Basil slowly stood up, his face was extremely solemn, he didn't expect that the seventh universe had just sent such a strong fighter!

Then he quickly rushed towards Broly, his kick blasted out, but was directly slapped by Broly's palm, and at this moment, Balz took the opportunity to shoot out an air ejection!


The gas bomb immediately engulfed Broly!

Thick soot covered Broly!

Basil took the opportunity to keep shooting air bombs in his hand, and the speed was getting faster and faster!

The prince's tactics roared out!


Suddenly, countless air bombs fell!


The amazing explosion came immediately!

The entire ring was filled with smoke and dust, and it was impossible to see the situation inside!

Basil in the air suddenly burst out laughing!

"It's just weak!"

"It's not even a game to kill time!"

In the audience of the seventh universe, the king of the realm Shenxin looked worried: "I didn't expect Broly to be hit so easily!"

And at this moment, the Realm King God of the Ninth Universe also laughed!


"Our strongest and most vicious fighters in the ninth universe!"

"Its name is Dangerous Trio!"

"Now fighting is their youngest brother, Basil who is good at shooting hard!"

"Hurry up and die, there is no possibility of winning at your level!"

And even the Jebit God of the seventh universe can't stand it!

"What a vulgar realm king god!"

Hearing this, Beerus said, "You can imagine the quality of the ninth universe!"

Wang Teng frowned and thought in his heart!

"Are all the guys in the ninth universe fools?"

"Have you ever heard of the law of smoke without harm?"


After the smoke and dust slowly dispersed, Broly walked out intact!

Basil's laughter stopped abruptly, his eyes widened sharply, and he dared not say anything: "What?

"It's actually intact!"

Then, his expression immediately changed, and he said with a smile: "He must be holding it hard, watching me tear his disguise!" In

the next second, Basil rushed towards Broly, her speed increased again, and her fast leg strikes were amazing!

Broly is constantly dodging enemy attacks in the air!

Seventh Universe in the audience!

"Gohan, did you notice? Those guys in the ninth universe can't feel the breath!

Goku said softly!

Hearing this, Gohan nodded and said, "Yes, it looks normal, but I don't feel the breath!"

"If you can't feel the breath, you don't know how strong your opponent is!"

"It's very difficult for us to deal with!"

"However, Broly is an exception, and his growth rate is unimaginable!"

Hearing Gohan's words, a look of surprise appeared on Goku's face!

And Wang Teng above is also full of confidence on his face!

Just then, Goku laughed!

"I'm excited now because I met opponents beyond our common sense, strong opponents from various universes that have never been seen before!"

"I want to meet them well!"

"What kind of players are there in other universes, it's too exciting!"

Beerus looked at Goku and said helplessly, "Nervous-free guy!

"Now is not the time to get excited!"

Hearing this, Weiss said: "This may be the reason why the king wants Wukong!" "




Basil was knocked out again and hit the pillar next to the ring hard!

Basil's eldest brother looked at the battle in the ring, always feeling that something was wrong, so he shouted: "Hey, Basil shows your true skills, the opponent is not simple!"

Basil, who stabilized his figure, turned his head and said, "I know, I don't need to remind you big brother!" "


With a low roar, Basil's body rose up like a divine flame, and the entire ring was constantly shaking!

The terrifying wind is constantly blowing around!

Broly suddenly felt like he was in the center of a typhoon, but he was still expressionless!

Then, Basil's legs were wrapped in flame-like power, and he quickly rushed towards Broly!

"Look at the move!"


A quick kick hit Broly!


A few moves in a row, kick Broly into the sky, and then smash it to the ground, the speed is extremely fast, it is dizzying!


Broly slammed into the ground!

At this moment, Basil in the air roared!

"Flash Blaster !!"

Red flames were immediately wrapped around his legs, and several air bombs immediately flew out!



Amazing explosions came!

Suddenly, the rocks flew and the ring shook!

Thick smoke filled the ring!

Basil slowly fell from the air, and he laughed!

"The seventh universe is not my opponent at all!"

Looking at Basil who had the upper hand, the Ninth Universe King God smiled: "It is worthy of being one of the dangerous trios!"

"Beat them with a bang!"

After the smoke and dust slowly dispersed, Broly slowly walked out again, and the attack just now didn't even stain his clothes!

Basil immediately looked shocked!

"What's going on? How is he not yet falling! "

In the next second, Broly immediately exploded, and white waves of qi immediately rolled in!

Basil took a step back, and red flames appeared on his legs again!

"The next move will definitely make you lie down!"

I saw that the flames on his legs were getting stronger and stronger, and in the next second, a fiery red gas bomb was immediately kicked out by him!

In the face of the fiery red gas bomb that rushed quickly, Broly stretched out his hands and immediately pushed over!

The fiery red air bomb suddenly stopped in front of Broly!

The aftermath of amazing power continues to spread around!

Broly drank violently, and the white qi wave continued to rise, and he clenched his fists and smashed it directly!

Suddenly, the fiery red gas bomb was smashed out!

Seeing the air bomb flying towards the eleventh universe!

Looking at the flying air bombs, the realm king god of the eleventh universe said softly: "Topo!

The black-robed Tuo Po said, "Leave it to me!" I

saw that he stretched out his right hand and pressed on the fiery red gas bomb that flew quickly!

In the next second, he grabbed it sharply, and the gas bomb turned into a little energy and dissipated!

Topo's voice came slowly!

"You're too rude to the gods!"

At this moment, Xiangpa's eyes widened!

"Who the hell is that guy?"

Hearing this, Bardos said, "That seems to be a contestant from the eleventh universe!" And

at this moment, Broly immediately rushed out!

A heavy kick was directly in the face of Basil!


His body immediately flew backwards, extremely fast!

At this moment, Broly's body instantly appeared in front of him and kicked out upwards!

With a scream, Basil's body suddenly flew into the air quickly!


Broly was faster and appeared over Basil again!

I saw that he clenched his fists, and his heavy fists smashed directly on his body!



Basil's body smashed into the ground like a cannonball!

Suddenly, the ground was full of smoke!

After the smoke and dust slowly dispersed, I saw Basil's head inserted into the ring, his feet exposed in the air, embarrassed!


Broly appeared directly next to him, grabbed his legs directly, and pulled him out alive!


With his cheers, Basil was directly thrown out and smashed heavily on the huge pillars around the ring!

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