Like a bladed claw, it constantly attacks No. 17, and the speed of Caquinsha is getting faster and faster!

But the 17th did not show fatigue in the slightest!

She may not know what unlimited energy is!

At this moment, No. 17's pants and back clothes were torn by Kaquinsha's claws, and his whole person squatted directly!

Beerus was shocked and said, "Hey, he's okay!" The

next moment, Caquinza smiled and rushed towards No. 17!

"Prey, I'm going to catch you!"

In the face of the fast rushing Caquinsha, the 17th directly opened the protective shield!

Kaquinza hit the shield hard!

Looking at the Kakunsa attached to the protective shield, No. 17 smiled: "Unfortunately, you think the opportunity has come?"

Kakunsa said with difficulty: "You pretend that your strength is insufficient..." Hearing

this, No. 17 said: "In terms of physical strength, I also have a little self-confidence!"

"But you've completely fallen into a trap!"

In the next second, the green shield emitted a dazzling light and spun rapidly!

In the screams of Kaquinsha, she was directly turned quickly!


The protective shield burst directly, and she was thrown out!


The 17th instantly appeared above her!


His heavy kick hit Kaquinsha's body!

Beerus said excitedly: "Okay, this must be out of bounds!" At

this moment, the second cosmic warrior Bikar spread her wings and saved her!

The two rushed towards the 17th!

The 17th was caught off guard and rushed to the ground by the Kakunsa duo!

Suddenly, a long trail appeared on the ground, and smoke and dust rose everywhere!

Kakunsha smiled, "Thank you, Bikar!"

Hearing this, Bikar said, "Hello, Kakunsha Niangniang!"

Realm King Shenxin exclaimed, "I didn't expect it to be pushed back from the outside world!"

"Winged warriors are really so difficult!"

After the smoke cleared, the 17th fell into the rubble pile!

At this moment, No. 18 came over with a smile!

"I'm in trouble!"

"Do you want me to help you?"

No. 17 stood up casually

, "No!"

"Facing the beasts reminds me of the animals left on the island!"

"It's inevitable to be careless!"

"I'll take it seriously!"


The 17th disappeared in place!

At this moment, Bikar flew in the air and looked at Caquinsha!

"Then I'll go rescue the other members!"

Hearing this, Kakunsha said, "Okay, that prey can be cleaned up by me!" "

The next second, the 17th moved at high speed!

When he reappeared, he was already above Bikar, and I saw that he clenched his fists, and the heavy two-fist attack smashed on Bikar's body!

Then, the speed of the 17th was extremely fast, constantly moving at high speed in the battlefield!

Everyone could only see a shadow, and Bikar was thrown out of the ring in a daze!

The Great Priest announced immediately!

"Bikar of the second universe is out of bounds!"

The king immediately destroyed her avatar!

In the next second, Caquinza rushed to No. 17 like crazy!

"Bastard, actually shot down Bikar!"

And at this moment, No. 17 directly burst out, and a heavy knee slammed into Kaquinsha's body!

"The guy who can fly is too eye-catching, I'll clean up first!"

Quickly stabilizing her figure, Caquinza launched a fierce attack on the 17th!

The fierce crashing sound kept coming!

Just when the two were inextricably separated, Bribuan fell from the sky and separated the two!

"Beautiful girl to help you, Kaquinsha!"

Constantly retreating, Kaquinza roared: "Riburian, that man is my prey!"

"Beakar's vendetta will let me avenge!"

Hearing this, Burian muttered, "Kakunsha!

"Okay then!"

"Love is with you, Kaquinsa!"

In the next second, No. 17 and Caquensa moved quickly in the ring!

I saw a green and white light and shadow constantly shaking in the ring!

Bump bump!!

White sonic boom rings constantly appear in the battlefield!

The entire ring is covered with white claw shadows and white sonic boom rings!

The amazing crash sound keeps coming!

The 18th looked at the 17th, who became serious, and turned away!

At this moment, the light in the No. 17 hand surged and two golden gas bombs immediately shot out!


No. 17 borrowed the impact of the light bullet explosion and withdrew from the battle circle!

Then, Caquinza rushed over!

"I'm not afraid of this move!"

At this moment, the dazzling light attracted the attention of Caquunsha!

I saw that No. 17 had gathered a huge golden gas bomb!

Kakunsha rushed over with a hideous expression, because at this moment she had no way out!

Looking at the Caquinsha who rushed like a beast, No. 17 immediately threw the huge gas bomb in his hand!

"Your fighting style has taught me a lot!"

In a scream, Kakunsha was immediately engulfed by a huge golden gas bomb!

Caquinza has been washed off the ring all the time!

Goku looked at the winner and smiled, "Okay, No. 17!" "

Hand No. 17 in his pocket and slowly falling from the air!

The Great Priest announced again: "Second Universe Kakunsha is out!"

Beerus excitedly said, "Okay, great!

"Get two at once!"

"It's worthy of the 17th!"

Ribrian looked at the falling No. 17 and said in a deep voice: "You not only disturbed our transformation, but also shot down Bikar and Kakunsa!"

"I absolutely cannot be forgiven!"

"The beautiful girl is furious!"

I saw that Ribri's safe body exuded pink aura, and the momentum was amazing!

"How dare you take my partner..."

"Knocked Kakunsa off the ring and made enemies of weak women, fierce and cold-blooded men!"

"The Dark Warriors who attempt to destroy our second universe!"

"Report your name first!"

Hearing this, No. 17 laughed and said, "So it is, say that I am a wicked person... OK!

"My name is Cyborg 17!"

"Warrior of Love Riburian, for the continued existence of our seventh universe, please disappear from this stage!"

Hearing the words of the 17th, Ribrian roared: "I will not let you do this, as long as my love is still there!"

"The happiness of the second universe will be guarded by me!"

At this moment, the 17th also became serious!

"Well, my wish and your love, let's decide which is stronger!"

Then the two rushed towards each other!

In the next second, the two fought together!

The fierce impact sound continued to come, and the golden light continued to come from the place where the two collided!

The 17th continued to launch fierce attacks, and Riburian did not show weakness!

The two are constantly fighting each other in the ring!


After the two collided, quickly separated!

Number 17 said, "You still have two strokes!"

Ribrian, who was covered in pink qi, roared, "I don't want to be praised by the dark warrior!" "


On the other side, Su is still firing golden gas bombs at Goku!

I saw that the entire space was covered with golden air bombs!

Goku kept throwing out his fast fists, slamming into the golden gas bombs that kept sweeping in!

Su attacked while saying, "You guys actually attacked Kakunsha, the seventh universe can't be forgiven!"

And at this moment, countless golden gas bombs actually paused in the air before attacking Wukong, which completely disrupted Wukong's resistance rhythm!

Then, Goku's screams came, and several air bombs smashed on Goku's body!

Beerus said angrily, "What is that guy doing!" Hearing

this, Realm King Shen Xin said, "Attacks mixed with illusions are not easy to deal with!"

Suddenly, countless golden explosion circles appeared on the entire ring, brilliant!

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