides will be in the same situation, and there is no room for change.

After all, although the image of the girl Guanyin in the Three Realms is the incarnation of Guanyin's evil thoughts, she represents Guanyin under the condition of being controlled by others.

A monk who shoots at Guanshiyin for his own desires will inevitably be spurned by the entire Buddhism.

But, even so, can he live Guanyin and kill Vegeta? *

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