In the roar of Kail and Kalifra, two golden gas bombs collided with Goku's white-blue shockwave!

Suddenly, the terrifying power immediately spread towards the surroundings!

Two amazing shock waves formed an oval-shaped circle of energy in the air!

Califra roared, "Kel, hold on!

"You're my partner!"

"Follow me wherever you go!"

Hearing this, Kel's eyes burst into tears!


In the next second, her body immediately erupted with amazing momentum!


The green flame rises rapidly!

I saw her body swell again, and the terrifying power immediately roared out!

Suddenly, an astonishing green energy immediately pushed the white-blue shockwave back!

Look at the sudden outbreak of Kail!

Kalifra smiled and said, "It's so strong, I won't lose to you!" "

Come !! with a bang"


As the two cheered, red and green energy intertwined and rushed forward quickly!

Just for a moment, the white-blue shockwave was immediately crushed!

Looking at the terrifying energy that struck quickly, Goku directly launched teleportation!





The terrifying power immediately rushed straight into the sky and completely exploded in the air!

The next moment, Kail and Kalifra slowly walked out from the thick smoke!


Goku appears in the air!

"That's awesome!"

"But is it really okay for her to become like this?"

Califra looked at Goku, who was completely fine, and pouted, "I didn't expect you to be able to dodge, it's really powerful, uncle!"

"Kyle has already controlled this top-level super energy!"

"You better admit defeat!"

But in the next second, Kaier suddenly turned back into an ordinary person and fell down!

Califra hurried to hold Kyle!


Goku looked at Kaier, who had fainted, and knew that he couldn't fight again, so he collected the power of Super Blue!

"It seems that she is tired, we will decide the winner next time!"

"At that time, it will be the real battle!"


The face of the Eleventh Universe Destruction God was full of disbelief!

"Team Pride actually lost six people at once?"

Cold sweat also broke out on the forehead of the Realm King God!

"Maybe now is not the time to preserve combat effectiveness!"


Wang Teng looked at the remaining soldiers on the battlefield and said with a smile: "It seems that the layout battle has come to an end, followed by the confrontation of the masters!"

"The battle is going to get more intense!"

Hearing this, the two kings immediately said excitedly: "I'm looking forward to it!"

"I'm excited!"


At this moment, the captain of the second space warrior, Riburian, said softly: "Kakuunsha, Sue!"

"Now is the time for us to show our strength!"

Next moment!

Riburian suddenly shouted to all the fighters in the ring: "Soldiers, please pay attention!

Suddenly, all the fighters looked over!

Even Wang Teng's mirror doppelganger cast curious eyes!

I saw three beautiful girls from the second universe standing on a boulder!

At this moment, Riburian turned his head and said softly, "Are you two ready?"

Both Kaquinsha and Sue nodded!

Looking at the three people who were out of the limelight, the Realm King God of the Second Universe said excitedly: "The time has come!" Hearing

this, Helles, the destruction god of the Second Universe, immediately stood up and said softly: "The battlefield at this moment is about to bloom with lovely flowers!" When

Beerus heard Helles' words, he looked confused and said, "What? Cute flowers?

Xiangpa immediately roared, "What are you talking about without a head!" At

this moment, Riburian's voice came!

"I am Ribrian De Chateau, a warrior of the Second Universe!"

The other two girls also introduced themselves!

Riburian continued: "Let it bloom, let it sound in the sky, the song of love and victory!"

"Come on, let's transform!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of Riburian immediately began to transform!

Goku looked at the transformation of the three and was surprised: "Could it be that the energy has been enhanced?"

Beerus dozed off and said, "But it looks like a children's cabaret!" Just

as the three of them transformed, a golden shockwave suddenly shot out!


Suddenly, the fire and smoke completely engulfed the three of them!

The 17th slowly fell from the sky!

Goku looked at the falling No. 17 and asked, "No. 17, did you do it just now?" Hearing

this, No. 17 said: "Because there are many gaps, is there a problem?"

Goku said, "It's a rare opportunity, let them give their all!" Looking

at the naïve Goku, No. 17 spread his hands and walked aside!

Beerus cursed angrily: "This fool, the enemy should have defeated them before he showed his true ability!" The

Realm King God said helplessly: "No way, Wukong is like this!" At

this moment, the three people who had completed their transformations immediately launched a red heart attack towards the entire battlefield!

In the next second, the three of Riburian immediately turned into a wheel of love, and the first one to suffer was Gilasen of the tenth universe!

He was ruthlessly knocked out of the ring!

Subsequently, the Great Priest immediately announced: "Gilasen of the tenth universe is out!" "

Next moment!

Su launched a fierce attack on Goku!

"Ah, rotten rot..." Facing

her fast fist, Goku constantly resisted her fist!

However, her fists are getting faster and faster, and even Goku is gradually tired of parrying!

The God of Destruction Helles immediately said: "Suna's peak genre is a sparse punch!" "

Serial punches, sharper, tougher!"

"The strength is getting stronger and stronger!"

Su's fist became faster and faster, so fast that it finally turned into a little golden gas bomb!

"Oh, go !!"

In the face of the rapid attack of golden gas bombs, Goku quickly resisted!

Under Goku's continuous fast fists, the golden air bomb was immediately shocked away!

And at this moment, an air bomb actually stopped in front of Goku, and then slammed into his face!

Goku shouted, "It hurts!

Hellers' voice came again!

"Sometimes soothing, sometimes intense!"

"The moves change freely, like a girl's heart!"


I saw Kakunsa clawing towards the 17th!

Then, she made a rapid claw strike at No. 17!

No matter how fast her claw strikes, No. 17 is easy to dodge!

Then, No. 17 grabbed the gap in her attack and kicked out, but Caquinsa's agility surprised No. 17, and she dodged No. 17's attack by jumping up quickly!

In the next second, Caquinza actually bit into the arm of No. 17!

Hellers' voice came again!

"Kakunsha is an orc warrior with beast instincts!"

"Just like a hunter aiming at his prey, be sure to catch it gorgeously!"

The next moment, No. 17's body turned violently and slammed into her body!

Kaquinza's body flew into the air!

"My fangs and claws have been taught!"

"You are already my prey!"

"This is to disturb others to transform and invite resentment!"


Kaquinsa's body moved quickly through space!

Realm King Shen Xin was surprised: "She stood on the rubble and launched continuous attacks!"

"Very good at using fragmented rings!"

Hearing this, Weiss also said: "Scratch, tear, jump!"

"It's uncompromising wildness!"

Hearing Weis's evaluation, Helles laughed: "Exactly right!

"The Rubble Wilderness is the stage where Caquinza shows off her skills!"

"No respite, crisscrossing attacks!"

"There is no escape!"

"Desperately dodging is nothing more than a death throes!"

"The powerful physical strength of the orc warrior will never stop attacking the fist!"

"Until the prey is exhausted!"

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