Chapter 852 The blood of the saint is terrifying

No way!

Not to mention his own friendship with Vegeta, it is said that after he killed Vegeta, even with the protection of Buddhism, he would not be able to survive.

After all, Vegett is not the Little Demon King at the beginning. In addition to the identity of the demon saint of Huaguo Mountain, he is also one of the rare personal disciples of Subhuti, and the second generation of the top immortal in the Three Realms.

No force can bear Fang Cunshan's revenge.

Sanzang at this moment is in a dilemma!

"The world is safe and secure, and it will live up to the Tathagata and live up to the Qing..."

After a long time, San Zang closed his eyes lightly, and pierced his heart with the blood-changing sword between his backhands, and died quietly.

The strong wind blew and rolled up his pure white monk's clothes, like a holy lotus, blooming in the void.

Hundreds of thousands of creatures were stunned, looking at this scene with a dull expression.

The protagonist of the westward journey, the Great Master of Sanzang, died here so tragically?

The Tathagata does not bear the Qing, so he bears his own future, his own life?

Inexplicably, all of a sudden, countless monsters burst into tears.

The blood transforming sword pierced Sanzang's heart and shattered his soul. The blood from the holy monk completely washed away the confinement of Guanshiyin.

Boundless blood radiated from the long and narrow blade, rushing straight into the blue sky.

The world was full of blood, and Vegett descended in the bright blood, holding the quietly dead monk in his arms.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Son Goku crushed his steel teeth, bleeding and tears flowed in his eyes, his body was swollen, his cheeks flushed suddenly, and blood was vomiting in his mouth.

He can no longer fight.

This iron rod can no longer shake the sky.

"Guardian Double Saints!"

A general in Huaguo Mountain shouted sharply when he saw countless immortals showing different colors.

"Holy, holy, holy, holy!!!"

The demon soldiers cried bitterly, slapped their chests with their swords, used their flesh and blood as the city, and protected Son Goku and Vegett in it.

A little bit of sparkle appeared in the corner of Donghua's eyes, took a deep breath, and opened his arms to the sky.

The sky suddenly turned into a starry sky, and countless huge purple stars were rumbled.

"Guardian..." He pursed his mouth and said softly.

Under the guardianship of 300,000 soldiers and Donghua, no one dared to think otherwise.

Everyone unanimously turned their eyes on Vegett, waiting for his response.

Vegett held Sanzo in one hand and the handle of the knife in the other.

The long knives buzzed, as if they had been ordered, almost madly devouring Sanzang's flesh and blood.

Swallow it with blood and bones.

If you eat a slice of Tang monk meat, you have the hope of breaking through the realm.

What happens if you eat Tang Seng whole person with his belt bones?

Before, no one knew.

Now, hundreds of thousands of living beings watched the blood changing knife spit out scarlet blood flames, burning time and space.

Others just looked at it and felt cold all over.

"This sword is completely advanced, I am afraid it will be comparable to the Four Swords of Zhu Xian!" An ancient immortal whispered softly.

"However, San Zang is dead, and a great catastrophe is about to happen." Someone responded.

Vegett carefully explored the inside of the Blood Transforming God Sword, and whispered softly: "The soul is shattered and merged into the flesh."

"Although the blood-changing sword can swallow the body of Sanzang, it can't swallow the tenth reincarnation of Sanzang, the immortal soul that has gone through tens of thousands of years. Therefore, it is worthy of being promoted to the level of Zhuxianjian."

"If it can swallow the spirits of Sanzang, it will become the first sharp edge of the Three Realms, enough to kill the saints."

Of course, he said that, but he naturally wouldn't bury the spirit of Sanzang in order to be promoted to a weapon.

"Found it, spiritual mark."

Vegett's ten fingers kept tapping the long and narrow blade of the blood knife, and the deep voice sounded continuously, as if an ancient movement had been played.

The subtle to the extreme spiritual power penetrated into the Evolution Blood Sword, searching the entire Scarlet Space inch by inch.

Finally, in the hazy blood mist, Sanzang's little spiritual imprint was found.

The spiritual imprint is a more detailed soul power than the remnant soul.

After the divine soul is broken, it will turn into a remnant soul.

After the remnant soul is torn apart, it will disperse into a little bit of mental power.

These spiritual powers are scattered around the place where the Lord died, which is also the main reason why the immortal Buddha's sacred burial ground often occurs out of phase.

Vegett displayed his supernatural powers and brought all his spiritual powers together very carefully to form a small group of spiritual marks.

As he instilled the immortal energy into the mark, the mark began to shine.

In a few moments, a thumb the size of a thumb gradually condensed, the whole body was like a crystal, and a golden cicada glowing in it, floating in the air.

Tripitaka's air transportation was deprived, and even the power accumulated in the body for thousands of years was taken initiatively.

Otherwise, the Divine Blood Sword could not kill him at all.

Veget does not have to be so troublesome, so much trouble to help him come back to life.

Seeing Cicada Shadow, Vegett let out a long sigh, looking extremely tired.

He took out ten pills of Nine Rank Jin Dan from the porcelain bottle and took them one after another, then silently put away the porcelain bottle and blood knife.

He held the little golden cicada in his hand and checked it carefully, and found that it was just a transition from a lack of origin and fell into a state of deep sleep.

"Beget, this golden cicada is..."

Many immortals looked at him in amazement, and Emperor Donghua asked thoughtfully.

"He is Jin Chanzi, also called Master Sanzang."

Vegett nodded slightly and raised his eyes to the Maiden Bodhisattva: "Evil Thought Guanyin, come here."

Guan Shiyin felt cold in her heart, and didn't want to follow his instructions.

However, although the previous collision with the spirit hoop abolished Son Goku, she herself fell to the altar and became a mortal.

How can a mortal resist Vegett's will?

When Avalokitesvara came to her side, Vegett grabbed her wrist.

Pointing like a sword, slashed her upper wrist artery fiercely, but she didn't expect it to leave a shallow white mark.

Avalokitesvara had self-proclaimed a mortal, but his body was still unparalleled.

Vegett frowned, and the blood flickered in his hand, and a scalpel-sized blood scalpel appeared, cutting through the space and cutting out a deep wound in Avalokitesvara's wrist artery.

The holy blood that contained unpredictable power and dazzling divine light flowed out of the wound, dripping little by little on Jin Chanzi's transparent body.


As if there was a stream of fire dripping on her body, Jin Chan let out a painful cry and woke up from her deep sleep.

"Is Sanzang's body actually faded to such an extent? Even the power in his blood can't stand it..." Vegett frowned.

Taking a deep look at the blood lingering in Guanshiyin's wound, Emperor Donghua thought thoughtfully:

"The blood of the saint contains a terrifying divine power. Under the realm of Da Luo, who can withstand it? After absorbing several drops of Avalokitesvara's blood, the golden cicada did not explode and died. It is already a kind of powerful NS."*

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