Chapter 856

The canopy introduced to the people in front that Fairy Zixia took her heart, but she didn't pay too much attention to it, except for the existence of Jin Chanzi.

After all, in her impression, this is the second-generation chief of Buddhism, and he is a great figure in the west.

I have just escaped from the Western Sky, so I naturally need to be careful when encountering such a person.

However, looking at the appearance of the cicada, could it be beaten back to its original shape by someone, right?

"Yes, he is Jin Chanzi, this is a long story."

The canopy nodded, raised his eyes and looked at the bustling streets that gradually regained their lives, and stretched out his arms to point forward: "Let's go to the city, find a tavern, drink slowly and tell stories?"

Zixia had nothing to do with her, and she was pleased to follow her.

Afterwards, everyone came to a tavern with wine on the canopy, and briefly explained the stories that have happened over the past ten thousand years, as well as the more important events in the past thousand years.

For example, the big changes in the Three Realms, such as Son Goku's Raid in Heaven.

Afterwards, the canopy asked: "By the way, Zixia, has anyone pulled out your purple sword?"

Zixia shook her head and said: "Perhaps because of fate, I have never found anyone who can pull out the purple sword, nor my wishful man."

Vegeter was startled slightly, his eyes were complicated and he said, "Is there really that kind of saying? The person who can draw the purple sword is your wishful man, the person you should love most in this life?"

Zixia raised the sword in her hand, smiled and said, "That's it."

Vegett said seriously: "To be honest, don't you think this is a very unreliable thing? Love, only if you fall in love first, will you have feelings. Not someday in the future, there will be someone With this sword, you will fall in love with each other."

Zixia looked slightly strange and said, "I don't feel unreliable. This is the guide of fate. The person who can pull out the sword in my hand will definitely have the strength to make me fall in love with him. If not, he will not Maybe pull this sword out."

For her statement, Vegett was a little speechless.

After a moment of silence, he asked softly: "Can you take the liberty to ask, who gave you this sword, and who guided your thinking?"

"You mean, I was calculated?" Fairy Zixia asked seriously.

Vegett shook his head and said, "I can't tell. It just feels that things are not that simple. You are also innocent. You actually believe this kind of thing."

"It's not that I am innocent, but this is destiny."

Fairy Zixia hesitated for a moment, and finally told the truth in this relatively comfortable conversation environment.

"More than 20,000 years ago, when I was a mortal, I walked the world alone, dreaming of the white horse and long sword, and the world of knights."

"However, the immature girl doesn't know the dangers of the rivers and lakes. In a barren mountain, I was wounded by a pack of wolves, crying and crying, until I hid in an inexplicable temple. This saved my life."

"At that time, because of exhaustion, after hastily treating the wound, I fell asleep. In my sleep, I saw a huge ghost coffin that was dark and a hundred feet long, with a decadent and unknown aura. "

Ghost coffin, decadent and unknown breath?

Just hearing this description, Vegett felt a chill in his body.

"Fairy Zixia, in the coffin you are talking about, is there a voice that sounds so weak that it is difficult to distinguish between male and female creatures?"

Zixia's eyes widened, and she quickly asked, "How do you know?"

"Perhaps, I have seen it before."

Recalling the future portrayed by the coffin creatures, Vegett said with a complex expression.

"Really?" Zixia said in surprise: "When and where?"

"Two or three years ago, in the chaos." Begett said: "However, I can't be sure whether the creatures in the two coffins are the same, you continue to talk down."

Zixia suppressed the strangeness in her heart and said: "The creature in the ghost coffin said that it was fate that brought him here and saw me."

"After his voice fell, a sacred light crazily gushed from the coffin, instilled into my body, and condensed the innate Dao body for me."

"Later, three volumes of the Immortal Scriptures and the purple sword in my hand flew out of the coffin."

"The creature in the coffin said that this is the return of the thing to the original owner under the guidance of fate."

"In the future, I will meet a mortal enemy named Qingxia. Because of the struggle with her, I will be sealed in the same body by the Tathagata, forming a wick for the light of the West."

"After ten thousand years, I will get out of trouble, and I will meet the true son of my life. He can draw out this purple sword, and he is the greatest hero in the Three Realms."

"Nowadays, most of the words of the creatures in the coffin have actually happened. How do you make me doubt those predictions that have not happened next?"

Prophecy, another damn prophecy.

No, it's not just a prophecy, the creature in the coffin seems to have witnessed all the pictures with his own eyes.

"Well, can I give it a try?"

When Vegett was silent, the canopy suddenly spoke and pointed at the Ziqing sword in Zixia's hand.

Zixia threw the sword to him and said softly: "Why not? You can all give it a try to see who can pull the sword out."

The canopy took the beautifully shaped sword, held the middle of the scabbard in one hand, and tightly grasped the long hilt with the other hand, took a deep breath, and both arms began to exert force.




Pulling left and right, pulling up and pulling down, the canopy's face flushed, but he could not pull the long sword out of the scabbard for half a minute.


After a long time, he finally gave up the idea of ​​pulling it out, let out a long breath, and slapped the purple sword on the table.

"Well, it looks like I am not your hero."

Little Bailong looked up at the pure and handsome face of Fairy Zixia, moved slightly in his heart, reached out and picked up the Ziqing sword, trying to pull the long sword out of the sheath.

After several efforts, using all the divine power in his body, Xiao Bailong still didn't get what he wanted, and placed the sword on the table with eyes full of disappointment, silent.

"Lao Sha, don't you come to try it?" Tianpeng asked Sha Wujing with a chuckle.

"As far as I am concerned, for the moment, the great cause has not been achieved, so why can we talk about love?"

Sha Wujing shook his head and said, "If I really pull out this sword, it will be a trouble instead."

The canopy laughed: "You can really pull out the sword... Forget it, there is no way to force this kind of thing. Vegett, Brother Monkey, don't you two want to try it?"

Vegett shook his head and said, "I'm not interested. The coffin is a big evil thing, with ominousness. This purple sword, this seemingly beautiful motto, comes from an ominous source. God knows that the sword was pulled out at the same time. , Will it be planted a curse."*

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