And on the way to the palace of the whole king, I ran into people from the ninth universe!

The Realm King God said softly, "Everyone of the Ninth Universe! The

people of the Ninth Universe immediately bowed and said, "Lord Inspector!

Wang Teng swept past them one by one, then nodded and said, "Hmm!

"Let's go, the king is still waiting!"

After arriving at the palace, the great priest looked at everyone and smiled: "It's all here!" "

Except for Wang Teng, Weis, and the angels of the ninth universe, the rest of the people present fell to their knees, and even Goku uncharacteristically knelt on the ground!

At this moment, the Great Priest spoke, "Imitate the Martial Arts Society of the Earth!"

"We will also prepare the ring and the audience!"

I saw the Great Priest stretch out his right hand, and immediately a colorful light appeared, and everyone fell!

After a while, everyone fell on the red audience!

Wang Teng and the two angels also slowly fell!

At a glance, a ring stands alone in the center, flanked by spectators!

The Great Priest stood on an independent ring and slowly fell, and then said softly!

"All the gods, come!"

Suddenly, the destruction gods of the twelve universes, angels, and realm king gods all appeared on the scene!

And Wang Teng was also independently arranged in a position a little below the whole king!

Looking at the amazing scene, Weiss said: "All the realm gods, destruction gods, and angels of the twelve universes have arrived!"

Gohan looked at the gods around him and muttered, "The gods of destruction are actually here!" And

Goku immediately climbed into the audience and waved at Elephant Pa!

"Hey, Lord Xiangpa, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

At this moment, the Great Priest said with a serious expression: "Goku, please keep quiet!" Wang

Teng had his hands behind his back, and Wukong, who was standing not far from the Great Priest, shook his head with a smile!

After a while, the Great Priest spoke again, "All the Realm King Gods and Destruction Gods of the entire universe!"

"Everyone should have heard that this power conference is a martial arts conference held at the request of King Quan!"

"Before it was held, because of another king from the future, I didn't know what kind of event the Martial Arts Conference was!"

"So we decided to hold a panorama competition before that!"

"All kings!"

"Drive to!"

As soon as the words fell, under the slight owe of the Great Priest, a golden light descended from the sky!

Two kings appeared on the scene sitting on the throne, and two guards stood on either side!

All the surrounding gods bowed their heads slightly to their whole bodies!

At this moment, Goku shouted, "Hey, Ah Quan! "

I'm here!"

At this moment, Beerus's eyes widened sharply, and cold sweat immediately broke out on his forehead!

Xiangpa was also dumbfounded and muttered, "His name is A... Ah Quan! "

In the next second, Goku flew towards the whole king and landed next to him!

"Long time no see, Ah Quan!"

At this moment, Beerus burst out, directly grabbed Goku and threw him back into the audience!


Goku slammed into the audience!

Looking at the two kings in front of him, Beerus's body immediately stood straight, constantly bending over, and apologizing!

"I'm sorry to alarm you two!"

Then he quickly slipped back into the audience of the seventh universe!

Goku holds his head!

"It hurts!"

Gohan immediately said, "Dad, that attitude in front of the whole king is not good!"

Beerus returned to the audience and said, "That's it, beware of being cleared!" "

The discussion of the destruction gods of the universe is constant!

"I didn't expect the seventh universe to have such an impudent person!"

"I hope it didn't off the king, I haven't seen this kind of guy yet!"

The Great Priest raised his right hand and said, "Everyone! "

The holding of the Power Conference was first proposed by the Divine Realm Inspector before it was realized!"

"Inspector, say two words!"

Wang Teng immediately took a step forward and said slowly: "I heard that there are many hidden masters in the universe, so the purpose of holding this power conference is to unearth hidden masters!" At

this moment, the milky voice of the whole king came!

"Little Tengteng!"

"Let's start the battle quickly!"

"Hurry up!"

Wang Teng nodded and turned to look at all the people: "Let me explain to everyone that in this comprehensive conference, three martial artists will be selected by the ninth and seventh universes!" "

One-on-one battles in order!"

"Time is not limited!"

"The match will continue until the opponent admits defeat or the match cannot continue!"

"I hope you will do your best to fight!"

At this moment, the Realm King of the Ninth Universe said, "Lord Inspector!

"Does the winning side get any prize?"

Hearing this, Wang Teng continued: "The purpose of the All-Around Competition is to convey the charm of martial arts to the future king!

"Not to judge the merits of the two universes!"

"But since the king wants everyone to give their all, if there is a discrepancy, it may also interrupt the game!"

Hearing Wang Teng's words, the realm king god of the ninth universe was sweating!

The Ninth Universe Destroyer said softly, "If the king feels that the game is dull and boring, it is possible to make him disappear on the spot, right?" Hearing

this, Wang Teng said lightly: "I can only say that there is this possibility!"

"Everything is decided by the idea of the king!"

After that, Wang Teng returned to his position!

Then, the Great Priest raised his hands and said, "Now start the first competition!"

"Please stand in the ring!"

Basil, the red wolf of the ninth universe, laughed: "Let me play the first game!" "

He jumped into the ring!

The Realm King God of the Ninth Universe raised his fist and said, "It's up to you, Basil!"

"Show your hand well in front of the whole king!"

Beerus looked at the red wolf who jumped up and said, "Hmph, it doesn't look like a big deal!"

"Then according to Lord Wang Teng's explanation, Broly will go first!"

Broly then stood up and jumped straight into the ring!

Goku shouted, "Come on!

Wang Teng looked at Broly who jumped into the ring, and his heart was full of confidence!

As long as it is not Gillian, I am afraid that no one is his opponent!

Broly looked at the red wolf on the opposite side with an expressionless face!

Looking at Broly, Balz smiled: "You are my opponent? At

this moment, the voice of the Great Priest came!

"The first game begins!"

As soon as the Great Priest's words fell, Basil disappeared directly in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Broly!

He swept towards Broly with a heavy kick, and in the face of the enemy's onslaught, Broly stretched out his right arm and steadily resisted the opponent's attack!

Seeing that Broly actually blocked his attack, Basil was obviously stunned, and then retreated!

The next moment, Basil launched a fast attack towards Broly, the speed was so fast that only a red shadow could be seen in the ring shaking!

The milky voice of the whole king came!

"So fast!"


Looking at Basil who was constantly moving in the air, Broly moved, and his body also moved in the air, and it was faster and faster, gradually turning into a green light!

Bump bump!!

The amazing sound of collision came from the air!

The fierce wind immediately blew down!


Basir's red figure fell quickly from the air!


He landed heavily on the ground, and in the next second, Broly appeared behind him!

Basil quickly turned around and kicked Broly, his leg speed was getting faster and faster!

Gohan looked at the ring and muttered, "It seems that the opponent is very good at kicking!"

Hearing this, Goku said softly: "Yes, this guy is good!" The

next moment, what shocked Balz was that his proudest leg kick was actually broken by Broly!

I saw Broly grab Basil's leg and throw it out directly!


Basil smashed heavily on the ring, and the audience was shocked!

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