Chapter 855

Just as Vegett recalled the plot in the original book, there was a sudden thunderous noise from the sky.

Then in the blink of an eye, a rolling cloud came out of nowhere, and within the cloud, lightning flashed and thunder, which was so strange that it was frightening.

"There is a demon crossing the border, hurry, hurry."

Through the wide-open city gate, Beget and others clearly saw that the pedestrians all over the street disappeared in a very short time, and many people were too late to go home, or even ran into other people's homes.


Purple light suddenly appeared in Veget's eyes, and he looked into the endless clouds.

But I saw that in the thick cloud, 18 majestic Venerable Buddhas with golden light shining in their hands, holding the swords of the devil.

Facing a young girl with white rhinoceros hair and white teeth, double moths fringed and green eyebrows, her eyes cut in autumn water, her fingers plucking spring onions, and a white dress, the scorching young girl launched a frantic attack.

The divine power attack is like a pouring rain, rumbling across the void, and killing it.

The white-clothed girl held a long sword with a sheath in her hand, and rushed towards the divine power attack, smashing eighteen Venerable Buddhas.

The long sword is like a whip like a mountain, seemingly light, slashing on the sword of the demon but domineeringly knocking the Buddha into the air, unstoppable.

"Fairy Zixia, why do you disregard the Buddha's strict orders, forcibly break away from the sun and moon magic lamp, and also injured the Buddhist guardian, wanting to escape from the western sky?!"

Among the Buddha, a spirit Buddha wearing a purple gold hoop shouted.

The woman frowned slightly, and said lightly: "Back then, the Tathagata suppressed me and Qingxia, forcibly curled us together, turned us into a wick, placed in the sun and moon lights, and divided our immortals day and night. "

"He let us turn into the eternal and immortal light, illuminating the entire western sky, illuminating the ten directions, and saying it is atonement. Time is long, ten thousand years have passed, and our sins have not been redeemed yet?"

"Is there any redemption? It doesn't count if you say it, and it doesn't count if I say it. You can only ask the Buddha for instructions. But you have no life to leave the magic lamp, causing the West to lose a corner of light. This is a serious crime and should be severely punished."

"Fairy Zixia, your cultivation is not easy, don't make mistakes on your own impulsiveness and ruin your life."

"Poor and graceful!" Zixia raised her brows and said in a loud voice: "Go away, I just want freedom, I don't want to kill more!"

Lingfo no longer responded, and together with the other seventeen people, they formed a large formation of Buddhism, carrying the entire sky, and slowly pressing towards Fairy Zixia.

A look of helplessness flashed in Zixia's eyes, her left hand grasped the hilt of the purple sword, and drew out the long sword thin as a cicada's wings and gleamed with purple light, and slashed at the eighteen Buddhas with one sword.

As she said at the beginning, she only wanted freedom and didn't want to kill people, so the sword in her hand has not been out of the sheath.

And now, when the sword is out of its sheath, the glow is shining, and the sword qi Fusion has eight directions auras, forming a huge purple lightsaber, fiercely piercing the formation of eighteen people, and smashing the eighteen Buddhas to all directions. .

The Three Realms are big or small, and the sacreds walk in the universe, and there will often be many encounters and passing by.

Having solved the sacredness of chasing and killing herself, Fairy Zixia wanted to go to the outer sky, and cultivate for a period of time in this place where the Buddhist power is the weakest.

After the cultivation base is fully restored, he will return to the Three Realms, conceal his name, and travel around the world.

On the road of pursuing freedom, look for someone who is destined for yourself.

Unexpectedly, before she left, a vaguely familiar voice suddenly sounded, coming from under the clouds.

"Fairy Zixia, long time no see."

Zixia waved away the dark clouds and looked down in front of Louyang City, looking at the completely strange face with some bewilderment: "God? Monster? We know?"

Hearing the word monster, the canopy eyes dimmed slightly, but the expression on his face did not change at all. He chuckled: "I am a god, but also a monster. We have had several fate for thousands of years ago."

"The fate of several sides ten thousand years ago..."

Zixia touched her nose and laughed out: "I have a bad memory recently, and I always forget a lot of things. It is normal to see you thousands of years ago and not know you now. Anyway, who are you?"

"My name is Canopy."

"Canopy... wait a minute." Zixia nodded, her eyes condensed suddenly, and she said in amazement: "Marshal Tiangong Navy, Canopy?"

"It's not the marshal for a long time." Tianpeng sighed and said, "It seems that you don't know anything about the current world."

Zixia flew down from the sky, and Zhuo stood in front of everyone.

"I just escaped from the big prison in Xitian two days ago, and I have been dealing with eighteen arhats for the past two days, and I have not had time to understand the world ten thousand years later. What, has it changed a lot now and ten thousand years ago?"

"It can't be said that it is very big, it should be said that it is very big." The canopy said seriously: "The story that happened in it, even if it is three days and three nights, can't be said to be one-tenth."

Zixia nodded and looked at Beijit and others: "It's okay, then you can tell me slowly. By the way, I don't know who these are?"

"I'll introduce it to you." Tianpeng said, pointing his finger at Son Goku: "His name is Son Goku, and his title is Monkey King. He is the double sage of Tiangong and Yaozu, suppressing all the geniuses of the same generation. ."

"The man next to him, named Vegett, is the titled Great Sage of Arms and Double Material. He is a rookie within a thousand years. In just a few hundred years, he has achieved the position of Da Luo."

"The fairy next to the Great Sage with Arms is the incarnation of Avalokitesvara's evil thoughts, and is now taken by Vegett as a maid."

"The man next to the Avalokitesvara is named Sha Wujing, and he is the marshal of the Heavenly Guards. I think you should have heard of him. The last one is the third prince in the Beihai Dragon Palace, the heir of the Sihailong clan. "

Having said that, the canopy felt something was wrong, so he raised his arm to point to Vegeta's shoulder, and his voice gradually became low:

"The golden cicada lying on Vegett's right shoulder is the famous golden cicada of the Three Realms. Because of a small accident, he had to be treated by Vegett's side."

"Jin Chanzi...?"

Zixia was imprisoned for thousands of years, and she had never heard of Son Goku and Vegeta, so she didn't feel much feeling in her heart.

Sha Wujing's presence here surprised her a bit.

After all, the Guards are the army that guards the Jade Emperor. It is indeed strange that the Marshal of the Guards is not in the Heavenly Court.

As for the evil thoughts of Guanyin, she can only be regarded as the evil thoughts of Guanyin subdued by Beijit.

After all, if it is the existence of the three corpses level, it is not something that a big Luo can control.

Well, the next little white dragon was swept away by her.

I don't know when it started. It seems that a popular law has been formed in the world.

The Four Seas Dragon Clan, which has a profound foundation, is the one that is most easily overlooked.

Perhaps this pot will be deducted from the low-key policy implemented by Sihailongwang over the years.

The canopy introduced to the people in front that Fairy Zixia took her heart, but she didn't pay too much attention to it, except for the existence of Jin Chanzi. *

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