
Hearing that Son Gohan agreed, Hit's face rarely showed a trace of excitement.

Although he didn't understand why Son Gohan knew about the Flash Time Kung Fu.

But it didn't matter.

The important thing was to be able to fight him.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Champa and Bardos retreated to the side to watch the battle without a trace.

They gave up the venue.

Although they firmly believed that Hit would never be Son Gohan's opponent no matter what.

But occasionally watching such a suspenseful battle can be quite interesting.

Hit put his hands in his pockets.

This is his usual fighting style.

Putting his hands in his pockets to conceal the trajectory of his hands, such unexpected attacks often have miraculous effects.

Many people are obviously more powerful than him, but they are also defeated by his weird way of attack.

Staring at Son Gohan, seeing that Son Gohan was unmoved, Hit couldn't help but said:"Won't you transform?"

Son Gohan:"Not yet, you go first."

Hit frowned.

No need to transform? Does this mean that you think you are not qualified to be his opponent?

Hit couldn't help feeling a little angry.

""Okay." But he didn't show it, and said lightly.

Since you let me make the first move, then I'll make the first move.

Hit adjusted his state to the peak, staring at Son Gohan intently, and then he moved.


Moving at super high speed.

Of course, all this could not escape Son Gohan's eyes.

Suddenly, time jumped.

It was only 0.1 seconds.

Hit suddenly appeared in front of Son Gohan, and his hands in his pockets shook.

The space was distorted.

Fast, very fast, to an extreme speed.

But Son Gohan was faster than him!

Hit obviously attacked him in front of him, but Son Gohan raised his hand and grabbed him back.


A surprised sound was heard.

Hit's neck seemed to be automatically delivered to Son Gohan's hands, and was tightly grasped by Son Gohan, making him unable to move.

He couldn't figure it out.

Why did Son Gohan see through his actions.

It was only 0.1 seconds.

At that time, time almost stopped.

He used his breath to create an almost perfect self, and feinted from the front.

But the real him had long been hidden in a short parallel time and space, attacking from behind.

This kind of move is unpredictable and often difficult to defend against.

But why did Son Gohan recognize his original position without even looking back?

That was a short parallel time and space with a time of 0.1 seconds.

It's not that kind of mediocre illusion and clone technique.

Son Gohan smiled and let go.

Hit's face became a little darker, he lowered his head slightly, and said:"I lost."

He admitted that he lost.

He was killed instantly, in the 0.1 second when he thought he was almost invincible.

Son Gohan said:"You are a killer. This kind of frontal combat is not what you are good at. If you attack in the dark, your strength will be several times stronger."

Hit said:"That's what you said, but losing is losing. Even if you attack in the dark, I will not be your opponent. I'm just curious, how did you see the location of my real body?"

Son Gohan said:"In the face of absolute strength, all skills are futile, not to mention that my use of breath is better than yours."


If it weren't for the practice of the breath of Yadrat, Son Gohan would not have won as easily as he did now.

Hit was silent for a moment, then said:"I understand."

Strong, Son Gohan is really too strong.

Only after fighting in person can you feel the unmatched strength.

Not to mention, Son Gohan hadn't transformed before.

Absolute strength, right?

Hit secretly decided that he would also start to strengthen his own strength.

Strong power is the foundation of everything.

Other skills are just auxiliary.

Only when the two complement each other can they exert a stronger strength.

Son Gohan said to Hit:"Everyone has his own way. I hope you can find a method that suits you as soon as possible, and then become stronger as soon as possible.""

"Looking forward to your next challenge"

""Well, OK." Hit replied, then turned and left without stopping for a moment. He was just like a lonely swordsman.

Killers, should they all be this lonely?

Looking at the direction where Hit's spaceship disappeared, Son Gohan sighed:"This guy's spaceship is quite fast."

Xiangpa laughed and walked over.

"Haha, of course, because I gave him that spaceship."

"Given by Lord Champa?" So that's what Son Gohan guessed.

And what Bardos said next confirmed his idea.

Bardos said:"During the Tournament of Power, Lord Champa promised to reward Hit with the fastest spaceship in the universe in order to get him to join the war."

Son Gohan smiled and said:"Lord Champa is quite generous, but he is a little stingy with me."

Champa glared and said angrily:"Nonsense, how am I stingy with you?"

"You see, Hitt just participated in the competition, and you gave him the fastest spaceship in the universe. But what about me? I made a wish to let the Super Dragon restore the entire universe."

"But where is my reward? No, all I got was a glare from Mr. Xiangpa. I was really wronged."

"you……"Champa pointed at Son Gohan, breathing rapidly and unable to speak.

Bardos laughed beside him, shaking with laughter.

Son Gohan went over and put his arm around Champa's shoulder and said with a smile,"How about this, Lord Champa, tell me what treasures you have, tell me everything and I'll pick one, how about that?"

"I don't have any baby, you wish for it." Xiangpa said unhappily.

"That's why I said that Lord Xiangpa is a stingy person."

""Hohoho~" Bardos laughed wildly

"It's boring. Let's go to Earth to eat.���"Xiangpa turned and said,"

It doesn't matter. Just let this kid talk."

Xiangpa decided to start. He wanted to see what Son Gohan could do.

Tsk, wait until you say you are tired, tired of playing, and then you will stop by yourself.

What kind of storms has my Lord Xiangpa not seen?

"Let's go eat first."

Son Gohan waved his hand.

"But Lord Xiangpa, let me make it clear in advance that if you don't give me the treasure, you won't be able to sleep tonight."Son Wuhan laughed coldly.

"Wow, good fellow." Xiangpa jumped up as if his tail was stepped on.

He rolled up his non-existent sleeves, got angry, and shouted,"Want a fight, do you?"

"Oh, come on, come on, I just didn't have enough fun just now." Son Gohan also laughed

"Come on, am I afraid of you?" Xiangpa stared at Son Gohan with his teeth bared.

Son Gohan stared at him.

Suddenly, there was lightning and thunder all around.

A strong wind suddenly arose in the space, blowing the corners of several people's clothes.

"Hey, it seems like there's something interesting to watch, hehe~" Bardos squinted his eyes and covered his mouth with a smile, then quietly stepped back a distance.


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